
Chapter 139 139 Eisheth… let us help you

Chapter 139 139 Eisheth… let us help you

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Lucy was inside her illusion, a world of pink fog with strange images of attractive-looking women, mostly naked of course, doing things that would flatter the hearts of most men, were floating all around him.

The demoness who created this illusion was there as well, but she was floating, circling around him with a smile on her face.

"Oh pretty boy, is your name Lucy? I heard her call you that, and I think it is a very pretty name~."

Lucy was still, looking down instead of at the images circling around him. He knew they were illusions and she was trying to say something with the last bit of her mind, so, he was listening, for now. He will stop it the moment she gets out of hand and lays her hands on him.

"I have had pretty attractive creatures to please me during my time here, but none had been like you, dear.

You're strong, you are pretty, you have this sweet scent to you that I have never experienced, and you even have this attractive body… and that pretty thing hidden under those hard biscuits.

You're perfect, more than the definition of perfection I had known before seeing you both. Ah, right. I don't discriminate between genders. If there's a sex, they are welcomed~. Hehe.

You are tough-minded, this hard body, those sharp eyes, this strong mind, this… this strong smell. Ahhhh~.

Just drop this tough act human~. Come~. Gimme that strong hard rod~. Kiss me, touch me, let me show you the sweetest dreams like you had never experienced before~."

She said that, with a strange pink aura, which had a little pinch of darkness, circling around her. Her pink eyes contained a little madness, and the hair that was white until now was starting to turn black from its ends.

She was changing, which meant she had little time before it was her end before nothing remained of her.

"Do you remember, Eisheth?"

He didn't like her, he didn't like how she gave up, how she chose a path that only brought her darkness, how she became a scum bitch and monster from an honorable master of her field.

He didn't like it. He loathed it actually. But, he wasn't like El.

Even if he wanted to just kill her right this moment, not that he could, he still had to do what he could to remind her about herself, at least try and see if there was even a window of hope that he could save her, if not from himself, then at the very least, from the self-destroying hell, she had fallen into.

"Your name, Eisheth Einzewotiya Incubus."

He knew how it feels when you give up everything, there's nobody to help you, you are left alone when you are a being that could never live on your own, when everything becomes just too unbearable, and giving up seems to be the easiest way out.

"Your family that always loved and cherished you?"

She was alone here, she had been left alone. And for a succubus that needed others for her survival, it was a punishment worse than eternal death.

"Remember how there used to be a time when people praised and thanked you for helping them with their stress, problems, sadness, and darkness?"

He knew it was impossible to cure the one who had already been corrupted without certain special means, which were impossible to get right now, so he knew saving her from this wasn't possible. That's why he was focusing solely on killing her.

"You used to be the famous 'madem' of eighth hell's third part, the home your parents still maintain to this day."

She will have to die and she will die, that was her fate now. But, even though she chose to fall to darkness and give up fighting, all this could have been different.

"They used to say you have talent surpassing the geniuses and royals. Our dad even called you the 'little genius Eish', remember?"

She didn't choose to be in this hellish place, she didn't choose to live here for such a long time, she didn't choose any of that, but still, she was facing the consequences of some actions, that were born from the actions, that she did not have any control over.

"Eish, oh, Eisheth. You were the prettiest of your hometown, even prettier than your mother who-"

"Shut up."

"People called the 'red gem of flames'. You were the talented one that people seemed to help from, and you gave it to them in the form of pleasure or sweet dreams, as you liked more. They called you J-"

"I said shut the fuck up! Stop that bullshit! What are you saying!? What is all that?! It's all bullshit!"

She was getting affected by his words and the rate at which her hair was turning black was getting faster.

She had even started attacking him with her hands once again, but, instead of countering these attacks, Lucy was now dodging them, and whenever he got the chance, he was using his skills to inflict damage, which, she ignored and continued her attacking.

"Eisheth, I know. Once you cross over, there are things in the darkness that can keep your heart from feeling the light ever again."

He looked straight into her eyes, knowing full well that she could look back at his, at least for now, but it would end very soon.

"I know all you feel is hate towards the world, the fate, the time, and yourself. I know it's bitter, painful, and just how much it makes you feel like shit."

He had seen the depths of darkness, that was how he was able to achieve the brightest light himself.

"I know the suppression, the thick mask you wear, the darkness that will soon devour that last bit of light in there and there's nothing I can do about it."

He was purer now, however, he had been the demon even their worst enemies would cower before.

"I know, even as the darkness that you chose to accept eats you whole in these last moments and you are completely gone, you loth yourself for what happened and what you did."

"Shut up…!"

He knew her, and her situation. But…

"It wasn't your fault Eish, it wasn't. It was the easier way out of that misery, that pain, that dread, that torture. It was easier, even though I might have chosen it at that moment. It was what you chose, and the things that happened after that, were the consequences of not just that moment, but everything that happened before that as well."

He was a nicer person, and El knew this as well. Perhaps that was one of the reasons she asked him to fight her alone.

"It wasn't your fault, you just did what anyone would have done in your situation. It was the normal action. I hate you and continue to do so forever for it, but, it was normal. And you don't have to hate yourself for doing something normal."

Lucifer. If we think it from El's point of view, he was a strange bastard. He was good but sometimes, he was worse than her. He was bad, but sometimes, he was even better than the righteous mystical heroes of epics.

He was stranger than she could ever be, but one thing she knew about her bastard with all her heart, was the fact that he would avoid killing even the worst enemies if it meant there was a chance it would be good for us, and our plan in any logical way.

It was also a fact that he would kill even the dearest friend if it meant achieving those stupid goals but she liked that rare side of his.

He was not a hero or a pure angel of justice. He wasn't a cruel and merciless villain either. He was Lucifer, someone who followed his own beliefs. And those beliefs led him to help the one he hated with his true heart.


"Shuttttttttttt uppppppppp!!!"

Her heir had almost turned back, her eyes were engulfed with rage, and she had almost lost herself, and had become a monster that could not be reasoned with.


"Let us help you."

He backed off from her as black energy burst out of her and engulfed her whole, and prepared for the last few moments of his fight against the one who he hated with all his heart.


But, at the very least, he knew one thing as the attractive body of the succubus Eisheth was turning into the demonic body of the curroupted demoness of lust and pleasure, he had achieved what he wanted…

His words had reached her last remaining light, his words were heard, and she was able to remember a fraction of what she had lost and relive the memories of not relentless pain and suffering, but the forgotten memories of warmth and belonging from her days of her homeland.

The last of her light that soon was shown in darkness was able to accept the fact that it was her mistake, which could not have been changed even if she had tried and persisted with her escape attempts.

She did what was normal, and though she received pleasure from unreal beings for a long time thanks to that decision, she lost herself in the process completely.

And now, nothing remained of her.

She was just a miserable, broken, monster corrupted by the desires and darkness, something she herself loathed.

And even still, there was someone who wanted to help her disgusting self…

Her eyes were moist in her last moments, he saw it clearly, and so did countless spectators watching them at the moment.

His emotions reached her and she was able to at least accept herself.

She could pass on peacefully now, and she entrusted her broken body to the person who extended his helping hand to her.

She was engulfed by darkness, turned into something too ugly compared to her previous form, and became the embodiment of true dark desires that had accumulated inside her for over the course of millennials.

She regretted it all, so, she accepted their help. He was ready to fight against an overwhelmingly stronger opponent, so, the audience was overwhelmed with emotions and excitement.

What he did reach many of the spectators, so, as El and Raz saw the increasing viewership and donations while eating popcorn, they couldn't help but get excited and more focused on their Lucy basted.

He did well, so now, he just had to do something impossible and kill a berserk demon who followed only its instincts, thus becoming far more dangerous than the bitch it had been until a moment before…

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