
Chapter 824 If You Protect Them, I Will Help You Deal With Your Enemy

Because they were inside a mysterious realm, the spatial rift opened without any complications.

"Let\'s go!"

Ling Tian left part of his spirit sense with Deng Tianjin and the others, grabbing them with the power of the Sacred Heavenly Scriptures and entering the spatial rift.

At this moment, Ling Tian had a slight sting in his body, with the urge to fight powerful existences again to push his strength and cultivation. And now, it seemed that he could indeed move his muscles and bones a little.

Deng Tianjin and the others looked stunned at what was happening, even Su Changqing and the rest were shocked when they realized that this seemed like a more absurd and direct way of what Ling Tian had done to be able to enter the pagoda a while ago. They were just over 10 meters away from Ling Tian, so they could get a good look at what was going on.

Ling Tian\'s spirit sense quickly picked up several human presences that were in other dimensions close to his own, but when these human presences realized what was happening, they were teleported out of the place, being forced to leave.

Quickly, several spirit senses scanned Ling Tian and the others in moments before disappearing.

"You\'re here!" Ling Tian narrowed his eyes a little more as he felt one of the tiny immortal forces rush towards him swiftly.bender

This almost imperceptible immortal energy particle seemed very weak and harmless, but Ling Tian sneered. This energy clearly contained a trace of hidden killing intent.

* Boom! *

The [Sword Domain] came out again, crashing into this tiny immortal energy and causing the entire space to tremble!

Deng Tianjin held his aura over the others, gritting his teeth as shock quickly covered him as he felt the terrifying power around them and Ling Tian was facing. His strength briefly jolted, threatening to shatter due to the waves of power reaching him, so he strengthened his aura even more.

Then, two giant eyes suddenly appeared in front of them, they opened wide and a feeling of majesty and arrogance exuded from them, looking at them with utmost indifference and even some annoyance.

A mere glance from this pair of eyes frightened Xuan Li, Lang Qingzu, Su Changqing and the rest as they felt a sense of fear and shivers at the sight of it before these eyes focused on Ling Tian.

The next moment, a giant hand that seemed to cover the entire dimension appeared above them. This giant hand descended and centered itself above them like a palm falling towards them. But the power it exuded was so horrible that it suppressed everyone\'s cultivation bases, even Deng Tianjin\'s aura began to tremble as it could not withstand this power.

Ling Tian snorted and the [Sword Domain] expanded again, crashing into the giant palm that was falling on them and preventing it from reaching them. But despite them, the giant palm did not fall apart and continued to crash against the power of the [Sword Domain], coming to a stalemate.

"The only way to be able to resist the current force of my [Sword Domain] is someone who has completely reached the Human Immortal realm..." Ling Tian\'s eyes flashed as he saw what was happening. His [Sword Domain] was much more powerful than this, but the suppression of the heavens was slowly being eliminated, so he could barely demonstrate a low percentage of this force of the way of the sword, a power comparable to immortal cultivators at the first level. There was a shackle on his body that prevented him from displaying the full power of the Sword Path, as it seemed that his current body would not withstand the terrifying power.

The dimension continued to tremble as it could not withstand the shockwaves produced by the [Sword Domain] and the giant palm.

Unexpectedly, another giant hand appeared but this one closed and pointed a giant finger, falling on them, this time directly on Ling Tian seeing that he was the main threat!

Ling Tian raised his arm and the [99 Heavenly Swords Technique] activated, the next moment a giant sword over a thousand meters long formed, pointed directly at the giant finger and slashed the sky.

[99 Heavenly Swords - Ninth Strike]

Summoning the last and most powerful move of the [99 Heavenly Swords] technique, Ling Tian formed the giant sword while adding a bit of his sword intent, slashing at the other giant finger.

* Boom! *

Space shook and cracks formed as if they were in the void as they were unable to withstand the expansive shockwaves.

Finally, the palm and giant finger disappeared as a giant web covered the entire space, enveloping Ling Tian and the others.

A small sword had silently appeared behind Ling Tian and the rest, aiming at them and advancing towards them as it finished forming.

The giant web advanced and quickly closed on them, the [Sword Domain] unable to counter it as a superior force completely suppressed it. A coercion also fell upon them all, wanting to suppress them completely.

"Master! Behind us!"

Noticing the small sword behind them silently approaching, Deng Tianjin exclaimed and warned Ling Tian. Deng Tianjin could only focus on maintaining his aura to protect the others, so he could only helplessly watch Ling Tian fight and take care of everything alone, so the only thing he could do was to warn Ling Tian.

Ling Tian nodded faintly but did not turn to look behind, his gaze was still on the giant web as his lips lifted slightly. He was already conscious about that small sword behind since it had appeared.

Suddenly, when the giant web was a few meters above them it disappeared, causing everything to return to normal. Ling Tian frowned as he felt a small change in the principles of space.

The small sword had also disappeared before they noticed it.

"Huh? My halberd!"

Xuan Li\'s worried exclamation was heard as the halberd in her hands escaped from her and headed towards the horizon, disappearing in moments. The control that Xuan Li had over the halberd was gone!

Ling Tian noticed this and immediately smirked looking up at the supposed sky.

"Let\'s go further up!"

Ling Tian gathered his forces again and tore through space, opening a new spatial rift.

Space became slightly heavier and thicker, making it slightly more difficult for Ling Tian to break through. However, this further confirmed some of Ling Tian\'s thoughts.

lightsΝοvel No spirit sense or immortal force appeared this time, as if Ling Tian and the others no longer cared about them and let them do whatever they wanted.


Suddenly, Ling Tian\'s laughter could be heard as he raised his arms and sneeringly shouted, "If you didn\'t want me to bother you, then you shouldn\'t have attacked me!"

99 glowing swords quickly appeared around Ling Tian and the next moment they attacked in different directions forming a mysterious formation in the sky before they strangely disappeared into the horizon.

* Crackle... *

* Boom! *

Space trembled and chaotic forces from space itself exploded into the surroundings, shaking the entire dimension they were in as several powerful forces finally appeared on the scene.

The void finally trembled!

Finally, a terrifying spirit sense swept over them, paling Jun Zhuyun and the others as they felt that this terrifying power could make them disappear in a matter of seconds and without a trace of them!

"My halberd!"

Xuan Li exclaimed again as she noticed in the distance her halberd from the inheritance she had obtained from the Primordial Warrior Princess. The halberd was radiating a powerful spiritual aura as it floated in the middle, creating a barrier of energy that constantly clashed against the other different powerful forces in space.

"Stupid mortals..."

A faint dark voice was heard as it pierced through the entire space, sending more chills as it felt that this voice seemed to come from the same spirit sense.

A powerful wave of soul spiritual force filled the entire space, completely suppressing Deng Tianjin and the others as it tried to directly crush them through spiritual force.

The small delicate sword that had appeared earlier appeared again, this time, above all of them as it began to radiate powerful soul spiritual force as well, countering the other enemy force and helping Deng Tianjin and the others.

Ling Tian looked at the small sword above them and said, "If you protect them, I will help you deal with your enemy."

Ling Tian\'s words ended but the small sword was still protecting Deng Tianjin and the others, showing no change.

The two spiritual forces clashed for a few more seconds, with no other events appearing.

At the moment when Ling Tian was about to finally move upon getting no response, the halberd exploded with more spiritual power and the spiritual force of the small sword also exploded several more times, overwhelming the other enemy spiritual force in a matter of seconds.

Countless small butterflies suddenly appeared before gathering together as they turned into energy particles and created a larger, giant figure of a beautiful glowing butterfly quickly, covering Deng Tianjin and the rest in their own aura, with its two beautiful huge wings magically enveloping them.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows when he felt the aura of the huge butterfly figure also cover him, as if it wanted to transport him to another place together with Deng Tianjin. Ling Tian let himself be covered by the aura as well without any problem, wanting to see who was behind it all.

Finally, Ling Tian and the rest of them disappeared.

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