
Chapter 348 A Cursed Girl?

"Did I really do it?!" Ling Tian muttered as he looked around and then at his body, feeling that this was a dream.

He had achieved the Instant Transmission using the Space Law!

Although it took a long time, Ling Tian knew he had hit the target to learn a new ability.

Ling Tian remembered all the recent feelings and sensations when he was fighting this Void Beast, remembering how it would teletransport and also combine with the Void dimension to survive.

Ling Tian only felt a hunch and decided to try before extracting its power.

And now it turned out that it had been the right choice!

However, Ling Tian first wanted to combine with the space so he could easily pass through the walls of the place, but ended up finding something else when he was trying to do so, which made him frown when his intuition presented him with two paths to follow, eventually choosing one of them and resulting in the teleportation.

Ling Tian wanted to combine with space like the Void Beast did so he wouldn\'t be affected by the storms of the Void, but in the process he ended up learning the Instant Transmission like the Void Beast did every time it moved or escaped.

If he was able to achieve the powerful instant transmission, then he could also combine with the same space!

Ling Tian thought that if he could accomplish the latter, he could dodge powerful attacks without being harmed and become immune, just as the Void Beast did.

Instant Transmission and Combination with Space...

If he learned these two powerful skills and added the Space Tear, Ling Tian felt he would become much more powerful than before when he returned to his Peak.

Not even the other Supremes together could harm him even if he was not yet in his prime...

Although he had previously exchanged points against them when he had recently entered the state of Supremacy and easily beaten five of them together, Ling Tian felt that he could now beat them much more easily.


Ling Tian noticed that the space around him had been altered and produced a thud, which caused people to start arriving to see what had happened.

He knew that this technique was completely inefficient and needed more experience, so he would avoid shaking the space every time he teleported, plus he would have to do it without closing his eyes and being exposed to any enemies.

Ling Tian took out a simple mask he had bought with Lan Yin when he had played and strolled with her.

Although no one had recognized him, Ling Tian did not want to attract attention because of his appearance, mainly because of the women who always followed him everywhere.

Ling Tian walked quickly and left that alley where he had appeared.

He managed to visualize in a flash a place outside that whole mansion, so this was the first place he saw and he rejoiced to see that no one was around.

When he started walking, Ling Tian realized that he was in a very big city, even bigger than Star City.

The type of construction and styles throughout the place reminded him a little of the Cultivation Worlds.

However, he also noticed that there were many people who were cultivators, while few were simple mortals.

The average cultivation of these people was between the Fourth and Peak Stage of Chi Gathering, proving that this place was actually better than Star City.

At times one could see some people who were in the Foundation Establishment Early Stage.

Ling Tian decided not to draw his strength and to remain like now while finding out where he was, besides he felt it would be more convenient to continue feeling the Space Law in this way.

After walking around for a while and listening to what people were saying, Ling Tian learned a little bit about where he was.

Apparently, he was in the Xuan Continent, which had three kingdoms and he was in the most powerful kingdom, which was ruled by the powerful Chen family, and then he would be followed by 3 more families that were below them.

Ling Tian also found some information related to some sects of this world, but the main sect that was more famous and powerful, was the Immortal Sect of the Thousand Swords, which was said to have true Immortals in it.

This famous sect would be highly worshipped and revered by all, being the main and preferred sect that all expected to join.

"Immortals, eh?" Ling Tian scoffed at the latter.

It seemed that there were people pretending to be Immortals.

But if this sect was so famous, then it would be certain that they would have pills or at least medicinal herbs so that he could recover more quickly.

"Have you heard?"

"About what?"

"That the powerful Chen family has captured the thief who broke into the Immortal Sect."

"Was that bastard really caught?"


"That\'s great news! Too bad this Immortal Sect won\'t accept new ones for a long time thanks to that bastard..."

"How I would like to kill him myself for taking away my chance to enter the Immortal Sect!

"Don\'t worry! I heard that the Chen family will hand over the bastard and it seems that the Elders will come to take him away, then we can shout that we want to see him die to support the immortal sect and probably the Immortal Lords will execute that bastard on the spot..."

"Then we will have to go to the Chen family territory to see this long-awaited event!

"Let\'s go!

"I want to see the beautiful Queen Chen Zeiwei!"

"How I wish she would ever look at me!"

"A queen, a goddess like her will never look at you!"

"She is a very valuable disciple in the Immortal Sect of the Thousand Swords and is the next to become an Immortal!"

"Such a beautiful and very talented woman!"

"But instead, her little sister is an ugly monster ..."


"Shut up!"

"Do you want us to get killed for talking about that cursed girl?!"

"Even though the cursed girl is supposedly Chen Qiandie\'s daughter since one of his women gave birth to her, because this girl was cursed, Chen Qiandie said that this woman had cheated on him and that girl is not his daughter, therefore, she is not related to our beloved Chen Zeiwei!"

"I think I heard that they had captured that cursed girl..."

"I heard it too! They say a family found her sleeping near their home and warned about her!"

"That little girl gave me such a chill when I saw her a long time ago... she was no different from a real monster..."

"It\'s a relief that they can capture her! That damn girl even killed a powerful first level warrior without practicing the energy!"

"I was there at the time! That girl blew up the body of the guy who had taken her and some violet rays had appeared all over her body and killed the guy!"

"She could create rays out of nothing!"

"That girl is really cursed..."

"Now, now! Let\'s leave this topic and go now before someone confuses us with the troublemakers..."

"I want to see that bastard\'s face when he dies!"

"Then hurry up!"

Ling Tian frowned while looking discreetly at the group of young people talking to each other.

"A cursed girl? Someone who was able to kill a Foundation Establishment without cultivation?" Ling Tian whispered as he remembered what he had heard.

He had quickly understood that the first level warriors would be the guys in the Foundation Establishment, while the apprentices would be the Chi Gathering Stage.

However, he was surprised about the cursed girl and the lightning bolts she was making appear...

"Will that really be it? But... wouldn\'t that be too much of a coincidence?" Ling Tian asked himself and then shook his head, feeling that he was thinking a lot.

He walked a long way and came back to the Chen family\'s territory that had imprisoned him.

It really was a huge mansion that covered a large part of the kingdom.

Ling Tian would not be surprised if it turned out that this Chen family was a royal family, as if they were the kings of this entire kingdom.

Inside the mansion, he noticed the father and daughter waiting in what appeared to be the main hall as they watched the guy who had taken his place.

"They didn\'t really notice..." Ling Tian looked amusingly at those in the mansion.

Who would pay attention to a dying man about to die?

Ling Tian would wait to see what they would do once those famous immortal elders arrived.

He planned to follow them into their sect and if they did not provide him with what he needed in a good way, Ling Tian would take things his way.

Above all, he was worried about that feeling in his being that jumped out every time he remembered the supposed mother of the thief who had stolen from that sect.

Since it would take a while for the masters to appear, Ling Tian quickly expanded his spirit sense by trying to cover the entire kingdom before he noticed a place where many people were gathered.

When he visualized what they were doing, Ling Tian again became completely enraged and without thinking, quickly moved his foot forward and unconsciously forced the space to shake, disappearing from where he was before.

When he reached the outskirts of a giant mansion, Ling Tian entered and kicked the door fiercely, destroying it in the process and alerting those inside.

"Who are you?!"

"How dare you interrupt this place?!"

"Take care of him quickly so that we can capture this damned girl!"

Several men jumped in the direction of Ling Tian without waiting for his answer.

There were just over 50 men and in the background were what appeared to be hostages, including children, young people and some women.

More than 10 men were surrounding a young man with their swords and spears as they took turns approaching and wounding him.

The remaining men were surrounding the other hostages, specifically a small girl, while nervously holding their weapons, preferably waiting for them to finish the young man off first before doing anything.

Ling Tian looked furiously at these men and did not say a word before appearing in front of one of them and throwing a powerful blow, instantly exploding a man\'s head.

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