
Chapter 345 Wait For Him

Earlier they also saw how Ling Tian had been hit so hard that even his sword broke by the impact and he was badly hurt.


Ling Tian\'s voice was clearly heard when a huge crack began to open behind the giant beast.

The shining swords that Ling Tian had summoned were hurting the beast even more severely when they suddenly stopped and went into the crack behind it, exploding with energy and accelerating the process of opening the crack.

The immense sucking force of the crack was felt all the way to the Star City, sending shivers down the spine of all those who were witnessing the event.

* WOOSH! *

The huge beast was sucked into the crack, disappearing from everyone\'s sight and releasing a sigh of relief.

But the girls and others watched in fear how Ling Tian was also sucked into the great beast and both disappeared once the crack closed.

The whole place was filled with a deep silence, even the people in the camps and in the walls did not say a word.

* Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! *

Instantly, 6 charming figures flew to the place where Ling Tian had been.

Yun Mengxin arrived first and stood looking into the space where Ling Tian had been for the last time.

Her connection to him was severed again, but she was sure that he should still be fighting that fierce beast.

Her heart could not help but feel pain.

Lan Yin, Mu Shuiruo, Tan Wanying, Zhang Xinya and Long Yuyin approached as well, staring at the same place as Yun Mengxin.

Without saying a word, the figure of Long Yuyin shone again when she disappeared from the place, flying quickly to the few demonic beasts that managed to survive.

Long Yuyin with a fury threw her sharp Daggers towards the demonic beasts, killing them instantly.

The Dagger would pierce the bodies of the demonic beasts, and when one thought that it would stay buried in the ground once it had accomplished its goal, wonderfully the Daggers would move by themselves through space, heading towards the other demonic beasts and finishing everything in an instant.

An imperceptible thread of pure energy came out of Long Yuyin\'s hands when she immediately recovered her Daggers again, with both of them returning to her hands.

Long Yuyin\'s face had an impotent, angry and worried expression.

"Will my Master be all right?"

Lan Yin asked with her beautiful little eyes full of tears, remembering the state Ling Tian was in before he disappeared.

The other girls also clenched their fists tightly while feeling helpless.

They could not help their man!

Yun Mengxin was no exception.

When they felt they had enough strength, they realized that they still had a long way to go compared to Ling Tian.

They couldn\'t help him this time...

However, Yun Mengxin knew that Ling Tian always cared about them and so he kept them away from the field so that they would be safe.

She knew perfectly well Ling Tian\'s feelings.

Taking a deep breath while holding her soft, delicate hand over her bosom, Yun Mengxin turned to her other sisters and said, "He will return when he is done with that beast."

Yun Mengxin smiled softly at them, conveying that confident feeling.

She also patted Lan Yin\'s head, comforting her and keeping her from crying.

"But will he really be all right?" Mu Shuiruo asked sadly and anxiously as she placed both hands on her own chest near her heart, not wanting anything really bad to happen to Ling Tian.

"You can be sure that there is nothing and no one that can kill our husband."

Yun Mengxin smiled at her confidently, calming Mu Shuiruo\'s anguish.

At this point, they noticed that some faint folds in the air formed, as when a stone was thrown into a quiet lake and formed waves on its surface.

The girls understood this instantly.

Ling Tian was still fighting that huge fierce beast...

"Our husband must have thought of taking that beast out of this world." Tang Wanying spoke as she began to think about what had happened before: "When the two were fighting, many cracks formed and this place began to shake fiercely, as if it were about to break. I think he decided to leave to avoid causing more trouble here."

Tang Wanying had been correct in thinking about Ling Tian\'s true intention.

However, some folds were still subtly forming after a while, which related that Ling Tian was still fighting.

"Battles can last for days, weeks, months or even years, depending on the level of power on both sides. Now we must wait for him to return." Yun Mengxin reminded them again of some things.

"Then we must be ready too. We do not know if this will cause more demonic beasts to appear." Zhang Xinya said when she extended her spirit sense and looked for traces of some demonic horde.

"Sis Yuyin." Zhang Xinya turned to Long Yuyin and said seriously: "Look for any demon beast, you can take care of it personally."

Long Yuyin nodded solemnly and said, "I\'ll come back later."

Long Yuyin flew off in one direction in search of demon beasts.

"Remember that our man will never belittle you." Zhang Xinya told Long Yuyin before she left, to which Long Yuyin managed to listen.

The girls looked at Long Yuyin with some concern. They gradually began to understand each other\'s innermost feelings as sisters and women of the same man.

Especially Zhang Xinya who knew Long Yuyin\'s temperament very well because they had always been close and knew each other very well.

Long Yuyin must have felt very helpless and frustrated with herself after this.

Her pride and dignity were part of her and she was a very strong woman, but inside, Zhang Xinya knew that Long Yuyin did not want to be weak and powerless, showing weakness to others, especially to Ling Tian.

Long Yuyin wanted to be recognized by Ling Tian and fight alongside him, stand by his side and get through any problems together!

Long Yuyin wanted Ling Tian to be as proud to have her as his woman!

But Long Yuyin couldn\'t even help Ling Tian a few moments ago...

So Zhang Xinya let Long Yuyin release her stress, anger and frustration by killing demon beasts.

"Sis Shuiruo, you should improve your progress of alchemy, so that when our man returns he can recover more quickly." Zhang Xinya turned to Mu Shuiruo and showed her a smile.

Mu Shuiruo nodded as well, replacing her sad and worried expression with a beautiful little smile.

"Yinyin, let\'s go and collect many plants." Mu Shuiruo said to Lan Yin.

"Enm!" Lan Yin nodded and approached Mu Shuiruo before flying off into the nearby forest.

Both girls were so tender and soft that they shared some similar interests, so collecting and finding beautiful flowers and herbs for alchemy they loved to do so and did it almost always together.

Also, Lan Yin wanted to make a pill and give it to Ling Tian to surprise him, but she would always fail to refine it.

But lately she had improved and felt that soon she could produce some pills.

"I suppose I should tell our mothers that we will just have to wait for him to come back, right?" Tang Wanying asked Zhang Xinya with a small smile.

Zhang Xinya only shook his head with a coy smile.

Yun Mengxin watched this from the side and also smiled quietly.

"We will let the others watch the other sides of the city." Zhang Xinya looked faintly at those in the camps.

"We will stay here and wait for him. There is a chance that he will show up in this area." Tang Wanying nodded to what Zhang Xinya had said and she added what she had in mind.

"We must not be distressed." This time, Yun Mengxin interrupted and spoke seriously: "Our beloved man may take time to return, but he will stay alive at any cost and return to us in the future. Our connection to him is not so simple. "

Yun Mengxin reminded them of the kind of connection they all shared with Ling Tian.

They truly felt deep in their hearts that their other soul, who was Ling Tian, was alive.

"So let\'s go."

Yun Mengxin spoke and flew off to the Star City wall.

"It seems that the new girl was more shocked than usual." Tang Wanying spoke once she noticed Shan Qingwu on the road and looked into her eyes.

Yun Mengxin nodded and Zhang Xinya pouted with obvious jealousy in her expression, to which Tang Wanying let out a teasing little smile.

Shan Qingwu had recovered some of her injuries, but was still in shock.

What had just happened?

The famous and powerful man who everyone considered to be the God of the Star City had saved them?!

How had he suddenly returned and appeared?

How strong is it that even her senior sisters could not take part in this thundering battle?

What was that fierce, mighty beast?

Would he be all right?

Did something bad happen to him?

"Is anything wrong?"

Tang Wanying\'s curious and amusing voice interrupted Shan Qingwu\'s thoughts before she stood up and asked with concern, "Senior sister, w-will he be all right?"

She was referring to Ling Tian.

* Giggles *

Tang Wanying let out a little smile before nodding and replying, "Our man will be fine, he may take a while to return, but now we just have to wait for his return."

Shan Qingwu felt that she still could not believe any of this, but seeing the calm and carefree expressions of these women, Shan Qingwu really believed that Ling Tian should be fine.

These women were Ling Tian\'s brides and should be the ones who are most worried, but then why didn\'t this seem to be the case?

If they weren\'t really worried, they should be absolutely sure that Ling Tian would be fine!

"Let\'s go." Zhang Xinya told Shan Qingwu to go back to them too, but one might notice a hint of strangeness in her voice.

Shan Qingwu nodded foolishly as she quickly pulled herself together and drew her own sword for flight.

She still could not fly without a sword like these amazing women.

Returning to the city walls, Tang Zhi and Zhang Ruoyan approached the four girls and asked with obvious concern.

"What happened to little Tian?"

Behind both mothers, Tang Wei and Zhang Chao followed, as well as Yun Dong and Long Cheng and the other family members who knew Ling Tian, approached.

"He will be fine, Mom." Tang Wanying comforted her mother and Zhang Xinya did the same with her mother.

"So for now we have been saved because Ling Tian is still fighting that horrible demon beast out there?" Long Cheng asked after Tang Wanying explained what happened.

"In a nutshell." Zhang Xinya affirmed.

"What remains is to wait for Ling Tian to return while we finish fighting the demon hordes..." Yun Dong spoke next, to which his daughter responded with a slight nod.

"Sis Yuyin went personally to deal with all the demonic beasts she could find, so demon beasts may not appear for quite a while." Zhang Xinya said what Long Yuyin was doing, as well as where Mu Shuiruo and Lan Yin were.

"Little Qingwu, are you all right?" Tang Zhi asked worriedly when she saw the appearance of Shan Qingwu.

"I am fine, Auntie, thank you very much for your worry." Shan Qingwu nodded quickly and thanked her for her concern.

Soon, the girls began to replenish their energy and heal the internal wounds they had.

When people learned that the one who had saved them was the famous God of the city, they cheered happily.

"Did that mighty young man really save us?"

"To think that we used to despise him for being arrogant in the tournament!"

"Only a true God could take care of such a horrible demon beast!"

"To think that there really is a God among us ..."

"And besides that he\'s so handsome!"

"How I wish he would become my Prince!"

"Keep dreaming!"

"All the women in Star City just want that Prince as their future husband!"

"How envious I am of his fiancées!"

"I wish I had been more beautiful and become one of the famous Goddesses! That way, the Prince would really be mine!"

"I can\'t think of falling in love with someone else!"

"Other men are not even worthy of wearing his shoes ..."

"Especially those disgusting guys who tried to disrespect him at the tournament!"

"If he is not my Prince, I will not marry anyone else!"

The exclamations and chants of victory and surprise quickly turned to criticism and mockery toward the other men in the Star City, while the declarations of love and worship were always directed at Ling Tian.

The girls who heard this could only shake their heads and say nothing.

But even though they didn\'t say anything, as women they couldn\'t help but feel upsets as they saw other women looking like predators waiting for their man to show up and then assault him.

Zhang Xinya was the one who was most upset by this and even blamed Ling Tian behind his back for making the women keep praising him while they were looking for ways to get close to them to meet Ling Tian later and create all those problems even when he was not in this world.

Some days passed and indeed traces of demonic beasts were observed in lesser numbers, making the people of Star City even more glad and worshipping Ling Tian even more, acclaiming him as their true protector God who brought peace to their home.

On one such day, far from the city walls, the skies suddenly darkened and flashes began to appear among the clouds, indicating that lightning would appear.

Yun Mengxin, Zhang Xinya, Lan Yin, Mu Shuiruo and Tang Wanying looked at each other with a bit of surprise before flying off in that direction where the event was taking place.

This was the promotion of Heaven and Earth!

Divine Damnation!

The girls instantly knew that Long Yuyin was the one who was about to face her divine damnation!

Long Yuyin had been hunting and killing all the demonic beasts she encountered for a long time, so they were a little surprised that she already had her first divine damnation!

When they arrived, the girls watched how 9 rays began to fall from the sky and headed towards Long Yuyin who was sitting cross-legged.

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