
Side Story 4

"Even for you, Raven, going into that thing by yourself..."

"You would only get in my way."

They knew it and felt it too, the overwhelming difference in class.

If they were to get caught up even in the shockwave of the fight, they would die instantly. Dragon-class monsters were such powerful opponents that human strength couldn\'t stand against them.

"There is no need to increase unnecessary casualties. I\'ll handle it."

A little over ten Dragon-class monsters have appeared. Among them, all but the first monster, \'Azhi Dahaka\' that had devastated Sydney, were eliminated by Jung Yi-An.

That directly meant that without him, nuclear bombs would have to be dropped whenever a Dragon-class monster appeared.


Only after facing a Dragon-class monster themselves could they truly understand how valuable of an asset Jung Yi-An truly was.

The Hunters retreated.

"Is he going to be okay?"

"Let\'s trust him. You all saw the video, didn\'t you?"

"But that thing… it’s so big..."

The Hunters didn’t know what to feel. There was relief that came from avoiding direct combat, but also doubt about whether Raven could handle such a monster on his own. And, on top of that, there was anxiety about what would happen if he was defeated. All those emotions piled onto each other and weighed heavily on their hearts.

And Jung Yi-An, carrying more pressure than all of theirs combined, walked forward.

He shrugged his shoulders to ease the tension.


Yi-An looked up at \'Parthenon\', holding his greatsword.

He could feel the gazes of the other Hunters piercing his back.

It was always like this, everyone was watching him.

At first, it was his sister, and later his comrades. The fate of Elder Lord rested on his shoulders, and now he bore the weight of humanity again.

Some couldn\'t bear to watch him make all those sacrifices and left.

‘Why are you the only one who has to sacrifice everything, Yi-An?’

He thought of Han Yeo-Ri.

But, it was okay.

He had already missed the chance to complain a long time ago.

"Then, let the battle begin."

Someone had to do it and that someone just happened to be him.

* * *

Parthenon was a four-legged beast.

It resembled Behemoth which they had hunted in the Forest of Monsters in the past.

But in comparison to Behemoth, it was even bigger, dripping with the monster\'s unique black mucus and emitting an ugly smell. It looked down at Crockta, lighting up its eyes.

Those yellow eyes seemed like they would exude the smell of urine.

"I don\'t like the look in your eyes."

Yi-An pondered with his greatsword slung over his shoulder. Its pupils alone were larger than his entire body.

He had faced large monsters before, but at this size, it was tricky to decide where to strike first.

He couldn\'t quite figure it out so he decided to go straight for the eyes.


The surprise attack worked like a charm. Yi-An leaped in an instant and split Parthenon\'s eyes.

The monster’s blood was also red, just like his.

Landing on the ground, Yi-An dodged the splattering of blood and moved to the side.

Parthenon thrashed about, slamming the ground furiously. Yi-An smoothly dodged the attacks, finding openings with ease.

He gradually accelerated.

The realm of extremes he had traversed countless times in Elder Lord unfolded once again.

The monster\'s blind attacks couldn\'t harm him. Yi-An had taken control of the enemy\'s blind spots. He climbed up Parthenon\'s body and reached its shoulder.


Parthenon opened its mouth and spewed something out.

It was a black liquid. Yi-An instinctively dodged it. The black liquid that was sprayed on the ground dissolved the earth and pulled the surface down into the depths.

It was a toxic substance.

Parthenon’s vomit created a deep hole.

Glancing at the power of the black liquid, Yi-An climbed onto Parthenon\'s back. Parthenon turned its head and spat the liquid at Yi-An again.

This time, it formed a stream with the black liquid to intercept him.

Yi-An felt a sense of disgust as he watched the monster flap its jaws. Instead of retreating, he charged forward. The stream of black liquid narrowly missed his head as it passed by.

Flames flickered from God Slayer.

He slashed across the neck.

The monster\'s mucous-covered skin did not easily part.

But Yi-An\'s sword was God Slayer, a sword forged in the Eternal Fire. At the moment of contact, sparks flew, and its outer skin was incinerated. And through the burning skin, it cut through the actual body of Parthenon. Flesh parted and blood poured out.

Yi-An was drenched in the monster’s blood. His skin stung. He shook his head to clear his vision and knocked away Parthenon\'s biting teeth.


Parthenon howled and writhed. Yi-An stood on the monster\'s body and jumped while maintaining his balance.

Parthenon couldn\'t shake off the presence squirming on its back. So, it rolled on the ground instead.

The cave collapsed, and parts of the lair-ified city around it were destroyed. The terrible liquid contaminated everything around it as Parthenon rubbed its back on the ground.


Yi-An escaped before getting caught in Parthenon’s thrashing.

The monster, unaware of Yi-An\'s location, continued to scrape its back against the ground.

Yi-An checked his own body. His left ankle was so sore it hurt with every step. It seemed he had hit it somewhere. His skin also burned as if it was being scorched by the bodily fluid of Parthenon that he was covered in.

As Yi-An looked up, he saw Parthenon glaring directly down at him.

The beast smirked and rose, covering the sun and casting a shadow once more.

Parthenon stomped down toward Yi-An.

Yi-An rolled to the side to dodge. Parthenon\'s speed gradually increased. Yi-An also accelerated his body in the realm of extremes.

The monster swung its foot, and Yi-An slashed at its ankle as he dodged.

Instead of dust, mucous sprayed from their clash. Yi-An shook his head to clear the debris blurring his vision.

Parthenon\'s speed was only getting faster. Even for Yi-An, who had reached the realm of extremes, it was becoming increasingly difficult to shake it off.

Yi-An climbed the monster\'s leg again and headed toward its back. Then, Parthenon spewed the black liquid again. The aim was precise.

Yi-An gave up the climb and jumped off from the monster\'s shoulder. He rolled on the ground to minimize the impact.

Parthenon\'s black liquid chased after him.

It was no longer a stream but spread like a net, attempting to engulf Yi-An. Yi-An rolled to the side, but the injured ankle throbbed and prevented him from escaping completely.

He avoided a fatal blow, but some of the black liquid caught him by his calf. Steam rose as his skin corroded away. Yi-An gritted his teeth and poured a potion over it.

He was able to wash off the black liquid, but pus still flowed from the scorched skin.

Yi-An\'s face twisted in pain.

“You bastard…”

He raised his greatsword. Tattoos emerged on his body. A ferocious aura started flowing from him.

The cause and effect reversed, and the atmosphere seized up.

Yi-An stepped out again, and Parthenon was waiting for him.

Yi-An grinned ferociously.

* * *

The fallen Parthenon mustered the strength to lift its head.

The enemy was standing on top of its belly.

It had battled its tiny enemy for hours, but the result was defeat.

Parthenon couldn’t believe what had just happened. This dimension had no strong beings. No one could pierce its skin, and those it stomped on were crushed to death instantly.

But this one was different. Terrifying energy burst from its small body, slashing through its flesh. The longer the battle went on, the number of wounds on its body multiplied.

As great as its confidence had been, the terror that was now approaching him was just as severe.

It was afraid of its opponent.

Parthenon could not admit to feeling that emotion, but it could no longer move its body either.


Then, a flame stream was aimed at its belly\'s center.

That tiny being smirked at Parthenon.

It was a sneer.

The first thing Parthenon felt was rage. But feeling the unprecedented murderous intent, the rage quickly turned back into fear.

Parthenon looked at the stream of flame plunging toward its belly.

The blade pierced through.

The pain that started as a light tingling soon spread throughout its body as a fine crack, turning into flames that twisted its entire body.

Parthenon\'s eyes rolled back as it screeched. The shockwave caused a quake. Blood and black fluid spewed from its abdomen, contaminating the surroundings.

It convulsed, but the flame that pierced its core did not waver. Instead, it burrowed deeper and deeper into the center of its body.

The energy of the sword tore through its insides. Parthenon stopped convulsing and trembled. As its vision faded, it saw that being.

He had been watching Parthenon from the start of its struggle all the way to the end.

"Was that not enough?"

As he was about to pull out and plunge the sword again, Parthenon\'s head fell.

Yi-An sighed and slumped over the monster\'s belly.

The monster did not move anymore.

"Parthenon has been neutralized."

After radioing the headquarters, he lay down on the monster’s stomach like a starfish.

He could barely keep his grip around his greatsword. His entire body screamed in agony. It felt like he would need to rest for a while, especially for his left ankle, which had swollen terribly after being overworked while in pain.

In the distant sky, helicopters and fighter jets were taking off. Soon, ground forces would be deployed to burn all remnants of the otherworldly debris in the city.

Benghazi had been reclaimed.

It was once again the land of humans.

The Hunters rushed toward him.

"You did amazing."

"That was an incredible fight!"

"You are Crockta, right? Please give me your autograph!"

"He’s injured! Everyone, piss off!"

"I\'ll heal you!"

They all shouted chaotically. Various languages were mixed together, but the translator device in Yi-An’s ear translated their words for him.

Yi-An chuckled and waved his hand. They cheered. The combat support team radioed Yi-An to express their gratitude.

Then, out of nowhere, Yi-An shouted.

"Stand back!!!"

Startled by his sudden shout, the Hunters flinched.

Something burst out from Parthenon as its side split open.

"What the!"


The Hunters stepped back.

What emerged from Parthenon\'s side was an unidentified creature. It spread its wings. A mucous membrane covered in slime unfurled.

The creature was slightly larger than a human, excluding its wings.

But it emitted a chilling aura that made one\'s nerves stand on edge.

Yi-An reached and clumsily grasped God Slayer. The tension from the previous battle had just dissipated, so he found it hard to muster any real strength.

The unidentified monster flapped its wings and soared in front of Yi-An.

It hovered in the air, glaring at him.

It had limbs like a human but also had an insect-like face, and its skin oozed the typical monster slime. Its red eyes glared at Yi-An.

As Yi-An tried to stagger to his feet, the creature shook its head.

As if it was telling him that now was not the time.

It was already known that monsters possessed something akin to intelligence, but this was the first time they had something close to communication with one. Instinctively, Yi-An knew it needed to be eliminated immediately.

It was a strong enemy.

If he didn’t kill it now, it was most likely going to come back as a greater threat later.

The unidentified monster silently raised an arm, pointing in a direction.

Yi-An blankly stared in that direction. It was the southeast where there was nothing.


But the creature did not linger any longer and flew off. It headed toward the distant southeast sky it had pointed at.

It was incredibly fast.

Yi-An slumped down, exhaling deeply.

After the battle with Parthenon, he had no strength left. It might have been a stroke of luck that the mysterious creature disappeared like that.

Yi-An massaged his aching body and waved his hand. The Hunters looked up at him with bewildered faces.

* * *

"I feel like something just passed by."

Something was detected on the defense radar scanning the state of New South Wales, Australia.

However, it couldn\'t be clearly identified.

"Are you sure it wasn’t just a glitch?"

"Maybe it was?"

"Leave a record of it, just in case."

In the past, as Sydney underwent lair-ification, monsters continuously multiplied and took over the area around New South Wales. Ultimately, there was no choice but to annihilate the entire area with a nuclear bomb.

After that decision, the southeast of Australia became dead land, devoid of both humans and monsters.

The Australian government constructed a defensive line in preparation for any potential incidents.

So far, there have not been any issues. Satellites monitored the area, and the corpse of Azhi Dahaka, the Dragon-class monster that caused the disaster, was also confirmed. There weren’t going to be any more monster appearances in that place.

At least that’s what they chose to believe.

"Something\'s off, sir."

"What is?"

"This time, movement was detected from the opposite direction."

"Are you sure it’s not just some migratory birds?"

"That\'s the thing..."

The situation officer adjusted the screen.

A series of burst photos appeared. It was a real-time video captured by a satellite.



Both men who confirmed it were left speechless for a while.

After the silence, the situation officer managed to speak.

"It\'s not... migratory birds."

"Contact the headquarters immediately."

The being that was killed, the first Dragon-class monster, \'Azhi Dahaka\', rose from the dead with its massive body.

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