
Chapter 147: Dilemma

It is a very peculiar dungeon that only allows one person to enter every two weeks. Unlike other dungeons, it does not disappear even after being fully conquered, possessing the trait of infinitely regenerating. It also has a peculiar feature where it changes its appearance depending on the person who undertakes the conquest.

Moreover, considering that you can also obtain enormous “rewards,” it was inevitable that it would become famous.

Thanks to this, reservations are always flooding in, and even if you request a reservation now, you will only receive a reply that you have to wait at least three years.

Even Maiden couldn’t secure a separate admission ticket, so it says everything.

You say you can enter the “The Winding Ordeal” just ten days from now?

How on earth?

“The guild in Japan that owns the rights to the ‘The Winding Ordeal’ is indebted to me. As a result, I gained the right to enter the ‘The Winding Ordeal’ whenever I wanted, once.”


It’s a word I’m hearing for the first time.

It’s also a word that didn’t appear in the original work.


“Is it okay to yield such a good opportunity to me?”

The instructor smirked.

“Because it is such a good opportunity, I am giving it to you, my disciple.”


“Don’t feel too burdened. I originally intended to transfer the rights to you. I was planning to send you around the winter vacation, assuming you would be at B-rank then….”

The instructor patted my shoulder.

“Who would have thought you would achieve B-rank during the summer vacation? You are an amazing fellow.”

The instructor’s eyes were filled with longing.

“If my deceased wife saw you, she would have been jumping for joy, saying it’s unfair.”

He said, wearing a kind smile. It was a smile that seemed both happy and sad.


Seeing that smile somehow hurt my chest.

I tightly grasped the iron necklace on my chest, the “Weapon of Extremes.”

The instructor treats me well because he believes that, like his wife Kang Min-ji, I have the “Master of Weapons.”

But I don’t have the Master of Weapons.

I can only use the trait that backflows from the “Weapon of Extremes.”

Strictly speaking, I am taking advantage of the instructor’s favor. I felt a strange sense of guilt about that.

Now that it has come to this, I felt this way perhaps because of what happened with the four people recently.

“…Is it really okay to accept?”

“Yes. Don’t needlessly refuse, just focus on becoming stronger. Become stronger and fulfill Min-ji’s….”

The instructor did not continue his words.

“…I almost said something unnecessary. Forget it.”

“Ah, yes.”

He just smiled with a bitter expression.

* * *

That afternoon.

I was at the Under Root with Maiden.

The goal was obviously to purchase ancient relics. Maiden contacted me first without me having to bring it up. She mentioned that Under Root was opening that day and asked me to come out as she was going to buy ancient relics.

“…That beggar bastard gave you the right to the Winding Ordeal?”

“Yes? Yes.”

Maiden stopped in her tracks and stared at me with a serious expression.

“Come to think of it, you’re that little guy’s disciple, aren’t you?”


“…Did he transfer the rights to you because you’re his disciple? No, that can’t be it. He definitely would not have transferred the rights unless it was to someone deserving….”

She mumbled with a very complex expression, then,

“A deserving person…?”

She glared at me sharply.

“Little one, you don’t happen to be a weapon master, do you?”

At those words, my heart sank.

“No, that can’t be it. Min-ji said that the only one who can inherit being a weapon master would be a woman.”

My eyes widened.

“Did the instructor’s wife say that?”

“Probably Jin Ho wouldn’t know. It was a casual conversation when it was just the two of us. She also told me not to tell Jin Ho.”

Maiden had a wistful look in her eyes.

“Anyway, there’s no way you, not being a woman, would have the master of weapons, right?”

Maiden glanced at me with skeptical eyes.

“You. Are you lying to Jin Ho as well?”


“Your expression tells me it’s true.”

Maiden clicked her tongue repeatedly.

“I get the gist. Looking at your low stats and excellent weapon proficiency, he must have been delusional. Thinking ‘The long-awaited second-generation weapon master has appeared!’ or something like that. I can already picture it without watching the VOD.”

I couldn’t reply, it was too accurate.

“Wait a minute. Then that necklace, is it the original?”

Maiden approached me with a horrified expression and suddenly lifted my top.

“Ma, Maiden?”

“Just stay still!”

Then in an instant, she scanned the necklace hanging around my neck and touched it with her hand.


“Ah, hot!”

In an instant, with a spark bursting out, Maiden let go of her hand.

“…It was real.”

She stared at me blankly while rubbing her sore fingers.

“You, not only can you wear ancient relics, but you can also wear trait-restricted equipment?”


I was completely stunned.

I had only mentioned that I had been to the Winding Ordeal.

She had uncovered the secret that I could wear trait-restricted equipment.

I got goosebumps from this realization.

The misunderstandings centered around me could be caught at any time like this. I really was walking a tightrope on a line that could snap at any moment. I felt lucky that I hadn’t been caught so far. I felt it realistically.

“Why aren’t you answering?”

“Ah, yes. I can wear trait-restricted items. I can only wear one at a time, but instead, there are no penalties such as time limits or restrictions on multiple wearings.”

Since I was caught, I told the truth.

“…Ignoring trait restrictions, huh? That probably has nothing to do with the experiment. It must be a kind of trait you acquired from the ancient relic.”

It was a bit different,

But since Maiden seemed convinced, I decided to stay quiet. I was wondering how to explain it, but I was thankful that she provided the answer herself.

Maiden glanced at me.

“The more I think about it, the more absurd it is. Really, why are your relationships around you so twisted? Were you a twisted doughnut in your previous life?”

“…Even a twisted doughnut wouldn’t be as twisted as me, right?”

“That’s bragging.”


Maiden slapped me lightly on the forehead. It doesn’t hurt much.

“Your ‘ajeossi’ knows that you are the owner of the weapon, right?”


She is referring to Mr. Jung Il-yong.


“I see. Understanding that makes everything clear. I was wondering why unusually that ajeossi made all those weird changes for you.”

Maiden clicked her tongue and started walking again.

I quickly followed and stood beside her.

“Ah, right. So what happened to that guy?”

“Which guy?”

“You know, that guy. Your buddy. The gloomy cool-patient.”

If it’s the cool and gloomy person…

“Are you talking about Allen?”

Is she referring to the hermit?

“Yes, that guy. How on earth did you get involved with him?”

Really, one thing led to another and now we are talking about the hermit.

“…I think that’s a conversation you’ll need to have directly with Allen later. It’s his personal information, so it doesn’t feel right for me to just blurt it out.”

The relationship between Maiden and the hermit is quite complicated.

Since it wasn’t heavily mentioned in the original work, it is a matter where I can’t intervene. For now, beating around the bush like this would be the best.

“Yeah. That makes sense.”

Maiden nodded her head.

“So when exactly will that place be ready?”

“…Well, he is a busy friend.”

At my vague answer, Maiden clicked her tongue.

“Tsk. That gloomy guy who caught the cool disease is still pretending to be busy as always.”

* * *

“Kuh, look at this assurance.”

That night.

I was laying out and admiring the ancient relics that I possessed.

The sight of the five ancient relics lined up neatly was indeed a magnificent sight.

Two of them were received from Yu Hwa, and the three were picked up today from the Under Root.

Of course, the money was given by Maiden.

The sight of Maiden swiping a few billion in one go was indeed overwhelming.

―Oh, ohhh!

Suddenly, an exclamation burst out from beside me. When I turned my head sneakily, I saw Rena sitting next to me, staring intently at one relic with sparkling eyes.

―Th-this is… Abamama’s…

A relic of the Beastmen tribe.

The crown of the Beast King.

So, it’s the crown that Rena’s father used to wear.

No wonder she was looking at this.

―It came from the Japanese side… that is, it was acquired from the territory that was once Beastmen country and it flowed into Korea.

It is a crown that was purchased at a high price at the Under Root.

I didn’t buy it because it had good effects.

Rather, it had no effect on me; it was just a heavy crown, just an ancient relic for acquiring traits.

―I will give this to the princess.

But it would be an important item for the princess.

―…Even if it belonged to my family a thousand years ago, now it’s different. I can’t just accept this precious item.

The princess shook her head with a firm expression.

―It belongs to you now.

It seems to be too burdensome to just accept it.


She didn’t really need to do that.

I lifted the crown of the Beast King.


Rena made a somewhat regretful sound from beside me.

When I took a sneak peek, she was looking at the crown with a somewhat restless expression.

She had refused because she felt burdened, but it seemed that she couldn’t help but feel regretful.

I smiled mischievously and moved the crown here and there.

Each time, the princess’s gaze moved. It’s fun.

―Can I really take it?

The princess replied, shaking slightly.

―We-well, of course. I’ve already received so much help from you, that I don’t have the shamelessness to accept such a valuable crown as well.

I moved the crown to the side again. The princess’s gaze followed the crown.

―I will ask for the last time, you really don’t need it?

―…I-I don’t need, don’t need it.

Her eyes were shaking wildly, and her ears were twitching incessantly.

She is extremely swayed.

―Is that so? Then there’s no helping it. This is mine then…

I sneakily brought the crown to my head.


The princess’s ears drooped down.

A disappointment that couldn’t be hidden appeared on her face.

She indeed wanted the crown.

Well, not because of greed, but because of the meaning contained in this crown.

It’s like a secret treasure passed down through the generations of Beast Kings.

It is also an object connected to the princess’s father.

She would definitely want to have it.

―What do you mean you don’t need it?

I smirked and placed the crown on the princess’s head.

―Yo-you? What is this?

The princess looked up at me with a bewildered expression.

I didn’t let go of the crown, adjusting its position here and there.

This is just right.

―It suits you well.

―Are you giving it…?

It was slightly large since it was made for men, but it still suited her well.


It was then that a spark flew out from my hand and the crown.


A backlash came after a minute of holding the Beast King’s crown. I nonchalantly pulled my hand away.

The spark was feeble, and it seemed like the princess did not notice it.

―It’s yours, princess.


―If you really don’t need it, just resell it.

I admonished sternly.

―No, I can’t do that!

The princess grasped the crown with both hands, her face growing desperate.

―If you dislike that idea, it’s fine for you to keep it.


The princess bit her lip and fell into contemplation, seemingly torn between modesty and desire.

―Can I really accept it…?

―Of course. I bought it initially intending to give it to you, after all.

―Oh, oho, for me… You did that for me.

A flower bloomed instantaneously on the princess’s face. She then hesitated a little while sneaking glances at me, before seemingly coming to a decision. She looked up at me with tightly closed lips.

“Thank you, I will use it gratefully.”

Watching Rena express her gratitude in Korean with a radiant smile, I found myself smiling unconsciously.

Seeing her so happy makes the gift feel worthwhile.

―Ah, since Maiden helped to obtain it, make sure to thank her when you meet her later.

―Yes. Of course. I’ll remember to do that.

The princess hugged the crown with the happiest smile in the world.

From the side, Goldie and White Tiger began to show interest in the crown, gradually approaching.

Rena swiftly turned the crown around.

―How reckless! How dare you try to touch the king’s crown!

The princess stood up from her spot and lifted the crown high.

Then she spoke with a stern expression.

―This is mine… Ahhhh!

At that moment, White Tiger jumped and snatched the crown away.

Thud, thud, thud, thud-

And then swiftly fled into the next room.


Goldie also quickly followed White Tiger into the room.

―Give it back!

Rena hurriedly chased after White Tiger. The sound of a scuffle could be heard coming from the room.

―Eeek! That’s mine! It’s my father’s crown and a gift from Seo-yul!


―Give it back! Give it back! I said give it back!

The sounds of thumping echoed one after another.

“They’re having fun.”

I wondered if I should stop them, but I figured the three of them would play well on their own, so I decided to just leave them be.

Getting involved unnecessarily would probably just tire me out.

“…Let’s organize the remaining relics.”

I tossed the three good relics, rated [Ancient Relic/B Rank] or higher, into the artisan’s makeshift forge. Three would be sufficient insurance.

As for the remaining one, the elven relic ‘Breath of the Forest’ that I chose for acquiring a special ability, I contemplated holding onto it but eventually decided to leave it aside. The priority was to check the ability I acquired from the Beast King’s crown.

“Let something good come out.”

With a short prayer, I browsed the ‘Racial trait Encyclopedia’ beastmen ability page. Starting with the abilities recorded at the top of the page, I compared each one by one with my body.

Initially, nothing on the first page caught my eye.

As I was checking the next page…


There was a reaction.

This was the ability I acquired.

Along with a certain feeling, there was a response in the Adam’s Mark.

My eyes gradually widened.


This came out?

I rubbed my eyes.

Looking at it properly, it didn’t seem like a dream.

“Wow, sh*t.”

My internal top pick.

The steadfast number one on my beastmen ability bucket list.

A trait I had earnestly wished for since the days of the Fierce Tiger’s Gauntlet.

“The Beast King’s blessing…”

I had obtained the ability I had longed for.

< Chapter 147: Dilemma (2) > End.”

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