
Chapter 1754: Before the war (ask for a monthly ticket)

  As a large number of German troops entered Southeast Asia and Australia, the German troops in this area became stronger and stronger. Of the three newly formed army groups of the German Army, Army Group F and Army Group H both landed in Myanmar. Army Group G landed in Australia. As for the six army groups under Army Group E, the 11th Army, the 21st Army and the 23rd Army fought on the Indochina Peninsula. The remaining 12th, 22nd and 24th armies fought in Australia.

  In contrast, the Indochina Peninsula is also the focus of the island army's offensive. The German counterattack will mainly start from here.

   On July 20, 1941, all the additional troops sent by the German army to fight in the Far East had arrived from Europe to the scheduled battlefield. The commanders of several army groups of the German Army, the commanders of the three major fleets of the Navy, and the commanders of various aviation groups of the Air Force have all concentrated in Yangon. Marshal Manstein, chief of the Imperial General Staff, personally rushed here from the mainland and held a pre-war meeting. At this meeting, various deployments for combat against the island country will be made, and then implemented according to the deployment, so that the German army can destroy the island country in the shortest time.

"Everyone, the ministries have already arrived at the scheduled area. And now there are only five months until Christmas. Therefore, we don't have much time. The ministries must hurry up. Otherwise, I'm afraid we won't be able to complete it, Your Majesty." The assigned task." Marshal Manstein said.

  The marshals and generals who participated in the meeting all had serious expressions. Emperor Qin Tian said that he would end the war before Christmas. Then, the time left for them is only five months. They must destroy the island country in one fell swoop within five months. Otherwise, if the task entrusted by His Majesty the Emperor is not completed, there may not be any punishment, but everyone's face will not look good. Therefore, these generals made up their minds, and in the next few months, they must do their best to launch an offensive.

  Besides, Germany is now deploying a large number of troops in Southeast Asia and Australia, which can be described as strong. With the current strength of the German army, it shouldn't be a big problem to destroy the island country. No matter how brutal the island army is, it is almost impossible to confront the German army.

"Now, the enemies we have to deal with are mainly concentrated in Nanyang and the mainland of the island country. According to the information we have obtained, the army of the island country has nearly 3 million troops in Nanyang. In the mainland of the island country, there are another 3 million troops. And, The army of the island country has started a new round of reinforcements on the mainland. They even said that they will arm men, women, old and children to fight the empire to the death. Therefore, the army of the island country will be very large. However, I believe that those rabble-rousers cannot possibly be the opponents of the elite troops of the empire." Marshal Manstein affirmed.

  The generals of the Imperial Army also nodded repeatedly. After all, although the island country army can further expand more troops, it is not so easy to arm these troops. You must know that the mainland of the island country is very short of resources. Although the Netherlands Indonesia and the Philippine Islands, which are now occupied by the island army, have abundant resources. But it will take time to mine these resources and then transport them back to the mainland of the island country. In the past period of time, although the island countries were crazily plundering the resources in these areas, they were almost consumed and there were not many left. Once the German army launches an attack on the Indonesian archipelago and the Philippine archipelago, the island countries will no longer be able to use these resources. At that time, they simply will not have enough resources to arm the newly formed troops. Perhaps most of what the German army had to face were unarmed civilians.

"However, His Majesty has given special instructions. This time, the battle against the island country must not be taken lightly. Especially the troops at the grassroots level cannot lose their lives because of kindness. Your Majesty has authorized that once our troops land on the mainland of the island country , Officers and soldiers can attack anyone who poses a threat to the imperial army. The soldiers of the empire will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. But at the same time, they must never let go of any threat." Marshal Manstein continued.

  The generals of the Imperial Army all had serious expressions on their expressions. They knew better what Marshal Manstein meant. In other words, once the Imperial Army lands on the mainland of the island country, it can start killing. However, these generals who came out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood will not feel pity. Doomed to be an enemy of the empire, the island nation is doomed to perish.

   "Our offensive will first start from the Indonesian Islands and the Philippine Islands. After solving the southern army of the island country here, we will attack the mainland of the island country. The island country will be destroyed in one fell swoop!" Marshal Manstein said.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Chief of Staff!" Everyone replied.

   "Your Excellency, Marshal Kars, the navy of the island country will be handed over to you. Can the navy kill the navy of the island country before attacking the mainland?" Marshal Manstein asked.

   "Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, the navy will look for opportunities in the near future to find a way to kill the island navy!" Marshal Rolf Karls said.

  Although the navy of the island country is very strong, it now has more than 20 aircraft carriers of various types. The German Navy's Atlantic Fleet, Pacific Fleet, and Indian Ocean Fleet add up to only 16 aircraft carriers. However, the 16 aircraft carriers of the German Navy are almost all large aircraft carriers. The carrier-based aircraft carried are definitely more than the more than 20 aircraft carriers of the island navy. Coupled with the performance gap between the two sides' carrier-based aircraft, the German Navy definitely has an absolute advantage. Even if the navy of the island country has four battleships known as the most powerful in the world, they are definitely not the opponents of the German navy.

   "General Speight, the next operations, air support and strategic bombing of the island country's mainland, are up to the Air Force!" Marshal Manstein said.

   "No problem at all!" Air Force Chief of Staff General Hugo? Speight replied.

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