
Chapter 1316: brave islander

   Lieutenant General Shozo Sakurai's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. The German Air Force's air strikes are too powerful. Not only the troops who launched the attack on the landing craft suffered heavy losses, but even those troops who were still on board were also greatly threatened. If this continues, their offense is simply a joke.

"What about the Army Air Corps? When will they arrive? Contact the Front Army Command, we need air cover! Otherwise, our transport ships and merchant ships will all be bombed and sunk by the Germans!" Lieutenant General Sakurai Shozo ordered.

   "Hi, General." Major General Yanpan Haoxiong hurried to contact the front army headquarters.

  In fact, at this moment, the 9 aircraft groups dispatched by the 3rd and 4th Air Forces of the Japanese Army are already on the way, and they are not far from the battlefield. A few minutes later, a huge fleet consisting of 120 Type 1 fighters and Type 97 fighters appeared on the battlefield.

   After discovering the arrival of the fighter unit of the Army Air Force of the island country, the dive bombers and ground attack aircraft of the German air force immediately withdrew from the battle and returned to the airport. Even these dive bombers and ground attack aircraft of the Luftwaffe have advanced performance. But no matter what, it is obviously impossible to fight with the enemy's fighter jets. In that case, it is completely suicidal.

  The FW-190 fighter jets and BF-109 fighter jets of the German Air Force began a fierce battle with the fighter jets of the Japanese Army Air Force. Although, the fighter force of the Army Air Force of the island country is completely at a disadvantage in air combat, and it is not an opponent of the advanced fighter jets of the German Air Force at all. But they succeeded in dragging down the Luftwaffe, making them unable to support the ground forces.

   Lieutenant General Shozo Sakurai, commander of the 28th Army of the Island Army, breathed a sigh of relief. Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teiichi, head of the 2nd Division of the Japanese Army, was also relieved.

  Before under the air attack of the Luftwaffe, his four main infantry regiments had already paid a lot of losses before they had time to rush to the beach. If this continues, even if the entire Second Division is completely lost, I am afraid it will not be able to gain a firm foothold on the beach. Not to mention defeating the German army and occupying Xianna Port.

   Fortunately, the Luftwaffe is now held back, which makes their losses manageable. Although this battle is still a tough one, we can see a little hope.

   "Order each wing to speed up. The German Air Force has been dragged down, and each wing must seize this opportunity!" Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teichi ordered.

   "Hi, Your Excellency, Head of the Division!" The Chief of Staff of the Division, Takeo Kinoshita, replied.

  Without the interference of the German Air Force, the speed of the 2nd Division of the Japanese Army has indeed increased a lot. Those brave island soldiers rowed desperately and rushed to the beach. Over their heads, shells kept falling. Once hit, it will be the end of the ship crash. However, the soldiers of those island countries didn't seem to have seen this at all. Their eyes are full of fiery light. These people have long been poisoned by the spirit of Bushido, and their minds are full of thoughts of expanding the territory and being loyal to His Majesty the Emperor. To die on the battlefield is regarded as the highest honor of a soldier.

"Heavy machine guns fire! Mortars and grenades start firing, no need to save ammunition!" After discovering that their own dive bombers and ground attack aircraft had to withdraw from the battlefield, the frontline officers of the 225th Infantry Division of the German Army issued orders one after another. ordered.

  A very important advantage of the German Army is its firepower superiority. During the last world war, the German army relied on its superiority in firepower, and the armies of other countries were unable to parry.

   After more than 20 years of development, the German Army's firepower advantage has undoubtedly been further improved. Especially when facing the army of island countries, the firepower advantage of the German army is undoubtedly very obvious.

   "Da da da!" Heavy machine guns and light machine guns fired, and small and medium-caliber mortars also started firing, and grenades also joined them. After the landing troops of the 2nd Division of the Island Army approached the coast, the Germans fired more powerfully.


   Bullets flew overhead, causing some island army soldiers to lie down on the landing craft. However, the wooden landing craft was easily pierced by bullets from heavy machine guns. The bullet hit the fragile human body, and the soldier let out a desperate scream.


  A grenade fell on the landing craft, and several island soldiers were killed on the spot, and other soldiers were also severely injured.

   "Baga! We are only 200 meters away from the coast, why can't we rush up?" Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teichi was furious. The more this stalemate continues, the worse it will be for them. The German Army was able to use its powerful firepower to inflict greater losses on them.

   "Your Excellency, Division Commander, the German firepower is too strong. Our troops have suffered great losses." Colonel Kinoshita Takeo explained.

"This is not the reason! No matter how powerful the Germans' firepower is, the brave warriors of the Empire will never back down, and they will never be defeated by the Germans. The final victory must belong to us!" Yoshimoto Teiichi The lieutenant general said in a deep voice.

  The landing troops of the island country army are indeed very brave. However, in modern warfare, courage and will are no longer the most important factors that determine the outcome of a war. The pros and cons of weapons and equipment play an increasingly important role in warfare. This is why although the island army is brave in combat, it will still lose on the battlefield.

   "Come on! Hurry up, we're about to rush to the beach!" A second lieutenant officer of the island country army waved his command knife, seeming very excited.

   But in the next second, his body fell into the sea. I saw a big bullet hole on his forehead. This is the shot of snipers among the various units of the German Army. They've started hunting down valuable targets.

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