
Chapter 1186: misfortune

"Comrade Joseph, this is indeed a very good opportunity. We Russians live in such a world of ice and snow all year round, and our cold resistance is definitely not comparable to that of the Germans and their servants. In such cold weather, they can only hide Trembling in the barracks, it is impossible to fight. Our soldiers are completely different. Even the Germans would never have expected that we would launch such an attack at this time. At that time, we will definitely be able to They were caught off guard. Therefore, I fully agree with you!" said Shaposhnikov immediately, against his conscience.

  Although, he knew what the consequences would be. But, in order to keep his own power, Shaposhnikov has completely given up.

   After hearing this, Joseph nodded repeatedly, even more because after hearing Shaposhnikov's words, he became more determined about his decision. He felt more and more that this was a very rare opportunity, and it would be a pity if he missed it.

   "Come here, go and invite Comrade Voroshilov. This time, if the counterattack is placed on the Western Front, it would be the best thing!" Joseph said. The Western Front is currently the largest group army of the Russian army, with a huge army of more than three million people. Joseph believes that if the Western Front can win this winter offensive, it may be able to change the unfavorable situation against Bu Russia in one fell swoop.

  The secretary immediately called the Western Front Command. Although the Western Front was formed, Marshal Voroshilov did not immediately go to the front line because of the cessation of the fighting, but stayed in Moscow to work.

  Shaposhnikov knew that at this point, everything else was useless. Joseph has obviously gone mad, and he must follow his will. Even if it is to pay a small price for this, it is not hesitating. At least, that would keep his current power. It's just that Shaposhnikov is also worried that if Bu Russia loses too much in this counterattack, it may make it more difficult for the Russian army to resist the German attack in next year's war.

  Of course, judging from the current situation, it is obvious that Joseph's needs must be met first. As for the rest, we can talk about it later.

   Marshal Voroshilov rushed to the Kremlin immediately after receiving a call from Joseph's office. He didn't know what was going on and was in a daze. In fact, after he became the commander of the Western Front, although he also served as a member of the Politburo, the position of the People's Commissar of the State has been handed over to Shaposhnikov, which made the number of times Joseph summoned him less and less . This even made Voroshilov wonder for a while whether he was no longer trusted by Joseph.

   "Comrade Joseph, what are your orders?" Marshal Voroshilov put his posture very low in front of Joseph.

   "Comrade Voroshilov, how is the integration of the Western Front?" Joseph asked.

"Comrade Joseph, the integration of the Western Front is in progress. The various departments incorporated into the Western Front are being assembled to the theater west of Moscow. However, there are too many troops involved, so it will take some time." Marshal Voroshilov replied road. He couldn't help muttering in his heart, maybe Joseph thought the integration of the Western Front Army was too slow. He has already made up his mind that after returning this time, he must speed up the integration of the Western Front Army.

   Joseph nodded: "Comrade Voroshilov, the integration of the Western Front really needs to be accelerated. However, there is now a more important task that needs to be completed by the Western Front."

   "Comrade Joseph, I assure you that the Western Front will definitely be able to complete the tasks you assigned!" Marshal Voroshilov patted his chest without saying a word.

"Very well, Comrade Voroshilov, it is all the better if you have such confidence. I have decided to launch a massive counterattack against the Germans, taking advantage of the current weather in our favour. I hope that the In this counterattack, the Germans' vital forces will be consumed on a large scale to prepare for next year's battle!" Joseph said.

   Marshal Voroshilov was stunned, he had no idea that Joseph would issue such an order. What weather is good for Bu Russia? How could it be beneficial? Although Russians do have a little more frost resistance than people from other countries. However, that must be under the condition of having the same protection against the cold and warmth. The current situation is that the German army has sufficient clothing and supplies to keep out the cold, while the Russian army lacks these supplies. Many Russian soldiers could only shiver in the barracks in thin military uniforms. There have even been cases of large-scale frostbite and freezing to death. If an attack is launched under such circumstances, it is not known how many Russian soldiers will be frozen to death. At that time, don't talk about beating the Germans, maybe half of your troops will be frozen to death.

   Marshal Voroshilov looked at Shaposhnikov, thinking it was his idea.

  Shaposhnikov responded with an innocent look.

   Marshal Voroshilov immediately knew that this was an unwarranted disaster. It must be Joseph's sudden idea, and it must be enforced. However, now it was his turn to be unlucky.

  Originally, Marshal Voroshilov was somewhat reluctant to serve as the commander of the Western Front. Although the Western Front Army has more than three million troops, it is the most powerful Front Army among the Russian Army. Serving as the commander of this front army is an absolute high position and weight. However, he feared that if he was defeated by the Germans, he would definitely die.

   Unexpectedly, Joseph actually wanted him to lead his troops to take the initiative to attack. Didn't this push him into the fire pit? If the counterattack fails, Joseph, the person who proposed the plan, must be fine. No one will place the blame on him. Then, there must be a scapegoat. Marshal Voroshilov naturally didn't want to be the scapegoat himself. However, misfortune fell from the sky, and there was no way to hide from it!

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