
Chapter 1152: punish the island nation

"Your Excellency, the island country's ambassador to Germany had a two-hour contact on the morning of October 18. On the afternoon of the 19th, the two had another meeting. Through our efforts, we have basically figured out The content of their meeting. The island country intends to join the Allies led by Germany to fight!" William Joseph Donovan said.

  President Roosevelt's complexion suddenly became very ugly. You know, the island country can be said to be supported by the United States. For a long time, the U.S. government has believed that the island country is just a dog raised by them. They are the masters and can let the island country bite people at any time. But now, this dog has a heart of betrayal. This is undoubtedly absolutely unacceptable to the US government.

   "Can you find out whether the island government has joined the Allies?" President Roosevelt asked.

   "Your Excellency, there is no news about this yet." William Joseph Donovan said.

President Roosevelt nodded: "Your Excellency, I ask the Intelligence Coordination Bureau to continue to pay attention to the intelligence in this area, and find a way to find out the decision of the island government. If the island people really want to join the Allies, we must know in advance. That way, we won't be caught off guard!"

   "Yes, Your Excellency the President." William Joseph Donovan replied.

   "Call the ministers of the cabinet and hold an emergency meeting!" After William Joseph Donovan left, President Roosevelt left and ordered.

  The secretary left to make a phone call. In less than twenty minutes, senior officials of the US government gathered in President Roosevelt's office.

   "Gentlemen, let me tell you a very bad news. This time we may be in big * trouble. The dog we raise may have the intention of betraying us." President Roosevelt said.


   Suddenly all the people took a breath, and of course they could understand what President Roosevelt meant.

"God! How is this possible? Over the past twenty years, we have given them so much support, helped them rebuild their economy, and redeveloped their military power. Now, are they intending to betray us? If so, God Let these damned guys go to hell!" Secretary of State Hull looked shocked.

  Other senior U.S. government officials were also shocked. The island country is a very important part of their dealing with Germany. The island nation's millions of troops and powerful navy will play an irreplaceable role in their plans. Without the strong military power of the island country, even if the island country turns to Germany, it is almost impossible for the United States to win future wars.

   "Your Excellency, is this news certain? If the island country really decides to betray us, then we may have to revise our plan!" said War Secretary Woodling.

"This is information obtained by the Intelligence Coordination Bureau. It is basically confirmed. However, it is not known whether Germany and the island country have reached an agreement. However, if the island country really decides to defect, it should be available soon. related news," President Roosevelt said.

   "Your Excellency, if this is the case, then we must take action to win over the talents of the island nation. Otherwise, once the island nation really turns their backs, the consequences will be disastrous." Secretary of the Navy Swanson said.

  President Roosevelt nodded. Indeed, the United States has invested heavily in island countries. If the island country betrays, all their investment will be in vain.

"Your Excellency, perhaps the situation is not that bad. Germany will not easily accept island countries into the Allies. Those members of the Allies, except for Germany, do not have world-class powers. The purpose of the Germans launching this world war, It is to remove the threat of other countries to Germany's world hegemony. And the island country is also a powerful country. It is also the goal that Germany will inevitably solve. Therefore, Germany will not let the island country enter the Allies. Even if the Germans temporarily let go, then It’s just to perfuse the island nation. I think those guys in the island nation are not fools, and they won’t fail to guess this. With some means, we may be able to get the island nation back on the right path.” Hopkins consultant said.

  President Roosevelt and other high-ranking American officials were all brightened. Indeed, the current situation has not reached the worst point.

"Let our ambassadors stationed in the island countries warn the governments of the island countries! In addition, stop providing all kinds of large-scale transactions to the island countries. Without our support, the strong military power of the island countries cannot be maintained at all. Even their countries will face collapse. Yes. At that time, the island government will make a choice. We can also learn from it the real choice of the island people." Hopkins said.

   "But, will this push the island country to Germany?" Secretary of State Hull was a little worried.

"If the island country really decides to join the Allies, we will stop providing them with support, just to reduce our losses. Conversely, if the island country and the Germans do not agree, then the island country government will respond immediately. They will agree to our request and launch an attack on the German colonies in Southeast Asia and Australia as soon as possible," Hopkins said.

  President Roosevelt nodded: "This is undoubtedly a good idea. Before we asked the island countries to attack Southeast Asia and Australia, they have been shirking. This time, they will have no way to shirk."

"Gentlemen, I found that we have been treating the island countries a little too leniently. It made them dare to obey our orders. So, this time we have to punish the island countries and let them know who is the master! They only It's just a dog we raised, and they have to bite whomever we want them to bite! There is absolutely no price to negotiate!" President Roosevelt said.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the President." All the cabinet ministers replied. But everyone is obviously still a little worried that doing so will force the island country to the German side.

"Everyone, don't worry, I dare say that the Germans and the islanders can't agree. The islanders have no other choice but to follow our plan honestly!" President Roosevelt seemed very confident. He still has this bit of political wisdom.

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