
Chapter 1144: Fragile life (seeking monthly ticket)

  Government affairs Because of this, the ordinary Russian soldiers were also greatly affected. They performed very bravely in battle. Even if you are in deep siege, you will fight until you are beaten to death.

   On a street in the south of Ulyanovgrad, not far from Victory Square. Therefore, the Russian army attaches great importance to this place.

  A battalion of the 43rd Infantry Division of the German Army occupied this block after a fierce battle. As long as they can advance another 200 meters, they will be able to enter the Victory Square.

  The Russian army has launched several offensives in order to regain this place. On the streets, the bodies of Russian soldiers are everywhere.

   "Comrade Commander, Comrade Kuznetsov asked us how long it will take before we can drive the Germans out of Moscow Street?" an officer reported.

   "Tell Comrade Kuznetsov that my troops are working hard!" Major General Berzarin, commander of the Russian 27th Army, replied with a cold face.

  South of Ulyanovgrad is the defense zone of the Russian 27th Army. However, the enemies he faced were the German 4th Army and the Baltic 1st Army. Forget about the troops of the three Baltic countries. Although they are well equipped, their fighting qualities are not low. However, his performance on the battlefield seemed rigid. This made them have been suppressed by the Russian army during the battle, and the casualties during the battle were also very large. If there is no German army, Major General Berzarin is confident that he can resist their attack with the army in his hand.

   But unfortunately, the German 4th Army is not something they can't deal with. In the face of the steady advance of the German army, Major General Berzarin felt a sense of despair. His army could not withstand the German attack at all. Every time he counterattacked, it was as if the tide was hitting the rocks, smashing them into pieces.

   "Order the 84th Infantry Division to continue the offensive! Before sunset today, the Germans must be driven out of Moscow Street!" Major General Berzarin ordered with a black face.

   "Yes, Comrade Commander."

   "Da da da!" On the German position, four general-purpose machine guns were firing, and the crossfire formed blocked the entire street. On the buildings on both sides that have not yet collapsed, there are still German light machine guns and sniper rifles firing.

  The heroic Russian soldiers charged against the barrage of bullets from the German army. They held rifles and shouted slogans, as if they were not afraid of death at all.

   "Puff, puff!"

  The bullets entered the human body, and the huge impact force knocked their bodies away, and at the same time, left bullet holes in their bodies. Blood is spurting, life is passing. These heroic Russian soldiers are dying.

  Human life is undoubtedly very fragile in such a battle. The lives of the soldiers seem to be unimportant. They are just used as a tool to complete the task.

   "Damn! The German firepower is too strong, we can't rush in at all!" A Russian officer cursed.

  Yes, in the case of the Russian army's powerful firepower blockade, the Russian army's offensive is useless at all, and it is no different from death. However, their counterattack could not be stopped. Because the superior has issued an order, these Russian soldiers have to die regardless of whether they are willing or not.

  Whether it is from the era of the Russian Empire or the current Bu Russia, the generals of the army do not seem to take the lives of soldiers seriously. To them, soldiers are just a number, as long as they can win, no matter how many soldiers they lose, it is acceptable. Anyway, Russia has a large population, which allows them to arm a large number of troops, and after they are lost, they can be quickly replenished.

   However, this time the situation may be different. The Barbarossa plan formulated by the German Army was going to destroy Russia this time, so naturally it took into account the huge number of Russian troops. Therefore, in combat, the generals of the German army will eliminate the vital forces of the Russian army as their top priority. Even if the Russian army can arm more than 10 million troops, it will destroy two or three million at a time. Such a big battle, a few times, is enough to wipe out the Russian army. At that time, what will the Russian army do to resist the German attack?

   In the northwest of Ulyanovgrad, five infantry divisions of the Finnish Army are attacking the city center. The Finns undoubtedly have an unforgettable hatred for the Russians. Their country was annexed by Russia before. It was after Germany defeated Russia that it helped them become independent. However, after Bu Russia became stronger, it once again posed a great threat to Finland. The Finns all know that if Bu Russia cannot be destroyed, they may soon repeat the same mistakes and be destroyed by Russia again.

  So, in this war against Bu Russia, these Finnish soldiers performed very bravely. Although their army was small in number, they fought bravely. The remnants of the Russian 11th Army that fought in the battle suffered heavy losses and retreated steadily.

   Of course, in such a fierce battle, the Finnish Army suffered a lot. However, no one backed down.

   Fierce battles were staged everywhere in Ulyanovgrad. The German army and its allies are eliminating the Russian army in the city bit by bit. Although the resistance of the Russian army is also very tenacious, they are at an absolute disadvantage in the battle. Under the attack of the German army and its allies, they are retreating steadily and losing positions continuously.

  By the night of October 2, almost half of Ulyanovgrad's urban area had fallen into the control of the German army and its allies. The situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to the Russian army.

  Perhaps in order to avoid repeating the mistakes of the Western Front, the political workers of the Northwest Front of the Russian Army strengthened their control over the army. They tried their best to avoid those military chiefs and led the troops to surrender to the German army. At the request of these political workers, the Russian army showed even more fearlessness and disregard for life.

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