
Chapter 1053: Prepare for war (seeking monthly ticket)

  Under the leadership of Roosevelt, the United States is aggressively expanding its armaments. A large number of orders from the government and the military have made the industry and economy of the United States prosper again, and the lives of the people have become much better. Everything seems to be better. It seems that the United States has come out of the economic crisis.

  Of course, such prosperity is still nothing but false prosperity. Everything is based on huge orders from the government and the military. As a result, the U.S. government has owed a huge amount of foreign debt, and once the government cannot afford this debt. Then, it's time to crash. They seem to have gained nothing but a strong army and navy.

  However, if their army can win the war, then everything will be fine. As victors, they can slaughter the defeated countries at will, and take a lot of wealth from them to make up for their own losses. In that case, the United States may still be able to cope with all problems.

  However, if not only did not win the war, but failed. Then, the consequences may be very serious. At that time, whether the United States can continue to exist is still very difficult to say.

   It's just that neither President Roosevelt nor ordinary Americans paid attention to those. They all firmly believe that in future wars, they will definitely win. Because their army is becoming stronger and stronger.

Bu Russia, the whole country is shrouded in the atmosphere of terror caused by the NKVD. A large number of senior leaders of the Bu Russia government and army were arrested and then shot casually, as if they were executing ordinary criminals Same.

  Similarly, it was in such a terrifying atmosphere that Joseph's power was growing. Many leaders of Bu Russia know that if they want to survive, they have to rely on Joseph and hug his thigh tightly. Therefore, through the actions of the NKVD, Joseph gradually took control of all the power of Bu Russia, truly overriding everyone.

  Under Joseph's request, Bu Russia's army is also preparing for war. A large number of tanks and aircraft were equipped to the troops. Although, Joseph knew that the combat effectiveness of the Russian army could hardly compete with the German army. However, he hoped to be able to withstand the German attack by increasing the number of troops. Attempts to rely on quantitative changes to cause qualitative changes.

  Bu Russia has a population of more than 100 million. If they expand their army wildly, it will be enough to mobilize tens of millions of troops. This scale is already much larger than the German Army. What's more, Germany's enemy is not only Bu Russia, but several powerful countries. Once several powerful countries go to war with Germany at the same time, Germany's power will inevitably be dispersed. In that case, the German army that Bu Russia will face will be relatively much less. Therefore, Joseph believes that Bu Russia still has a good chance of winning in future wars.

  Once Bu Russia defeats Germany and wins the war, they can take advantage of the trend to bring the entire European continent into their own rule and become a country that unifies the European continent. With the foundation and strength of the whole of Europe, there is no problem at all in conquering the whole world.

  Joseph has begun to dream of the dream of planting red flags all over the world!

  Germany, Berlin, Imperial Palace.

  Qin Tian was looking through the documents sent by the Intelligence Bureau. The information collected from the intelligence agency shows that war is already brewing. The cloud of war has begun to gather. It is estimated that it will not be long before the war will break out.

"Roosevelt attempted to stimulate the domestic economy through the expansion of armaments. Obviously, this is a desperate attempt to put all the treasures in future wars. Is he really sure that their army will be able to defeat the German Empire in future wars and win Victory?" Qin Tian sneered. You know, over the years, the United States has been developing its military power, but Germany is also developing its military power!

   It's just that, because no war broke out in these years, the German * army has never been visible, and the outside world doesn't even know how powerful the German * army is.

  However, Qin Tian believes that the current German army, whether it is the army, navy, or air force, is definitely the most powerful in the world. If other countries want to confront Germany, they are just asking for humiliation.

   "The purge of Bu Russia has intensified, which is a good thing for the empire!" Qin Tian put down the information in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

  In this time and space, because of Germany’s help, the Great Cleansing in Bu Russia lasted longer and affected a wider area. It can be said that the entire Bu Russia will suffer huge losses as a result. Especially in the Russian army, a large number of experienced commanders and fighters were shot. This is completely an act of self-destruction of the Great Wall. Once the war broke out, how would those inexperienced generals and officers command the troops to fight against the ferocious German army? Is it because of the slogans of those political workers?

   Of course, this is undoubtedly what the German Empire wants to see. The more weakened the strength of the Russian army, the greater the possibility that the German army will defeat the Russian army in the future. In other words, the German army will suffer less losses in the war to defeat Bu Russia.

  Although, through the Great Purge, Joseph further grasped the power of Bu Russia. But, that doesn't matter. The important thing is this time and space, Germany has become stronger. At the same time, Qin Tian is not the head of state, and he will not make the mistakes made by the head of state. This will give Germany a great advantage in the war against Russia. As long as you can fight steadily, defeat Bu Russia. Then, there will be no doubt about Germany's victory in future wars.

"Since everyone is unwilling to be lonely, they have begun to prepare for war. Then, of course, the empire cannot lose to them. From now on, the empire also needs to be prepared for war. They will not know until the war breaks out that Germany How far has the military power of the empire swollen to? They will be beaten all over the place by the empire!" Qin Tian said secretly.

   "Come here, let me know that the imperial meeting will be held tomorrow!" Qin Tian ordered.

   "Yes, Your Majesty." The secretary immediately went to make a phone call.

  Qin Tian hopes to unify everyone's thoughts at the imperial meeting tomorrow. Let everyone start preparing for the war that will break out next.

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