
Chapter 876: cowardly king

  Other countries are waiting for Germany's response. Should they choose to swallow their anger and suffer this hidden loss, or become angry and use force against Spain? Swallowing your breath, this is obviously not in line with Germany's behavior style. What's more, the German emperor was originally a young man. Young people are always impulsive when they do things. If force is used, then Germany's approach would be a little too domineering. Although Germany has such strength and capital, no country is willing to be too overbearing as a world hegemon. In that case, the interests of other countries will not be guaranteed.

   Therefore, many countries hope to be able to see Germany's future behavior style from the reaction of the Germans this time. Then formulate corresponding countermeasures.

  Spain, Royal Palace of Madrid.

  Spanish King Alfonso XIII was as anxious as ants on a hot pan. Now he has regretted it. In fact, when the German fleet appeared off the coast of Gibraltar, he already regretted it. He has already perceived Germany's determination for Gibraltar from it. This made Alfonso XIII very worried, worried that Germany would attack Spain desperately. If that's the case, they definitely won't be able to resist it! Such consequences are simply not something the Kingdom of Spain can afford.

"What should we do? What should we do now? The German fleet has already approached Gibraltar and will launch an attack soon. If we are not careful, it will turn into a war between us and Germany. At that time, what will we do?" It can withstand the German attack!" Alfonso XIII said anxiously.

"Your Majesty, the German fleet just arrived in Gibraltar and did not launch an attack. Perhaps, the situation will not be as bad as we imagined. If the Germans wanted to launch an attack, they would have done it directly, and there is no need to wait until Now is the time." Prime Minister Count Romanones said.

   "Won't the Germans attack?" A gleam of joy flashed in Alfonso XIII's eyes. His greatest fear was that the Germans would attack and his country would be doomed. It would be all the better if the Germans would not attack.

"Your Majesty, judging from the current situation, the possibility of the Germans' attack is not too great. After all, Gibraltar has always been our inherent territory. It is a matter of course for us to recover Gibraltar. No one can Blame us on this issue. What's more, Germany, as the world's hegemon and the most powerful country in the world, must also take their reputation into account. If the world's hegemon can unscrupulously attack other countries, then is the world still in chaos? Other countries will never allow the Germans to do that. Therefore, I think the Germans will eventually choose to let it go." Foreign Minister Prieto also jumped out, with a look that he knew that such a thing would happen. look.

  Prince Alfonso XIII was originally an extremely uninitiated person. After listening to the words of Romanones and Prieto, he thought their views were very reasonable. So, the worry in my heart disappeared.

"It would be great if the Germans would not attack us and choose to admit the fait accompli. I will become the only king of Spain to regain Gibraltar!" Alfonso XIII had a full face happy look. He himself is also a very happy person, and he loves face very much. Things like regaining lost territories are undoubtedly a big facelift. Now that there is no threat from the Germans, Alfonso XIII certainly hopes to enjoy this honor.

"Your Majesty! Even if the Germans won't attack us, this time they suffered a dark loss. They must have been very dissatisfied with us. So, I think it's time for us to contact the Germans and find a way to make up for us After all, Germany is the hegemon of the world, and its strength is far stronger than ours. It would be the best if we can not offend Germany." Earl Romanones suggested.

  Alfonso XIII nodded repeatedly. He was originally a timid person. Let him offend the world overlord, how could he have such courage? If the temptation to regain Gibraltar was not too great this time, he would not dare to do that.

  Alfonso XIII felt like a gambler, and finally won the bet. If you continue to gamble, you will most likely lose your money. So, it's time to take it easy.

   "Your Majesty, at the same time, our army must be prepared. In case the Germans are really ready to attack. We can't admit defeat directly. In that case, we will lose face completely." Earl Romanones continued.

   "What? Prepare to fight? How can that be? How can we beat the Germans?" Alfonso XIII shook his head like a rattle.

"Your Majesty, the Germans may not dare to attack. But we must also be prepared just in case. If the Germans attack, we should at least fight them. Of course, in order to avoid Larger losses, we should control the scope of the war to Gibraltar. In that case, even if we lose, our losses will not be too great. Similarly, we have an explanation to the people. It is not us I don't want to keep Gibraltar, but the enemy is too powerful. I believe that the people can understand it. In this case, His Majesty will have no responsibility. In addition, we can re-establish the image of the Kingdom of Spain all over the world. Let They know that the Kingdom of Spain has not yet fallen. Even in the face of a world hegemon like Germany, we dare to fight them. This is very helpful for improving our international image!" Count Romanones continued.

  Alfonso XIII was already dumbfounded. He never thought that Count Romanones would have so many things to say. However, when he thought about it carefully, it seemed very feasible.

   "Okay, Your Excellency Prime Minister, just do as you say!" Alfonso XIII said.

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