
Chapter 727: Heavy loss (2900 votes plus update)


  A 343mm artillery shell fired from the battlecruiser "Moltke" hit the armored cruiser "Asama" of the Japanese Navy. This armored cruiser, which has been in service for 16 years and has a displacement of more than 9,700 tons, looks so vulnerable in front of the huge battlecruiser. The shell hit the bow main turret of the armored cruiser 'Asama'.

  The 152 mm thick main turret armor is no different from paper paste, and it is easily torn apart by 343 mm shells. The shell exploded inside the turret, destroying the entire turret. As for the gunner in the turret, he was blown to pieces right away.

  Although, the shells in the turret have been fired, and there is no fire, so no further damage was caused to the armored cruiser. But after the armored cruiser with only two main turrets lost one main turret, its firepower was immediately reduced by half!

"Baga! The Germans are still closing the distance. Now our distance has been shortened to 5,000 meters. If this continues, our battleships will probably be penetrated by the German battlecruisers! "The captain of the 'Asama' armored cruiser, Captain Yoshioka Fance, looked helpless. It's not that they don't work hard, but that the strength gap between the two sides is too great! This gap is enough to make every officer and soldier of the island nation's navy feel desperate.

  However, Colonel Yoshioka Fan Ce's helplessness did not last long. Two minutes later, the battlecruiser 'Moltke' hit the armored cruiser 'Asama' again. A shell pierced through the armor of the command tower, killing all the officers including Yoshioka Fan Ce.

  Subsequently, a shell penetrated the side of the armored cruiser 'Asama', blasting a big hole. In the end, the armored cruiser "Asama" also followed in the footsteps of the armored cruiser "Izumo" and sank because of too much water.

  The armored cruiser "Viridian" was even more tragic, and was attacked by the German Navy. Siege of the battlecruisers Lützow and Seydlitz.

   343mm shells exploded around it, splashing a high column of water, making this armored cruiser with a displacement of more than 9,700 tons like a small boat in a storm, which may capsize at any time.

   Moreover, shells continued to hit it, and it was riddled with holes. The superstructure is burning like a torch. Under the siege of two battlecruisers of the German Navy, it is really a miracle that the armored cruiser "Viridian" can persist. But unfortunately, such a miracle will never happen.

  Shortly after the sinking of the armored cruiser 'Asama', the armored cruiser 'Tokiwa' sank into the sea. Of the more than 500 sailors on the battleship, except for a handful of people, none of them managed to escape.

   Three armored cruisers were sunk in succession, and other armored cruisers were also in danger, which put great pressure on the navy of the island country. If they don't think of a way to change the situation, their losses will rise further.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   Among the shells fired by the battlecruiser 'King Kong', two 356mm shells hit the battlecruiser 'Mackenson'. A shell hit the stern main turret of the battlecruiser 'Mackenson'. But unfortunately, the shell still failed to tear through the thick turret armor and exploded outside.

  Although, the huge impact stunned the gunner inside. However, no more damage was done.

   Another shell hit the side of the battlecruiser "King Kong", blowing up a 150mm secondary gun and killing several sailors.

   Hitting two shells at one time, General Ijuin Goro and Major General Yamashita Gentaro cheered. However, when they found that neither of the two shells had caused much damage to the battlecruiser 'Mackenson', they were almost desperate.

  However, being hit this time also made Lieutenant General Spei and Major General Mao Fu nervous and worried.

   "Command the fleet, speed up, throw off the battle line of the islanders. Go around in front of their armored cruisers, seize the T-head, and launch a further attack on the armored cruisers of the islanders." Lieutenant General Spee ordered.

   "Yes, General!" Major General Mao Fu nodded. He knew that Lieutenant General Spei issued such an order in order to preserve his own strength as much as possible.

  The battle line of the German Navy began to accelerate. The maximum speed of these battlecruisers is above 25 knots. This allowed them to easily increase their speed to over 20 knots. The battle line of the island navy has done its best to maintain a speed of 16 or 7 knots. Once the speed of the battle line of the German expeditionary fleet increased, they could only watch each other leave.

   "Damn, what do the Germans want to do? They actually accelerated away!" Major General Gentaro Yamashita looked ugly. He didn't think the battle line of the German expeditionary fleet wanted to escape.

   "They want to use their speed to throw us off, and then deal with our armored cruisers!" General Ijuin Goro paled.

  However, they knew the intentions of the German Navy, but they had no way to deal with it. Even those armored cruisers of the island nation's navy, when they were built, had a maximum speed of just over 20 knots. After serving for more than ten years, even with maintenance and maintenance, it can maintain a speed of seventeen or eighteen knots at most. In front of the battlecruisers of the German Navy, such a speed is simply not enough!

   Half an hour later, the battle line of the German Navy seized the prefix T and began to focus fire on the armored cruisers of the island navy.

   The armored cruiser Kasuga was the first to be attacked. Even though this armored cruiser is already scarred, it still persists. However, during the concentrated fire of the German Navy's battle line, the armored cruiser was hit by more than ten shells in just two minutes. This is undoubtedly a fatal injury to an armored cruiser with a displacement of only more than 7,000 tons.

  The armored cruiser "Kasuga" was almost shattered into pieces during the explosion before sinking into the sea.

   Immediately afterwards, the 'Nisshin', 'Iwakamo', 'Azuma' and 'Yakumo' failed to escape, and were torn to pieces under the terrifying firepower of the German expeditionary fleet.

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