
Chapter 484: Encourage fighting spirit (seek monthly ticket)

  Because of the invasion of the German army, the French army had already suffered a series of failures in the early stages of the war, so France had to increase its mobilization step by step. Most of the adult men either joined the army or were produced in the arsenal, making the number of adult men in French society very small. This undoubtedly makes the romantic life of French women empty and lonely. They seem to have forgotten that their husbands are fighting the Germans on the front line, while they stay in the rear, wantonly cuckolding their husbands.

   Several cars drove into the city hall, which was heavily guarded by the French army. An older soldier, accompanied by a group of shining generals, entered the city hall. This old soldier is the well-known Marshal Joseph Joffre, who is now the commander-in-chief of the French army. However, because of a series of disastrous defeats by the French army on the battlefield, his position as commander-in-chief has been shaken. If the German army hadn't taken the initiative to stop the offensive last year, and the French army had failed once or twice, maybe his commander would have been replaced.

  The group went directly to the meeting room of the city hall. At this moment, there were more generals in the meeting room. Most of the generals of the British and French coalition forces on the front line of the Marne River have appeared here at this moment.

   "The commander-in-chief is here!" When Marshal Xia Fei entered the meeting room, a staff officer immediately announced loudly.

  Suddenly, the voices of the generals whispering to each other in the meeting room disappeared immediately, replaced by the sound of chairs being bumped. A group of generals stood up one by one and saluted Marshal Xiafei.

   "Well, everyone sit down!" Marshal Xiafei said kindly.

  The generals all sat down neatly, and everyone looked at Marshal Xia Fei. Everyone knows that the current situation is very critical, and a large-scale battle is imminent. For the British and French allied forces, they will face a tough battle next.

"Everyone, according to the information we have received, the Germans have completed their preparations again. It is very likely that their offensive will start soon, possibly tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. In short, this time is not long. But , What I want to tell you is that last year, we were able to resist the German attack. This time, we can also resist their attack and defeat them in one fell swoop!" Marshal Joffre said confidently.

  Marshal Xiafei's confident appearance seemed to have infected other generals of the British and French coalition forces, and they were also full of confidence in the next battle. They seem to have forgotten that last year, they had just suffered a disastrous defeat and were almost defeated by the Germans even the capital. The French may be like this by nature!

"Although the Germans caused us heavy losses last year. However, with the support of us and our British allies, we successfully resisted their attacks. After more than half a year of preparation, the total strength of the British and French coalition forces has now exceeded three There are one million people. The Germans still only have an army of more than two million. In terms of military strength, we have a greater advantage than the Germans. In terms of weapons and equipment, we are no worse than the Germans. In addition, we have spent the past six months , on the south bank of the Marne, built a strong fortification. Therefore, it is almost impossible for the Germans to break through our fortifications. We will soon see that they will hit the head on our defense line The blood is broken. After our defense line consumes all the vital strength of the Germans, we can launch a counterattack, defeat the Germans in one fell swoop, drive them out of our land, and even hit the Germans in one fell swoop. Arrest all their emperors and crown princes, send them to the gallows, and make them pay for what they have done!" Marshal Xia Fei continued.

I have to admit that Marshal Joffre's speech was very inspiring, and the generals of the British and French allied forces who attended the meeting were all excited, as if the combat effectiveness of the French Army had doubled all of a sudden, and they could easily fight against the French army. German Army defeated.

  However, the real senior generals of the British and French coalition forces are not as easy to bewitch as those low-level generals. They clearly remembered how much the German army had caused them on the battlefield last year. This time, after a lapse of half a year, the German army made a comeback after careful preparations. No need to think about it, how much their strength has improved. Although the strength of the British and French coalition forces has also improved a lot. But whether they can withstand the German attack, they are even more uncertain.

   Not to mention the current international situation, it is very unfavorable to the Allies. As the Royal Navy was defeated by the German Navy in the decisive battle at sea, it seemed that Germany was only one step away from winning this war. As long as the German army defeats the British and French allied forces on the French battlefield, it will be able to win the final victory.

   This also made the generals of the British and French coalition forces undoubtedly feel great pressure. If it fails again this time, the Allied Powers will probably end in failure in this war.

  The people present here are undoubtedly high-level people from Britain and France, and they are all people who hold great power. If Britain and France lose in this war, then they are finished. Therefore, even if it is a desperate fight, they all hope to win the war. Anyway, it was not them who actually went to the battlefield to fight the Germans, but those ordinary failures, and their safety could undoubtedly be guaranteed.

"Generals, you are the bravest people in the French Republic and the British Empire. I hope that in this battle, you can show your bravery and lead your troops to resist the German attack and defeat them. Victory belongs to the French Empire and the British Empire!" Marshal Joffre continued.

   "Long live! Long live the French Republic! Long live the British Empire!" All the generals roared, as if the roof of the conference room was about to be blown over.

  Inspired by Marshal Xiafei, these generals all ignited their fighting spirit and determined to fight the German army to the death. Their fighting spirit will also inspire their subordinates and ordinary soldiers, allowing them to fight the Germans desperately on the battlefield.

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