
Chapter 460: Ending (1500 votes plus update)

  The three battleships behind the battle line of the British Navy are undoubtedly the most dangerous. Each of their battleships had to face the siege of two battlecruisers of the German Navy. Even the "Blücher-class" battlecruisers are equipped with 305mm main guns. However, the combination of the main gun with fifty times the caliber and the capped armor-piercing projectile is enough to penetrate the armor of the British Navy's "Orion-class" battleship.

   Less than twenty minutes after the battle started, many battleships of the Royal Navy were hit. Although, none of them were major injuries. But the battle has only just begun. Once the warships of the German Navy continue to hit them, they will cause heavy damage to them sooner or later. At that time, the loss of the Royal Navy may be great.

  Although the officers and soldiers of the Royal Navy are also working hard to fire. But their hit rate was significantly lower than that of the German Navy. Moreover, it also did not cause too much damage to the warships of the German Navy. On the one hand, of course it is because the battlecruisers of the German Navy have strong defenses. But on the other hand, it is because of the problems of the British Navy's artillery shells themselves.

  As time went on, the situation became more and more unfavorable to the British Navy. The faces of Admiral John Jellicoe and Lieutenant General David Beatty also became more and more ugly.

   "Your Excellency, no matter what, it shouldn't be a big problem if you persist for an hour." Lieutenant General David Betty said. Of course, he was just trying to comfort people.

  John? Admiral Jellicoe nodded, did not say much. In his heart, he was also very nervous at the moment.

   "Boom! Boom!"

  At this moment, the battleship Thor, which was at the end of the battle line, was hit again. The shell fired from the battlecruiser Leopold hit the side of the battleship Thor. A big hole was torn open in the waterline armor, and sea water began to pour into the battleship frantically.

  At this time, the battlecruiser "Von der Tann" of the German Navy also hit the battleship "Thor".

In the next few minutes, the battlecruiser 'Leopold' and the battlecruiser 'Von der Tann' jointly hit the battleship 'Thor' more than ten times, blowing up the battleship. riddled with holes.

  In the end, due to too much water, the battleship "Thor" quickly sank into the sea.

  After sinking the battleship 'Thunder', the battlecruisers 'Von der Tann' and 'Leopold' joined the siege of the battleship 'Monarch' of the British Navy. The battleship 'Monarch', which was besieged by four battlecruisers, was in an even more dangerous situation.

"Your Excellency, the 'Thor' was sunk by the Germans. The 'Monarch' was besieged by four German battlecruisers and is now in danger." A staff officer told Admiral John Jellicoe reported.

   But unfortunately, Admiral John Jellicoe was helpless about this. The only thing they can do is to wait for dark, and then evacuate under the cover of night. Other than that, there is no other way. As for how many warships will be sunk by the German Navy during this waiting process, Admiral John Jellicoe does not know. Maybe, you can pray to God, let them suffer less loss!

   "Order the ships to continue fighting!" Admiral John Jellicoe ordered with a cold face.

   Under the siege of the German navy, the battleship 'Monarch' was sunk after only holding on for five minutes. During the fierce battle, the battleship was hit by at least 15 shells in five minutes. Even this huge battleship with a displacement of 25,000 tons can't hold it! In the violent explosion, the battleship 'Monarch' was almost torn into pieces before sinking into the sea. Almost all of the more than 700 British naval officers and soldiers on the battleship sank into the sea together with the battleship, and none survived.

  After the battleship 'Monarch' was sunk, it was the turn of the battleship 'Orion'. This battleship was even more unlucky, and was directly besieged by six battlecruisers. Its fate can be imagined.

  When the battleship "Orion" was sunk, the battleship "Lützow" of the German Navy had already seriously injured the battleship "King George V" of the British Navy. This ship was very lucky. The battleship that successfully escaped the catastrophe in the last naval battle in the mid-Atlantic was not so lucky this time.

  The other battlecruisers that arrived later directly launched a siege on the battleship 'King George V'. Soon, the battleship was also sunk.

  This also left the British Navy with only four "Revenge-class" battleships still struggling to support. However, they are still being suppressed. Now, other warships of the German Navy have eliminated the battleship "King George V" and the three "Orion-class" battleships. Then, what awaited them was undoubtedly being besieged.

  Although, there is not much time until dark. However, the besieged British navy still paid a huge price.

  The battleship 'Royal Oak' was silent during the siege because of too much water.

  The battleship 'Sovereign' was even more unlucky. During the fierce battle, a 380mm artillery shell penetrated the ammunition depot of the rear main gun. After the shells in the ammunition depot were detonated, the entire stern of the ship was blown up. In the end, the battleship 'Sovereign' sank into the icy North Sea with the stern down and the bow up.

  The battleships "Revenge" and "Resolution" of the British Navy were also severely damaged during the shelling. However, its speed was not affected. They persisted until dark, and then took advantage of the cover of night to escape the pursuit of the German navy.

  This naval battle also came to an end. The whole day's naval battle finally ended with the victory of the German Navy.

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