
Chapter 365: william ii ambition

   It has been a full month since the revolution broke out in Russia. Now, the territory controlled by the Russian cloth party is also getting bigger and bigger. But at the same time, with the support of Britain, France, the United States, Japan and other countries, the troops loyal to the tsar also launched an attack on the area controlled by the cloth party. The Russian Civil War has begun on a large scale.

  William II and others had smiles on their faces. For them, the outbreak of revolution in Russia and the outbreak of war between the Bu Party and troops loyal to the Tsar are undoubtedly a great thing for the German Empire. Originally, the German Empire's advantage in this war was gradually losing. But with Russia, an important member of the Allied Powers, withdrawing from the war, this allowed the German Empire to regain its dominance in the war. Even everyone believed that the victory of the German Empire in this war would be inevitable.

   "Oscar, you did a very good job. I never thought that those people would actually be able to accomplish something. Although the strength of the Russian Empire is not comparable to that of the German Empire, it is still a powerful country!" William II sighed.

   Initially, when Qin Tian supported the cloth party, William II disagreed. Because the German Empire also belongs to the empire that the Bu Party wants to overthrow. Qin Tian believes that supporting the activities of the Bu Party can mess up Russia. William II was also noncommittal, allowing Qin Tian to operate. Unexpectedly, Qin Tian actually succeeded.

"Your Majesty, although Russia is also one of the most powerful countries, their internal conflicts are too sharp. Nicholas II is incompetent and unable to manage such a country with the most extensive territory in the world and the largest population in Europe. Therefore, this led to They collapsed during the revolution of the Budang Party. If it were in other countries, the Budang Party would definitely not be so easy to succeed." Qin Tian said.

"His Royal Highness, even if this is the case, the influence and destructive power of the Burundian Party must not be underestimated. I suggest that we must fully guard against the activities of the Burundian Party in Germany. Before, we supported them only to destroy It's just Russia. Now, Russia has collapsed. We must think about the future security of the empire." Prime Minister Bernhard von Bülow said.

Qin Tian nodded: "Your Excellency, I think so too. After we have gained enough benefits from the Budang, it is time to suppress them in an all-round way. Although, the current Budang is still in front of the empire. They are relatively weak. However, they will inevitably develop into the main opponents of the empire in Europe in the future. From now on, the empire can plan for future wars with them."

   "The cloth party will threaten the empire? How is this possible?" William II frowned, not quite convinced. In comparison, the strength of the German Empire now has the momentum of the world's most powerful country. If they win this war again, they will undoubtedly truly become the hegemony of the world. At that time, even if the cloth party controls Russia, it will absolutely be unable to confront the German Empire.

   "Father, the potential of the Bu Party cannot be underestimated. If we underestimate them, we will suffer a lot." Qin Tian said solemnly. Qin Tian clearly remembered how terrifying Bu Dang's potential was. On the land of ruins, it quickly developed into a superpower that kept pace with the US imperialism. If they don't pay attention to it, the cloth party in the future will inevitably become a serious problem for them.

   "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince must have a reason for saying this. It seems that we really need to take precautions against the cloth party." Foreign Minister von Kidren Wachter said.

   "Okay, Oscar. I will leave everything to you about the cloth party. We have only one goal, and that is to ensure the long-term prosperity of the empire!" William II said.

   "Yes, father." Qin Tian nodded solemnly.

"Everyone, the most important thing for us next is to win the current war. After the upheaval in Russia, I think there will be no doubt that the empire will win the final victory of the war." William II said .

"Yes, Father. Now we only need to keep a small amount of troops on the Eastern Front. The rest of the main force can be transferred to the Western Front. In addition, various legions are also increasing their armaments and forming armored divisions. Once we After the preparations are completed, we will definitely be able to defeat the British and French allied forces again and completely win a decisive victory on the Western Front!" Qin Tian said.

   "Well, what about the navy? Tirpitz, when can the High Seas Fleet fight the British?" William II asked.

  In the naval battle with the British Navy, the Imperial Navy has now firmly occupied the dominant position. However, the British Navy is not completely powerless to fight back. Therefore, William II has always been looking forward to the Imperial Navy's High Seas Fleet being able to completely defeat the British Royal Navy and pull the British from the throne of maritime supremacy.

"Your Majesty, the navy plans to fight the British in the first half of next year. If the British dare not go to war, the imperial navy will attack the British coastal cities and force them to go to sea to fight us." Marshal Earl Tirpitz said . In the first half of next year, the German Navy's five "Bavaria-class" battleships and three "Makensen-class" battlecruisers will all enter service, which will make the German Navy's strength reach its peak. In the whole world, no country's navy can compete with the German navy. Even the British Royal Navy is also unable to compete with the German Navy that has reached its peak.

   What's more, this is just a surface fleet. The German Navy also has a powerful underwater force, as well as an aircraft carrier formation. Although, there are only two aircraft carriers. But that was undoubtedly the first of its kind. When the carrier-based planes take off from the aircraft carrier and attack the British warships, they will know that the gap between them and the German Navy is definitely not the difference in the number of surface warships, but in terms of hardware strength and combat philosophy. the all-round gap.

   In front of the German Navy, the Royal Navy, which used to be the number one in the world, has only been crushed.

  King William II nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, in the first half of next year, the Imperial Army will achieve a decisive victory on the Western Front, and the Imperial Navy will completely defeat the British Royal Navy. Then, the Empire will definitely win this battle!"

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