
Chapter 1210 Cross Of Honour Of The German Mother

Berengar sat in a booth in a restaurant in the city of Reykjavik. Everywhere he looked, men and women were wearing Mjolnir pendants. The Protectorate of Iceland had become a haven for Germanic paganism of all forms, which was undergoing a revival in the country.

By the Kaiser\'s side was his unofficial wife, the Valkyrie Brynhildr, and the many members of their family. Siv was noticeably not present, as she had taken a liking to one of Berengar\'s sons, and had decided to stay in Kufstein as his wife.

Instead, these were all of Berengar\'s children with the mature beauty, who never seemed to age, despite being millennia old. As for Berengar, he was in his early fifties, and appeared the part. Despite this, Brynhildr did not stop pumping out kids for the man, as she was eternally fertile.

In fact, by now the mature Valkyrie had the most children of all of Berengar\'s women, with sixteen in total. Luckily, Berengar\'s other wives and concubines were not aware of this fact due to the isolated region which Iceland lay.

The eldest son of Berengar and Brynhildr was already in his early twenties. The man named Bjorn was the spitting image of his father when he was of the same age. Except instead of golden blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes, he had platinum blonde hair and ice-blue eyes like his mother.

Bjorn was now the King of Iceland and ran the daily affairs of the country. Since the day he was born, he would only see his father once a month, for a handful of days, but he still regarded the man with the utmost respect. After all, he had heard of the amazing feats that Berengar had done in life, and had witnessed Iceland\'s change in person.

Because Iceland was a protectorate of the Reich, and was ruled by one of his sons, Berengar did restrain the technology they were permitted to have. In fact, outside of Germany and Japan, Iceland was the most technologically developed nation on the planet.

The reason for this was the same as Japan. Iceland had no military of its own. Instead, it was protected by the Reich, who maintained a constant military presence on the island, with a forward deployment of one of its now thirty super carriers.

Currently, Berengar was enjoying a nice meal with the extremely large family he had with Brynhildr. It was mother\'s day, and he had decided to do something nice for the woman, something which was not expected. Thus, while all the kids were playing around in the booth while eating their meals, Berengar handed something over to Brynhildr, which came in a jewelry case. At first she thought Berengar had bought her another expensive piece of jewelry to which she rolled her eyes, before pushing the container back towards the man as a sign of rejection.

"Keep it. I already have enough jewelry. Give it to one of your other women who is more impressed by shiny rocks!"

Berengar chuckled when he heard this, before assuring the woman that this was something that none of his other women met the requirements to possess.

"Oh believe me, I would, but this is a very special gift, that we only give to the best of mothers in the Reich, and as much as I love my other wives and concubines, only you meet the requirements for such a treasure."

Brynhildr\'s eye\'s narrowed towards Berengar with scrutiny before she grabbed hold of the container and opened it, where she her eyes opened in awe at what she was seeing. This gift was not a standard piece of jewelry. Instead, it was a medal that the Reich awarded to its mothers who raised four or more children who would go on to become productive members of society.

Each of his wives and concubines had earned the bronze tier of this award, which was the lowest ranking variation that required a minimum of four children. However, Brynhildr\'s was different. The cross she had in her hand was made of twenty-four karat gold and was encrusted with diamonds.

The design of the cross was nearly identical to the Cross of Honour of the German Mother which the Nazis had awarded to their best mothers during Berengar\'s past life, but instead of having a swastika emblazoned in the center, it instead had a solid gold medallion with Gisela\'s youthful appearance imprinted on it.

The medal was not only Berengar\'s way of honoring mothers across the Reich, but specifically as a way to idolize his own mother, who had given birth to him. So long as the Reich continued to exist in the world, this medal would be given to those mothers who had earned it.

Brynhildr gazed upon the medal in awe for several moments, not knowing what to say. She had received all of the previous versions of this medal, bronze, silver, and gold, and she kept them all as treasured possessions, but she had never heard of a diamond encrusted variant before and was quick to inquire about why she was so special.

"I don\'t understand. I thought gold was the maximum variation of this award? So what is this?"

Berengar chuckled when he heard this, before assuring Brynhildr that she had more than earned the award.

"This is the maximum tier. Until now, nobody in the reich has had sixteen children, but you have. While it is true that it was much easier for you to achieve this award due to your eternal fertility, it is still something you have more than earned. After all, you could have said no, and stopped having children after the fifth...."

Brynhildr was truly at a loss for words as she gazed upon the award with reverence, and a wide smile on her gorgeous face. After a while, Berengar took the medal from her hands and pinned it onto the right breast of her lavish dress. It took some time, but eventually Brynhildr finally blushed before speaking of her thoughts.

"Now, how should I repay you for granting me this prestigious award?"

Berengar immediately got the hint that she was trying to say and then added to it with his own words.

"How about when we get back to the Palace we try to go for seventeen?"

Brynhildr simply giggled when she heard this, before chastising Berengar for his never ending lust.

"You are truly insatiable! Alright fine, I don\'t see why we should stop at sixteen...."

With this said, the food finally arrived at the family\'s booth, to which the family said their prayers to Odin before digging in. Throughout the meal, Brynhildr\'s many children would come up, and give their mother\'s day gifts to her. Some of them were handmade with their own skill, while others were purchased from shops and craftsmen.

To Brynhildr, this might very well be the most precious day of all, because it was the first Mother\'s day that Berengar had spent with the woman, and the only thing that could make it better, was if Siv was here to join them.

But she would soon be a mother in her own right, and thus, Brynhildr had no real complaints. The exceptionally large family enjoyed their meal, before returning to the Palace that had been constructed for them long ago in the city of Reykjavik.

Berengar and Brynhildr would continue to make love from sunset until sunrise. In the morning, Berengar lie in bed with his Valkyrie lover, where they talked about the future, particularly the one after Berengar had perished from the mortal world and entered his own personal afterlife. The look in the blonde milf\'s eyes was one of concern, as she felt like her man did not have much time in the mortal world.

"I wish we could be like this forever, here in the mortal world. But I feel as if every time I see you, you have aged beyond my recognition. I know you are only in your early fifties, but to me, who has lived for millennia, your small lifespan is truly heartbreaking.

I want you to know that even though I won\'t be able to be there for you when you finally have your last breath in this world, I will be waiting for you on the other side. By then, our kids will be adults, and will no longer need either of us. Thus, we can spend the rest of eternity together, and hopefully, your other women won\'t be too jealous when they finally realize how many kids we had together."

Berengar chuckled when he heard this before telling the woman the truth.

"Oh, they will be pissed, but it\'s their own damn fault for being mortal women. I mean, I tried to have more children with them, but the mortal body is so weak and fragile. After four kids, the odds of dying in childbirth significantly increase, but you don\'t have that problem, since you are an immortal.

They might be quite angry with me when they come to learn of this little secret, but they have all of eternity to come to terms with it, meanwhile I can have fun exclusively with you while they are all pouting. It will be a great reason to make up for all the lost time between us."

After staying up all night fucking like rabbits, the two of them were extremely tired, and thus Brynhildr closed her eyes and fell to sleep, but not before making one last remark.

"I look forward to it...."


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