
Chapter 1110 Government In Exile

It did not take long for the footage of the Heian-kyō Massacre to reach the Reich. By now, the German Empire had mastered the means of smuggling resources and people  in and out of Japan. When Itami and Berengar first laid eyes on the tape, they were horrified. 

While both monarchs had their fair share of blood on their hands, neither of them had ever actually ordered their troops to fire upon their own civilians. Let alone as a means of putting down a peaceful protest. To Itami, who had forsaken her people for most of her reign, this was the final nail in the coffin. 

The guilt she felt in her heart, especially after witnessing the civilization that Berengar had built, was at a breaking point. She had unified Japan as a means of advancing her own ambitions and had used her people as pawns to secure her power. Now, after being exiled to the Reich, Itami realized that those same people were sick and starving as a result of her own actions.

After suffering the abuse of the Itami Regime, the Japanese people were now ruled over by a tyrant, who sought to stamp out any and all dissent. What was the most shocking was his willingness to use lethal force at the first given opportunity. Clearly, this was not the same Shiba that Itami had known for so many years. 

The Japanese Empress hung her head low, knowing that she was at fault for all of her people\'s woes, including Shiba\'s erratic behavior. However, until now, she had left the war for Japan\'s soul up to Berengar. Spending the last month or so lazing about, and enjoying a peaceful and prosperous existence far away from the troubles of her people. 

Berengar could easily tell that the albino beauty was suffering from the pressure of everything she had done in this life, and thus wrapped an arm around her shoulder and drew her close to him. However, this did little to comfort Itami, who had a serious glint in her blood-red eyes?

Itami\'s fists were curling in rage as she gazed upon the scene of her own soldiers ruthlessly gunning down a crowd of peaceful protestors. What she said next had caught Berengar off guard. 

"It\'s time for me to take a stand against Shiba as more than just a pretty face for the purposes of Propaganda!"

Berengar\'s mismatched eyes shifted down onto Itami\'s stern expression as he questioned just what the woman had in mind. 

"What is your plan?"

The Albino beauty shook herself away from Berengar\'s arms as she closely examined the video of the massacre one more time before finally speaking her thoughts. 

"I plan to establish a government in exile here in Kufstein. The samurai clans are a lost cause. I have known this for years but have been avoiding a solution until now. I will establish a cadre of talented and educated officials selected among those who have already been living here in Kufstein for some time. Your Little Kyoto district is the perfect place to establish a proper embassy within the Reich. Don\'t you think?" 

Though Berengar\'s propaganda had shifted the public perception of Itami among his own citizens, he was a little fearful that it had not worked as well on those within his small Japanese enclave. Perhaps Itami\'s life would even be in danger if she visited the area. Thus, he was quick to advise against this course of action.

"I have a counterproposal. Allow me to conduct a survey among the people living in Little Kyoto regarding their favorability towards you. Though I have done everything in my power to clean up your image. I fear that there will be many residents who still hold some animosity towards you.

If the general population is forgiving of your past actions, and genuinely believes that Shiba was at fault the entire time, then we can establish a proper embassy in Little Kyoto, and begin recruiting talented individuals to help build your government in exile. After all, many of these people have received a german education, and are thus much more capable than those who were a part of your previous administration."

Itami thought about this proposal for a second before nodding her head in agreement. It was clear by the look in Berengar\'s eyes that he was simply acting out of concern for her safety, and even though this would delay her plans by a short bit of time, it was still worth considering. Especially if Berengar\'s fears were proven correct. 

"Alright, we will do as you have said. I will wait until we hear back from your survey..." 

After saying this, Itami left the war room, where she had headed off to in this gloomy hour, only she knew. As for Berengar, he quickly got in touch with Linde and had her agents conduct the survey. Within a few weeks, Berengar had the answer he wanted. Thus, he sat Itami down and discussed their options with her. 

"It would appear that my propaganda efforts have had quite a large effect on the population of Little Kyoto. Most, if not all, of them had never actually directly answered to you, and thus were willing to believe that Shiba was the mastermind behind their exile. There are still a few holdouts who are suspicious of this news, but they don\'t appear to be any danger to you, and even if they are, Imperial Intelligence is keeping a close eye on them. 

A platform has been prepared for your speech to Little Kyoto, and once we have the security detail in place, we will be able to formally declare Japan\'s government in exile. I have a speech being written for you as we speak. I also have a seamstress who has created a perfect replica of your Jūnihitoe so as to appeal to your people. Are you ready to take this next step?"

Itami nodded her head in silence, as she realized that she would be taking the first major step to reclaiming her throne, and when she did so, Japan would enter a new golden age, even if it became occupied by the Reich.

Since her first arrival in Kufstein, Itami had never believed that the man who had once been her most bitter enemy would help restore her rule over Japan. Nor that she would grow so attached to him. Life was mysterious in this way, and Itami decided not to think about it, and instead for once in her life just go with the flow. 

Thus, after changing into her imperial regalia and undergoing makeup, Itami followed Berengar to Little Kyoto, where she took the stand with a stoic expression on her beautiful face. The Japanese Empress approached the podium, where a microphone was present, and began to speak with all the charisma she could manage. 

"To all Citizens of Japan, whether you are abroad, or trapped beneath the yoke of General Shiba\'s tyranny, hear my message! By now, most of you are aware of the truth regarding my rise to power, and ascension as the Empress of Japan.

At a young age, my father, Itami Yasutane, resisted the corruption of the Ashikaga Shogunate, and died doing so. It was at that moment that a young Daimyo by the name of Shiba Kiyohiko saw the potential of using this scandal to spark a rebellion. However, he did not have the strength to rise to power on his own. Instead, he saw the weapons I had designed for the defense of the Itami Domain and coveted them. 

Shiba inserted himself into my life, now that I had inherited the Itami clan, and coerced me into becoming his puppet, where he used my father\'s death as the rallying cry to rebel against the Ashikaga Shogunate. After years of struggle, we had emerged victorious, where he convinced the previous royal family to declare me Shogun. 

However, that did not last for long, as Shiba found that I would be a better puppet if I were the Empress rather than a Shogun. Thus, he had the previous Imperial Dynasty executed, and placed me upon the vacant throne. Where I was to remain unmarried, until my death, so that he may inherit my throne.

Over the next few years I watched from my prison, as Shiba put down rebellions, and unified Japan beneath his banner. The moment he heard that there was another advanced nation on the other side of the world, he became fearful and decided he would do everything in his power to halt their progress. 

Thus, rather than incorporate our neighbors into our sphere of influence. Shiba began the invasion of Korea, to expand our Empire into all of Asia. This was only after he had made plans with a man we all now know as the convicted war criminal, Asha Sarkar. Who he promised to supply with weapons and munitions so long as he resisted the Germans\' attempts to spread their influence to the east. 

This was the first among many provocations which led to the war with Germany that we now endure the consequences of. However, in the buildup to this conflict, Shiba had centralized all authority under his control, and had committed many heinous acts against his conquered subjects. 

Until finally, he had been beaten back by the German Empire to the point where the only thing left under his command was the Japanese Mainland. I admit to my shame that it was only after the attack on Tsushima, which left the entire island void of all life, that I decided to take a stand and demand Shiba surrender to the Kaiser.

After all, I overheard the call where the Kaiser threatened to launch a chemical strike on Heian-kyō, and he was going to do it, too. Because of this, I pleaded with Shiba to surrender; but he refused. Instead, he had me confined to my room, and threw away the facade he had so carefully constructed over the years, and in doing so proclaimed himself Shogun. 

As a result, I escaped to the Reich and officially surrendered to the Kaiser in the hopes that he would spare the lives of those who dwell within Heian-kyo. As a man of compassion, he took pity on the Japanese people after learning the truth about Shiba\'s tyranny and recognized my right to surrender to him. 

Thus, I entered a life of exile like so many other Japanese citizens have done in the past. I will admit, I had thought of giving up my title as Empress, and living a life of peace and prosperity here within the borders of the German Empire. However, just recently I witnessed a film, taken by German agents embedded in Japan, of the dire situation my people now find themselves in. 

I have failed you all as your Empress, and allowed this tyrant to use me as a puppet, but no longer! After witnessing the massacre of several thousand peaceful demonstrators outside the Palace in Heian-kyō I felt compelled to come out of hiding, and take action.

As of this moment I, Empress Itami Riyo am formally declaring the formation of a new Japanese Government here in Kufstein. One that is opposed to Shiba\'s reign, and whose purpose is to see my proper ascension to the throne, where I will end this pointless war, and work alongside the Germans to create a better world for our two nations and the people who live in them! 

For those who remain loyal to me, and are still within the confines of the Japanese Mainland, I have convinced the Kaiser to supply you with arms, food, and munitions, so that you may defend your lives and homes against this illegitimate and tyrannical government that Shiba has created! 

As for those of you who live here in Little Kyoto, I call upon you all to join me in the creation of this new government in exile, so that we may return to our homes and create a brighter future for our people! Long live Japan!"

After giving her speech, Itami descended from the stage, and returned with Berengar to the Palace. Her message was clear, both to the people of Little Kyoto, and those living in the Japanese mainland. Shiba\'s reign of terror was coming to an end. 


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