
Chapter 1084 Evacuating Busan

In a sudden turn of events, the Imperial Japanese Army had completely withdrawn from their fortified positions. Previously, the German and Joseon troops had battled the Japanese army to the death on every occasion, and not because they were particularly ruthless, but because the Japanese soldiers were possessed with an undying loyalty to their Empire. Believing this conflict to be a war of aggression started by the German Empire. 

However, suddenly, before the ground forces in Korea had time to confirm the destruction of the Third Japanese Fleet, the Imperial Japanese Army had made a full withdraw. As a result, the German-Joseon coalition effortlessly made their way south through the Korean Peninsula. Everywhere they looked, there was abandoned military and industrial equipment. 

The mines in the Taebaek mountains had been completely deserted, with large heaps of iron ore and coal stacked in carts. It would appear that the Japanese were in such haste to flee, that they had abandoned the natural resources which were the initial cause of their invasion and occupation of the southern half of the Korean peninsula. 

Naturally, Berengar knew why this was the case. Itami realized that her position in Korea was doomed without a navy to protect her transports. Since she could no longer continue to fight for the region, she was now withdrawing her forces to the Japanese mainland for once last defense. 

However, would Berengar allow how her to do so? By no uncertain means this was Itami\'s Dunkirk, and if he let a hundred thousand, or possibly even more Japanese soldiers, withdraw, then Japan would never give up its fight, not without a long and bloody conquest of Japan. Something Berengar wanted to avoid, if at all possible. 

However, there was a disagreement between the Kaiser and the Joseon King on how to proceed, and thus, Berengar was currently engaged in a bitter argument with his ally in the east. 

"I understand your concern about looking after the civilians who have been traumatized by this Japanese occupation, however if we allow the Japanese to retreat back to their homeland, they will never end this fight, until we have fully invaded the Japanese mainland itself. 

They will fight us on the beaches, they will fight us on the landing grounds, they will fight us in the fields, and in the streets, they will fight us in the hills, and they will never surrender. We must push forth to Busan and disregard everything else. For if we don\'t, this war will last for years, and will cause untold suffering to the young men of our nations. If you do not commit your forces to this attack, then I will conduct it alone!"

The Joseon King sat in silence for some time, as if debating internally on his next course of action. Which, in the end, he responded with a heavy sigh before agreeing to Berengar\'s demands.

"Very well, we shall do as you say. I will commit my troops to attack Busan alongside your forces."

With this said, the German Empire and the Joseon Dynasty immediately committed their troops to a hasty push southward to Busan in an attempt to intercept the Imperial Japanese Army before they could retreat back to their homeland.


Word came suddenly in the night. The Third Fleet was no more. With this loss, Japan no longer had the ability to project force abroad, and thus General Shiba Kiyohiko was forced to withdraw his forces from Korea. 

This did not sit well with Shiba, who considered this loss the biggest humiliation of his life, in fact he was so outraged by the Imperial Japanese Navy\'s destruction, that he had been among the first to withdraw from the theatre in order to speak with Itami, and beg the woman to give him another chance to redeem himself. 

Currently in the city of Heian-kyō, Shiba and Itami were in a fierce argument about how to proceed with the ongoing war. Itami\'s face was flushed red with anger as she screamed at the top of her lungs at the man who she had trusted to win the Korean front for her. 

"I would have thought that you, of all people, would understand my reason for retreating. We must reserve what is left of our forces to protect our homeland. That means both ground and air forces. Even if the majority of our current pilots are nothing more than conscripts given a crash course on how to fly, it will have to suffice. 

Without proper naval and air support, we can not hope to defend Korea. Now is the time to withdraw our forces from abroad and defend our mainland from a German invasion to the best of our ability. If we can do this, we might be able to surrender on favorable terms. I don\'t care what you have to do, even if you have to arm the youth and elderly, but we must defend our homeland from the enemy, no matter the cost." 

Shiba had patiently listened to Itami\'s words, but found himself in complete disagreement with her approach. Surrender? How could he possibly surrender? To do so would be to admit that Itami was Berengar\'s inferior. Did the woman not always say that she would only marry a man who could best her on the battlefield? No, surrender was not an option. Instead, Shiba wanted one last chance to prove himself worthy of his goddess.

"Kami-sama, please.... I beg you, do not withdraw our forces to the mainland. Instead, pull them back to Tsushima. The Germans will have to cross through the island in order to get to our shores. If I can just lead our troops in Tsushima, I know I can give you the victory you need!"

Itami thought about this for several moments. It would be easier, and safer, to withdraw her forces to Tsushima rather than the mainland. However, she did not want Shiba in charge of the defense. His talents were better suited to preparing the mainland\'s defenses in the event that Tsushima falls. Thus, she sighed heavily before relenting partially to his request. 

"Very well, we shall withdraw our forces to Tsushima. However, I am not granting you authority over our forces in the region. I need you here, on the mainland, preparing our defences in case the Germans manage to break through our lines on the island.

I will have to find another suitable candidate for the task of defending Tsushima. I will also need to begin the immediate evacuation of all citizens on the island. Things are about to get ugly in the area, and I do not want any civilians caught in the crossfire. "

Though Shiba wanted to debate Itami further on this point, he was immediately silenced by the woman who raised her finger, and pressed it against his lips the moment he uttered a sound, there was an intense glare in the albino\'s beauty\'s sanguine eyes, which told the man all he needed to know. With a heavy sigh, he finally agreed to her orders, before walking away and leaving her on her own.

"Very well, I understand. I will immediately begin to prepare our nation\'s defenses..."

After Shiba had vanished from Itami\'s sight, she fell back into her chair and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. If she could not gain a victory at Tsushima, then the war was as good as over. She had to prepare herself to do what was necessary for the safety of her people, even if it did not sit well with her generals. 


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