
Chapter 1053 Punishing Treason

Having narrowly avoided all out warfare with the Japanese Empire, Berengar sat down in his seat within the war room, and took a deep breath to calm his nerves before exhaling it sharply. He could hardly believe he and Itami had come to an agreement and ceased hostilities for the time being.

Berengar had to admit, although there was a hint of irritation in the woman\'s voice, it was deeply alluring. For perhaps the first time in his life, he began to wonder what the Japanese Empress looked like. Berengar had long since heard of the woman\'s esteemed beauty, but he had never been curious enough to ask about it. 

After all, he had one of the most beautiful women in the world by his side, and he had always assumed no matter how pretty Itami might be, she could never compare to Linde. Or so he thought, however after hearing Itami\'s charming, albeit frustrated voice, he began to consider that maybe the rumors were true. 

As swiftly as these thoughts entered Berengar\'s brain, so, too, did they disappear. He had far more important things to think about than how beautiful the Japanese Empress was, and thus he was quick to order his gathered generals around.

"Have our troops return to their previous positions. We have just narrowly avoided a war with the Japanese, and the last thing I need is for their Empress to think I am going back on our arrangements. Also, from this point until I say otherwise, our planes are not to fly over Borneo. Any attempt to do so will be seen as a breach of our agreement. Am I understood?"

The gathered military personnel all snapped to attention and saluted the Kaiser before responding. 

"Yes, sir!"

With that said, Berengar nodded towards his generals while leaving one final statement prior to his departure from the war room:.

"Excellent. I trust you all to keep track of things. In the meantime, I\'m going to go make sure breakfast is prepared for my family. Until we meet again."

Having said that, Berengar left the war room and returned to the more peaceful areas of his palace, specifically the kitchens, where he ordered the staff to prepare an exceptionally large breakfast for his large family. 


On the other side of the world, it was already well past eleven in the morning. The Japanese Empress had an unseemly habit of sleeping in late, possibly as a means to cope with her growing depression. Perhaps on a normal day she would have slept in past noon, but instead, due to the crisis she faced, Itami had been woken two hours prior. 

Naturally, because of this, and everything else that had occurred within the past hour, she was not happy. Itami glared with her sanguine eyes towards her Generals, a chilling gaze pierced through the hearts of her followers, and they knew that one of them would not survive for long.

"I want the truth, and nothing but the truth. Who was the officer who had authorized the attack on the German Pilots? You all have been withholding information from me yet again, and I am not the slightest bit amused.

Had you told me that it was our forces who first engaged, I would have been prepared to properly deal with this incident. Instead, you all told me that the Germans had opened fire on our troops. If not for General Katano, and his honesty, I would have accused the Germans of lying to me, and in doing so, started a war, which we are not yet prepared to wage. So, unless you all want to lose your heads, like your predecessors, I believe it is in your best interest to start talking... Now!"

Wada Masaari, who was the fat, and balding General who looked like a turkey stuffed into a military uniform, had begun to sweat bullets. He knew exactly who was responsible for giving the order, but he did not dare to say it, for if he did, his life would be forfeited. After all, he had heard Itami agree to Berengar\'s demands, which was to punish the man responsible for this attack. 

However, contrary to what the General was expecting, none of these colleagues stepped forward and volunteered this information. At least at first, however, no more than three seconds had passed until General Katano stepped forward, and spoke the truth, like he had done when Itami was forced to investigate if Japan was really at fault for this incident. 

"Tennoheika-sama, I know who authorized the attack. It was General Wada Masaari. I do not understand his reasoning for doing so, especially when the German aviators had shown no sign of hostility, but when asked permission to open fire, he was quick to give his approval. This disaster was entirely his fault."

Itami\'s icy gaze focused itself upon General Wada as her eyes narrowed into a murderous glare. She was quick to unsheathe her blade and point it to the man\'s fat neck as she interrogated the errant general on the spot. 

"The only reason you are still alive is because I have to make a public declaration of your folly. In doing so, I intend to make your execution an example of those who would dare to act so foolishly while I am asleep. 

Honestly, Wada, what in Ameratsu\'s name possessed you to give the order to open fire on the German pilots? Could you not see that such an attack was as good as a declaration of war? Or perhaps is this what you wanted?

You do realize that in our current state; we have no chance of defeating the Reich in an all out war. To deliberately provoke the Germans into an armed conflict, well, I\'d wager that his high treason is it not? Does anyone here disagree with my assessment?"

It was no secret that many among the Samurai class, who made up the majority of Itami\'s officer corps, had desired war with Germany. Many among them were growing impatient, such as Wada, and wanted to spill the blood of those who had interfered in their Imperial Expansion for the past few years. 

There were even those in this very room who agreed with Wada\'s decision, and were scornful about the fact that Empress Itami had not only negotiated a ceasefire before the war could truly begin, but had ended the conflict in its infancy. 

However, now that General Katano had spoken out against Wada, and his actions, none of them would voluntarily join the man on the chopping block, and thus they remained silent, even if they silently agreed with the man\'s actions. Thus, they all remained speechless when Itami asked for their opinion. 

This had caused Itami to frown in disappointment, as she quickly gave an order to her Imperial Guard, who stood at the ready in the war room.

"Arrest General Wada Masaari for acts of high treason against the Empire of Japan, and prepare a public venue where I can declare his guilt. As for the rest of you, I suggest you remember Wada\'s fate, for if any of you dare to think about provoking a war before I decide we are ready to wage it, you will share his fate. Dismissed!" 

After saying this, Itami departed from the room, while still dressed in nothing but a nightgown and a military jacket. At the moment, she desired more than anything to have a proper bath after such a stressful morning. 


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