
Chapter 1036 The New Lndian Capital

Roughly eight months had passed since Dharya was named Emperor of India, and during this time the German Military had been hard at work constructing one of their largest naval/air bases in Sri Lanka. Which had been ceded to them in the treaty which ended the war. 

For years, Singapore had been the primary means of naval operations in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, however, that was now changing. With each passing year, more and more warships were being produced by Germany\'s many shipyards.

So much so that there were now ten carrier strike groups in total, most of which boasted the most modern warships at the Reich\'s disposal among their ranks. Naturally, in preparation for the upcoming war with Japan, Berengar had placed two of these strike groups in the east. One stationed in Singapore, while another was docked in Sri Lanka\'s harbor. 

However, with recent investments into the Pacific, it would not be long before a third carrier strike group was permanently stationed in Hawaii, while a fourth was docked in Australia. This meant that the Kriegsmarine had effectively cornered the Imperial Japanese Navy into a tiny section of ocean to operate within. 

Currently, Berengar stood on the shores of Sri Lanka, gazing upon his most recent naval base with a sense of pride in his mismatched eyes. He could hardly believe how quickly the German Empire had expanded across the globe. 

For the first time in world history, a civilization now had the means to control the world\'s oceans and project force around the globe. This was something that both Germany and Japan had been competing for. But only one of the two Empires was able to achieve. 

By Berengar\'s side was the admiral he had placed in charge of the carrier strike group which sat in the harbor. Because his was a fleet that was tasked primarily with countering the Imperial Japanese Navy, he had received priority for the newest battleships, cruisers, and destroyers, modelled after Germany\'s most efficient designs from the second world war of Berengar\'s past life. 

While the two men gazed upon the fleet, the Admiral, whose name was Herbert von Hess, commented on the power which just one of these carrier strike groups was capable of wielding.

"Excuse me if what I\'m about to say is inappropriate, but I truly pity the Japanese. They are a paper tiger which has provoked a mighty dragon. Just one of these fleets is more than enough to sink the entire Japanese Navy, and yet you want four of them located in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. I can\'t tell whether you\'re a sadist, or a man who is overly cautious..."

This remark caused Berengar to laugh for some time. It was rare for his subordinates to speak to him in such a way. The only men who usually dared to do so were close friends like Ludwig, Adelbrand, Heimerich, and, of course, Eckhard. For this Admiral who was not particularly close with his Kaiser, to make such a statement was truly amusing. Thus, it came as no surprise when Berengar made a lighthearted remark of his own.

"Can\'t I be both?"

The two men laughed at Berengar\'s comment before remaining utterly silent. After several moments had passed, Berengar placed his hand on the man\'s shoulder and gave him a nod of approval.

"Everything looks in order. I have no complaints. My journey here was not wasted. To see such a mighty fleet in person, it is as you say, the Japanese are truly pitiful. Keep up the excellent work, I\'m afraid I can\'t stay and chat must longer for I need to catch a flight to Anangpur. Continue as you were, Admiral."

After saying this, Berengar approached the airfield where he took his personal plane to the city of Anangpur, where Emperor Dharya Tomara awaited his arrival. After stepping out of the aircraft, Berengar was greeted by his foster son. 

Since seeing a military psychiatrist, Dharya was able to work through a lot of his issues regarding his past trauma, and his overly protective nature of his sister. He had come to accept Berengar and Priya\'s relationship, albeit begrudgingly. Thus, there was not the usual animosity between the two men as they approached one another.

"Dharya, it\'s good to see you. How have you been lately?"

Dharya smiled and led Berengar towards the carriage, which would take the two of them to the palace. Once inside, he was quick to answer the Kaiser\'s question.

"I have no complaints. I have been busy lately working on your proposal, and I think you will be interested in what I have come up with."

Berengar nodded his head slightly in approval and maintained a casual conversation with Dharya until the two men entered the Anangpur Palace, where a scale replica of a conceptual city existed on a large table. The Kaiser closely observed the city and all its details, while Dharya explained what it represented.

"I must say, when your Architects and Engineers arrived in my palace with your recommendation of building a new capital city closer to the coastline in order to improve trade between our two realms, I thought that you were out of your mind. However, your men worked together with my own architects to create something reasonable. 

What you see is an effort to reconstruct the city of Dwarka into a modern capital. The architecture is our own, but your civil engineers designed the layout of the city, and how it is structured in order to accommodate things like plumbing, waste management, roads, bridges, etc. Your men preach how you yourself are an accomplished engineer, and thus they wanted you to give our model a proper look before we begin investing into its construction."

Berengar examined every single corner of the city with his advanced mind for several minutes before concluding that the men in his employ had done an excellent job in making sure this new capital would have everything it needed to succeed. 

While the Kaiser was closely examining the model city, his engineers had gathered and were practically biting their nails in anticipation of the man\'s verdict, which he was quick to give once he had concluded his survey. 

"It looks good. I have no major recommendations. When will you begin construction?"

Dharya did not hesitate to answer this question, as he wore a proud smile on his face. 

"Effective immediately. We project that within five years, Dwarka will be fully reconstructed into a modern city, one worthy of being my Empire\'s new capital."

Berengar simply nodded his head with approval while maintaining his silence on the matter. He was not going to personally invest a large sum of money into this venture. Most of the finances were coming out of Dharya\'s own pocket.

However, having a coastal capital, when one lacked the infrastructure to swiftly transport resources across their empire, was a good idea. Especially since India was becoming more and more reliant on trade with the Reich. 

After waiting for Berengar\'s response for over a minute, Dharya decided to switch the subject to something he thought would interest the man more.

"Oh, by the way... The Ayutthaya Kingdom is now a protectorate of my Empire."

Berengar smirked when he heard this before responding to Dharya\'s statement with an expression of utter confidence.

"You think I didn\'t already know that? Since the moment the Ayutthaya King first set sail towards your lands, I was already aware of his intentions. I must say I am proud of you. The man was leaning more towards the Ming Dynasty as his protector, but you convinced him otherwise. It would appear that I have taught you well."

Dharya did not know why, but he felt a sense of pride overtake him as he heard Berengar\'s compliments. In the past, he had been bitter and resentful towards the man for taking his sister as a mere concubine.

But now, Dharya was grateful for everything the Kaiser had done, for without Berengar, Priya would be dead, and he would still be a puppet of his uncle. Thus, he bowed his head respectfully before responding to Berengar\'s praise.

"Thank you for your kind words, but I do not believe I am yet worthy of your praise."

A simple scoff emerged from Berengar\'s lips as he heard this humble remark, before changing the subject to something else that had been lingering in his mind for some time.

"By the way, Priya has been pestering me to ask you: when are you going to find yourself a proper bride? She\'s beginning to worry that you might be a homosexual."

Dharya could feel his cheeks burn in embarassment as he heard what his own sister thought of him. He could only shake his head and sigh before answering the man honestly.

"I have been much too busy to even think about entertaining a wife, let alone marrying one. Besides, I\'m still young. I can wait a little while longer before I take a bride.\'

Berengar did not respond to this and only nodded his head silently in understanding, all while making a mental note to prepare a bride for the poor and lonely man. Although such a union could pose problems for succession, Berengar had already planned for this eventuality. 

The two emperors would spend the rest of the day catching up before Berengar flew back home to the Reich. After inspecting the Naval Base in Sri Lanka, and discussing with Dharya about the construction of his new capital, he had accomplished both his goals in visiting the region. 


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