
Chapter 1025 Uncovering A Vast Conspiracy

By the time Berengar returned to the mortal world from his visit to Valhalla. Linde was already aware of Erik\'s sins. When Captain Weiss said he was going to inform Imperial Intelligence about the conspiracy that his men had accidentally uncovered, he did not hesitate to do so. 

Within minutes, the information had found its way to the desk, which belonged to the redheaded beauty, where she began to cast a wide web for the conspirators to become entangled in. Whatever agents Germany had embedded in the Kalmar Union were given a new priority task: infiltrate the human trafficking ring, and identify the conspirators. 

Within four days, the agents of German Imperial Intelligence had successfully found leads and began to work their case. All that was left for Linde to do was sit back and watch as her minions tore apart a syndicate of criminals, which spanned across Northern Europe. 

Thus, Linde was rather bored, as she sat by and waited for news of her agents\' activities. As a result, she was sitting in the bar located within the Kufstein Palace, where she sipped on a cocktail while discussing familial matters with Honoria. 

"So, how has the life of retirement been for you?"

Honoria rolled her eyes as she drank from her own cocktail. She had relatively recently retired from the pirate\'s life, and dedicated herself to raising her children. Though the kids were at first resistant to her, they had come around, and she was quick to express this. 

"Raising the kids isn\'t as exciting as raiding ships or hunting natives. But it has its own merits. The one thing I will say is that Heraclius\' chicks have grown up, and it is a bit difficult getting the kids to look after them." 

A smile emerged on Linde\'s pretty face as she nodded her head in agreement. Since Honoria first arrived in Kufstein, she had that abnormally intelligent pet eagle by her side. Heraclius had built his own nest on the Palace\'s grounds and had raised his chicks to be the pets of Honoria\'s offspring. However, after learning about the gods and their familiars, both Linde and Honoria had begun to suspect the eagle\'s lineage. Something Linde was quick to ask about.

"You ever wonder if Heraclius is the descendant of some deity\'s familiar? Having spent enough time around Genseric and his cubs, I can say with certainty they are a cut above the normal members of their species. They\'re so friendly to humans that Berengar has even pulled them out of the zoo and allowed them to live in our gardens.

The leopard gardens of house von Kufstein, it\'s funny just saying it aloud. Still, having a bunch of big cats running around as if they have been domesticated does give our house some form of prestige."

Honoria could only nod her head in agreement as she took another sip from her cocktail. She thought about Linde\'s question for some time before responding to it.

"Looking back upon my life, I am almost entirely certain that Heraclius is at the very least descended from some deity\'s familiar. Though who? I have no idea. The bird is way too smart for his own good. Even his offspring are, like you said, a cut above the rest of their species. Which makes them the best pets for my kids. If only the little brats would look after them properly!"

A slight giggle escaped from Linde\'s lips when she heard Honoria\'s last remark. She could not help but express her true thoughts regarding the woman\'s frustrations. 

"I\'m happy your kids have forgiven you for your adventurous past. The life of a mother may not be as glamorous as that of a pirate, but it has its own rewards. Speaking of... When Berengar finally returns home, why don\'t you convince him to give you another? It\'s about time, and I don\'t need to be rude, but the concubines are catching up to you.

In fact, out of all Berengar\'s women, only you and I are currently not pregnant. Well, excluding Khorijin, that is, but she has yet to really embrace her part in the harem. And you just know our man is out there finding a new lover in Iceland. I wouldn\'t be surprised if he was in the arms of some blonde haired bimbo right now! You\'ve got to step up your game while you\'re still young and fertile!"

At first Honoria was taken aback by Linde\'s comments, but when she thought about her husband taming some unknown beauty from the far north, she could not help but bite her lip in jealousy. An act which Linde was quick to take note of. Rather than discuss her own lack of procreation when compared to Berengar\'s other women, Honoria went on the offensive and questioned Linde\'s commitment.

"What about you? Do you not want another child?" 

Contrary to what Honoria had expected, there was a look of content on Linde\'s face as she shook her head, before denying the desire to have another child of her own. 

"I already have five of the little ones running around. You may not know this, but Adela and I have both agreed to call it quits after we both have five kids. It\'s a way of preserving the peace between us. I suggest you do the same. After all, five is a pretty good number, don\'t you think?"

Honoria\'s thoughts dwelled upon the idea for several seconds. She already had three kids, but even she felt like it wasn\'t enough. After all, she was competing for Berengar\'s affection like every other girl in his harem. What was the greatest indicator of the man\'s love? It was how many children he sired with each of his wives. Thus, after thinking about it for some time, Honoria agreed with Linde\'s suggestion and nodded her head before expressing her thoughts.

"I have no doubt Berengar is going to bring another woman home, most likely one who is half his own age. Which just means I will have yet another competitor to worry about. I\'m getting older, and I fear my time is limited.

Somehow, Yas was lucky to get pregnant despite the fact that she\'s in her late thirties now. However, we all know this child will be her last. So maybe it\'s time to give it another go. I\'ll just have to steal Berengar\'s attention from whatever young piece of ass he brings back from Iceland."

Linde was about to respond to this statement when a subordinate of hers entered the room. Though she wanted to continue this discussion with her friend, matters of the State were of a much higher priority. Thus she sighed and chugged down the last of her drink before tapping Honoria on the shoulder and bidding her farewell for the time being. 

"Sorry Honoria, but work calls, and we are currently in the middle of a very important investigation. I wish you all the best, and make sure to give your children my love. I will see you later."

After saying this, the redheaded beauty walked by, leaving Honoria by her lonesome. The Byzantine Princess could only gaze upon her friend with a look of envy, knowing full well that their husband loved her most of all.  Once Linde had left the room, she was quick to inquire about the reason behind this interruption.

"What do you have for me?"

The agent handed over a dossier which contained all the information they had gathered in the field regarding high-ranking members of the human trafficking ring. 

"It\'s worse than we initially thought. Though they have gone underground in fear of persecution, the Catholic Priests and their most ardent supporters have been enslaving women and children from Iceland, and selling them throughout Northern Europe.

These conspirators are using the funds to acquire weapons from corrupt officials in the Danish Army, weapons we sold them. They intend to overthrow Alvar\'s government and create some form of Catholic theocracy within the borders of the Kalmar Union.

It would appear that old Alvar hasn\'t been as thorough in stomping out Catholicism as he said he was. Whether this is a deliberate act on his part, or just pure incompetency, has yet to be verified. However, our agents are working on uncovering any ties that might exist between these conspirators and any of the Nordic Royal families. 

Give us two weeks, and we should have the identities and locations of everyone who is involved in this human trafficking ring. As well as those responsible for selling arms to the conspirators." 

With this update, Linde could rest easy, knowing that soon they would be able to put a stop to this evil. Like Berengar, she had a strong sense of justice when it came to the abuse of women and children, maybe even more so than the Kaiser himself. Thus, she would stop at nothing to destroy the lives of those who were responsible for such wicked acts. 

"Good... Continue as planned. I want to know just how far this conspiracy goes. Use whatever methods you deem fit to uncover the truth." 

The agent quickly nodded her head and responded in the affirmative before going back to headquarters, where she would convey Linde\'s orders to the appropriate apartments. As for Linde, she was no longer in the mood to drink with Honoria, and instead went back to her office, where she oversaw other important matters of the state. 


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