
Chapter 1023 A Heartrending Tale

The party had begun, and Berengar was the belle of the ball, so to speak. Yet, this was no sophisticated event thrown by a prominent German nobleman. No, this was a celebration among warriors. Those who had earned the right to enter Valhalla were few and far between, and yet Berengar stood among their ranks as they showered him with praise for his accomplishments in this life. 

With a horn of mead in one hand, and a mutton chop in the other, Berengar celebrated his victorious trials with the warriors of Valhalla. Among these men were the greatest warriors the Germanic people ever created, Arminus, Merovech, Ragnar Lothbrok, Harald Hardrada, and many others, all of which stood by Berengar\'s side, and treated the man as if he were the greatest among them. For in a single decade, he had created an Empire that these men could only dream of. 

Brynhildr poured the mead from heiðrún\'s udders, and continued to wait upon Berengar\'s every need, an act which did not go unnoticed by the god Odin, who watched over the feast, and celebration as if he were a proud grandfather. Eventually, the one-eyed deity summoned the Valkyrie to his side, where he was quick to approach the subject. 

"You\'ve fallen for my champion, haven\'t you?" 

The platinum blonde haired beauty\'s cheeks flushed red with embarassment as she looked away with a hint of shame. She would not go so far as to say that she had fallen for Berengar, but there was definitely an intense attraction to the man, and a lingering desire she could not dismiss no matter how hard she tried. This reaction was all that Odin needed to see, and thus with a heavy sigh, he asked another question regarding the matter. 

"What about your daughter? How does she feel about your attraction to this man?" 

Upon hearing this, Brynhildr\'s mind immediately snapped back to reality. She bowed her head in respect before responding to the allfather\'s words. 

"Siv seems to be resistant to the idea. Though she admires Berengar, I doubt she would actually approve of me getting involved with a man. After what happened between her father and I, it is doubtful that she will ever trust a single man to fulfill that role."

A hint of concern emerged on Odin\'s face as he continued to watch Berengar engage in a drinking contest with the Einherjar. He shook his head at the sight before redirecting his attention to the mature Valkyrie and her concerns. 

"Berengar is destined to have five wives. On top of that, he already has many lovers. The number will only increase as the years pass. Though his stamina may have grown with his body\'s rebirth, do you really think you and your daughter will receive the attention you deserve from this mortal man?

Besides, you are needed in Iceland. Without your presence, the Clan will not have the strength to grow powerful enough to take over the entire island. If you were to follow Berengar back to his homeland, it would only be disastrous for the people who have taken you in and shown you such kindness these past few years."

Brynhildr bit her lower lip in frustration as she heard these words. The hidden clan had been nothing but kind to her since she first started living with them. Odin\'s plan was for them to spread their culture and teachings around the entire island until Iceland was a domain where the old faith lived strong. As a Valkyrie, she played a substantial role in this operation.

Despite this, there was a deep, hidden desire in Brynhildr\'s heart that wanted Berengar to be the father that her daughter never truly had. She was well aware that he already had multiple wives and lovers, but what great King in history didn\'t? After mulling it over for several moments, Brynhildr came up with an idea, one that shocked Odin when she gave voice to it.

"What if I convince Berengar to vassalize Iceland, and name our son as King? He has the power, and the influence, to force Alvar to agree to Iceland\'s independence, where he can then declare it a protectorate of the Reich. Once it is under his control, he can actively work to help restore the people\'s faith in the old gods. It would be a much safer, and quicker, way to achieve your goals." 

Odin was taken aback by this statement, but after having several moments to think about it, he had to agree that the proposal had some potential. He reflected on the pros and cons of such an arrangement for some time before breaking out into a chortle of laughter. 

"It seems you have more brains than I gave you credit for, girl. Very well, if you can convince Berengar Sieghardson to agree to this arrangement, I will have no qualms about your union. Go now, the man\'s cup is almost empty!"

A wide smile formed on Brynhildr\'s face as she bowed her head in thanks, before leaving Odin\'s side, and returning to Berengar, where she was quick to fetch him another drink. Berengar gazed upon the mature beauty, who had been gone from his side for a while, and was about to ask about her just what she had been up to, when she grabbed hold of his hand, and led him to another corner of the room. Once they were alone together, she sighed heavily before revealing her thoughts.

"I believe I made a promise to you after your first trial. If you survived all three, I would tell you about my relationship with Siv\'s father. If you still want to hear it, I am more than willing to share the details with you. But I must warn you, it is not a story for the faint of heart." 

Berengar cautiously eyed the Valkyrie, judging by her actions, and the tone in her voice. Something had changed between the two of them. They were no longer two adults flirting for fun. Instead she seemed serious about becoming his woman. It took the man several seconds to think about whether he actually wanted to get any further involved with her. 

After all, she already had a kid, and if he were to take Brynhildr, a Valkyrie nonetheless, as one of his concubines, it meant he would have to care for a child that was not his own. However, when Berengar thought about it, he actually enjoyed the company of the mother and daughter, and he could always marry Siv off to one of his sons. Thus strengthening his bloodline with the DNA of a Valkyrie. 

After several moments of internal deliberation, Berengar smiled and grasped the woman\'s dainty cheek with the palm of his hand. With a gentle expression on his face, he nodded his head before giving the woman permission to continue. 

"Very well, I\'m listening..."

A bitter smile formed on Brynhildr\'s lips as she began to spin her tale of woe. 

"About fourteen years ago, when I was fetching the soul of a fallen warrior, something happened to me. Something I\'d prefer to forget about. While I was fulfilling my duties as a Valkyrie, I came under attack by one of Loki\'s minions. 

I was lucky to have survived, but when I awoke, I had no memories of who I was prior to the assault. Instead, I found myself naked, and alone in a land of ice. That was when Erik found me. He was immediately attracted to my beauty, and played the part of a kind gentleman in an attempt to lure me into his home. Which I\'m ashamed to say that in my dazed state I was foolish enough to do so.

Once inside, he forced himself upon me, and made me his concubine. Something that I was powerless to resist at the time. A year later, Siv was born, and with her birth, I recovered my memories, along with my powers. The first thing I did was take my baby girl and run to the village, where I knew an entryway to Valhalla existed.

Once the villagers learned of my true identity, they did everything they could to provide for us. I raised Siv by myself for nearly ten years, before one day she just disappeared. She left behind a note that said she was going out to search for her father. I was devastated, especially since I knew what a piece of shit Erik was. 

For three whole years, Siv was gone, and I could only sit back and imagine what horrors she endured while living in that man\'s house. However, in the end, you brought my baby girl back to me, safe and sound. Something which I am eternally grateful for."

Needless to say, Berengar was not expecting such a wild scenario, and instantly found his fists curled in rage. If there were two things he hated most in this world, it was rapists and child molesters. He had every intention of taking Erik\'s skull as a trophy the moment he returned to the mortal plane. 

Seeing how angry Berengar had become, Brynhildr decided to help calm his wrath in the best way she knew how. Seemingly out of nowhere, the woman grabbed hold of his face with both hands and kissed him passionately.

Within seconds, the fire in Berengar\'s heart faded away, and was instead replaced with a burning passion. One which would not go away until he had made love to the woman in front of him. Which is exactly what he did. By the time the dawn rose on the next day, Berengar and Brynhildr had made love a total of thirteen times.


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