
Chapter 1014 Entering The Whirlwind

Hours passed as Berengar and Siv sat in the Kaiser\'s cabin, chatting about all the things that had occurred during the last fourteen years within continental Europe. The girl listened to Berengar\'s tales of adventure with wide eyes. On more than one occasion, she found herself staring at the handsome, older man in disbelief. 

From the errant son of a minor nobleman to the leader of the western world\'s most supreme power. Berengar had lived a life filled with excitement. Something Siv had always longed for. She could hardly believe half the things she was told, and yet, looking around her at the magnificence of the SMS Linde, and all its technological wonders, she could not deny the reality behind them. 

Eventually the sun rose with the dawn, and Berengar had not even completed one tenth of the stories he could tell. As much as he might wish to do so, the Kaiser would not delay his journey simply for the chance to enthrall a young mind.  Instead, he rose from his seat and gave the girl a command before shooing her out of his room.

"I have to get dressed for the journey ahead. There is a cabin next door that you can use for the same purposes. A tailor will arrive at your cabin shortly, and they will modify a uniform so that it fits your slim frame perfectly."

Siv had no response to this. She did not know why Berengar was treating her so kindly. As even her own family provided the girl nothing more than hand-me-downs to wear. In fact, she was already a bit too tall for her current clothing, something that Berengar took notice of during their brief time together.

Another few hours passed, and the girl\'s uniform was finally ready. It was the same as the deep winter pattern clothing that the Marines wore for this expedition. Based upon the clothing worn by the Volksgrenadiers during the battle of the bulge, it was more than enough to provide protection against the harsh elements of Iceland\'s cold winters. 

Berengar exited from his cabin and guided Siv out of the ship\'s interior, where together they descended onto the docks of Reykjavík. Upon first glance Berengar noticed a convoy was already waiting for them.

A mixture of 6x6 five-ton trucks, and 4x4 thee-ton technicals based upon the Opel Blitz platform from Berengar\'s past life, Berengar grinned as he led the young girl into the passenger seat of a technical, while he himself took the driver\'s seat. 

Siv looked around in astonishment, not realizing what she was sitting in, or how it worked. When the engine roared to life, she was slightly intimidated, until she realized the warm air that was exuding in the cab. The girl could only look at her benefactor with sparkles in her eyes as she questioned just what this means of transportation was.

"What is this thing?"

A slight smile curved itself upon Berengar\'s handsome features as he put the transmission into gear, and began to drive off as the head of the convoy. As the trucks passed through the city of Reykjavík, Berengar explained to the girl what he was driving.

"It\'s called a truck. We\'re the lucky ones, sitting in this warmed interior. If you look behind you, you will see our gunner. Poor bastard has to sit there in the frosty wind as we venture further into this icy wasteland."

The young girl, whose hair was as light as platinum, and whose eyes were as blue as ice, looked behind her and witnessed the stoic expression on the Marine\'s face, who operated the 2cm flak gun that was mounted in the bed of the truck.  Siv felt a bit guilty upon seeing this, but Berengar assured her that the man was fine. 

"Don\'t worry, he\'s a marine, he will be fine, I assure you he has been through far worse than this..."

After saying this, the convoy left the city, with Berengar\'s truck in the lead, and Siv as his guide, the journey through the wastes of Iceland was not a particularly long or eventful one. The convoy had packed more than enough supplies to make the trip without any incidents, and before long, they found themselves at the entrance of a valley which was surrounded by a whirlwind of hail. 

Berengar closely observed the location, and was quick to guess that this was indeed the land protected by Odin, to serve as the entrance to Valhalla, and the last bastion for those who still worshipped the old gods. However he still asked for clarification on the matter. 

"Is this the place?"

Siv silently nodded her head in agreement, which confirmed Berengar\'s suspicions. With a grit of his teeth, Berengar pressed the button, which allowed him to talk through the radio, and alerted his troops. 

"We\'ve arrived. Brace yourselves boys, I don\'t know how nasty of a storm we are about to plow through, but we need to get inside that whirlwind."

There was not the slightest bit of hesitation among Berengar\'s marines. They simply gritted their teeth and prepared themselves for the journey. After alerting the men, Berengar pressed his foot on the gas petal, and drove his truck forward, into the hailstorm. 

Contrary to what he thought would occur, not a single bit of hail scratched the paint of his truck, or any of those within his convoy. In fact, the hail storm allowed the Germans to pass through without resistance. Just as quickly as they had entered the whirlwind, they soon found themselves on the other side, and what revealed itself was astonishing.

Perhaps what could only be described as a paradise existed within the depths of the whirlwind. There was no snow, and only greenery. A large lake lie in the center of the territory, which the people who dwelled within drew sustenance from. It was as clear as a crystal and sapphire in color. 

The trucks drove through the area to the astonishment of the locals, who had not exited this hidden domain in centuries. They dressed in the primitive attire of the vikings and lived in longhouses. Their fields were plentiful beyond what was natural, and their livestock were plump and healthy. 

Berengar, along with all of his soldiers, could hardly believe their eyes as their trucks came to a stop. A group of locals gathered with swords and spears in hand, afraid that perhaps the Christians had finally found them. There was no fear in their eyes, even though they gazed upon the marvelous technology of the distant future. As if death held no meaning to them. 

Berengar was first among his convoy to step out into the open, and when he revealed himself, he was quick to speak his thoughts, though he was truly surprised when he heard his voice speak a foreign language, one that he could only assume was old Norse. 

"I am Berengar von Kufstein. I have come to these lands at the behest of the gods. I mean you no harm, and instead bring you gifts from the world outside."

Though the people were cautious at first, they were quick to change their mind when Siv stood next to the foreigner\'s side. She smiled, as if she were among her real family, before running towards a woman who appeared to be in her late twenties who stood among the gathered crowd.

"Mother, I am home!"

Berengar was only slightly surprised to see that his guide had familial connections to this hidden valley, which the world had seemed to have forgotten. Judging by the look on her face, she was filled with joy to be back in this place, something that the Kaiser found endearing.  While Berengar was enjoying the sight of the familial reunion, a large red-haired and bearded man, who wore a shirt of mail, and a cloak of fur, stepped forward to greet him. 

"Berengar, son of Sieghard, we have heard from the valkyries that you would be arriving. Come, we must prepare you for the winter solstice. The Allfather is expecting you in Valhalla. I assure you, your men will be well taken care of in your absence."

When Siv heard these words, she was more shocked than she had ever been prior to this moment. Even after witnessing all the wonders of technology that the Germans brought with them, the fact that Odin had brought this foreigner here was the most unbelievable thing she had ever heard."

Berengar smiled and nodded in response to this man\'s words. He was astonished that all language was converted to the old Norse tongue in this location, but thought nothing of it after a few moments of adjustment. He was quick to give orders to his men to bring out the gifts he had prepared for the villagers.

"Bring out our gifts!"

In the very next moment, the Germans exited from their vehicles and began to carry items such as furs, silk, beer, cheese, bread, meat, and the finest swords the locals had ever laid eyes upon. Berengar then stepped forward and greeted the villagers once more. 

"These are my gifts to you, those brave few who still follow the ways of my ancestors. I hope you will make use of them in whatever way you best see fit." 

With this, Berengar had made a good first impression upon the town folk who lived in this hidden paradise. Over the next few days, he would be forced to undergo several trials and rituals in order to ensure that he was worthy of entering Valhalla. It was only after, Berengar had gained approval of these villagers, would he be able to meet with Odin himself. 


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