
Chapter 988 Matters Of Intrigue

Yi Min-Ah sat in her cell with her knees held closely to her chest. She did not know how long she had been in captivity, but it felt like a lifetime. In truth, the days and nights just seemed to blend together when you no longer had access to sunlight. 

Since she had begun cooperating with the agents of German Intelligence, her life had become much better, but she was still nothing more than a pretty bird trapped in a cage. It was while she was reflecting on this that the door to her cell opened. However, unlike before, there were no longer any guards who would forcefully bind the Korean beauty.

She had proven herself a submissive prisoner, and as a result, her captors no longer took such precautions against her. To nobody\'s surprise, the same interrogator who used to play russian roulette with her had entered the woman\'s cell.

For the past few months, this man had been the only human contact the Joseon Princess had received. Perhaps out of a sense of Stockholm Syndrome, she had begun to see him as a close friend and possibly even more than that. 

Unlike past visits where the interrogator was usually in a cheerful mood, today, the man had a grave expression on his otherwise handsome face as he approached Min-Ah with a folder in his hands. After sitting down on the woman\'s bed, he gave her the bad news.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your release has been secured. In the coming days, you will be taken to Beijing, where you will be handed off to the Japanese Empress in secret. However, before we do so, I feel as if there is some information you are entitled to. I don\'t really know how to say this, my sweet Min-Ah, but I will just come out and say it... Your family is dead..."

A simple scoff escaped Min-Ah\'s luscious lips, followed by a single word. Her indifference was present on her face as she did so.


However, unlike what she was expecting, the man sighed and shook his head before handing the folder he carried over to his captive. After doing so, he said the words that broke the woman\'s heart.

"Not that family..."

Upon realizing that the man was not talking about the Joseon Royal family, but instead her adopted one, Min-Ah quickly grabbed hold of the folder and surfed through its contents. A detailed account on what had happened to her loved ones was written inside, along with several pictures that were taken after the fact.

A stream of tears fell down the Korean beauty\'s face before she became overwhelmed with rage. At this moment, she wanted nothing more than to rip out the throat of whoever was responsible with her teeth. 

Upon seeing the young woman\'s sobbing, the German Agent comforted her by wrapping his arm around her shoulder, and dragging her in close. A sigh escaped his lips, as he informed Min-Ah just what had happened. 

"We were hoping to keep your collaboration with the Japanese a secret from your people. However, it would appear that in order to sell your cover, Empress Itami Riyo placed a warrant for your arrest across the entirety of her empire, saying that you were a traitor to the crown along with a detailed list of your alleged crimes.

Because of this, the Joseon Resistance considered you a top priority to eliminate, however since you had fled to the Reich, and were already \'executed,\' they turned to your adopted family for vengeance. They, along with several dozen other known collaborators, were murdered in their own homes as an act of retaliation for the slaughter of an entire Joseon village by the Imperial Japanese Army. 

I\'m sorry, I know you\'re my prisoner, but I genuinely feel bad that a group of innocent people were caught up in your mess and were killed as a result. It would appear that Empress Itami Riyo did not anticipate such a violent reaction from the Joseon people, nor did she make any preparations for it. If she had, perhaps your family would still be alive right now."

The German Agent\'s words were both true, and yet filled with hidden intentions. By blaming this attack on Empress Itami Riyo, he knew that he could turn Min-Ah against the woman. In doing so the Reich would gain a valuable asset. That is assuming of course she were to harbor a great hatred against her former master. 

As for Min-Ah, she easily fell prey to this scheme. In the depths of her grief, a newborn hatred had consumed her, and yet it wasn\'t placed towards her captors, nor towards the Joseon rebels who had killed her family, but the Japanese Empress herself.

Knowing that she would soon re-enter the service of the woman who was responsible for her family\'s death, the Joseon Princess began to grit her teeth in rage while the tears streamed from her eyes. For now, she continued to lean on the German Interrogator for comfort in this time of darkness. Which the man was more than happy to allow. 


Linde sat at her desk within the headquarters of Imperial Intelligence. She was currently dressed in her uniform, something she had seldom worn over the past few years. Hemma was standing in front of the woman, with the usual bags under her otherwise pretty eyes. A cruel smile emerged on the redheaded temptress\'s face as she read over the report she had received from the hidden blacksite.

"It would appear that everything is going as planned. Princess Yi Min-Ah\'s release has been properly negotiated, and she will be returning into the arms of the Japanese Empress soon enough. Unknowingly, Itami Riyo has just paid a fortune to acquire an agent of her own destruction. On a more important note, how\'s the relationship between Agent Friedrich Ziegler and our pretty little captive progressing?"

Hemma scoffed when she heard this question, before placing down a report written by the German Interrogator. In this document was the exact exchange of words and gestures between himself and Min-Ah over the past few months. When Linde read this, her lips curled into an even crueler sneer. As for Hemma, she outlined the contents with a brief summary.

"As you expected, the Joseon Princess has developed feelings for her captor. It would be no exaggeration to say that, after learning about her family\'s death, and Itami\'s betrayal, he is the only friend she has left.

I would go so far as to suggest Agent Ziegler to become the primary contact between Min-Ah and the Reich from now on. After all, he is the only one who will be able to calm her wrath, and keep her from doing something stupid like attempt to assassinate the Empress."

Linde nodded her head in agreement with this assessment before adding her opinions on the matter.

"I agree. However, you should stall the exchange for as long as possible. Give Min-Ah some time to process her grief, before presenting the option of becoming our operative. This way we will have an agent embedded in Itami\'s inner circle.

Once she has agreed to our request, and tempered her rage, Min-Ah will become a valuable asset. After a bit of training in the art of espionage, we will ship her to Beijing, where, upon returning to the Japanese mainland, she will begin working for us."

Hemma nodded her head before taking a sip from her flask. After doing so, she stashed the container, which was filled with alcohol, away before asking the next question on her mind.

"What about the counterfeit operation? When will we begin?"

A smug smile appeared on Linde\'s face as she placed the folder down on her desk before reaching into a filing cabinet and retrieving another. After doing so, she handed it off to Hemma, while summarizing its contents.

"This trade will bankrupt Japan. In order to keep her economy running, Itami will need to print massive amounts of banknotes to replace the gold she will be giving us. Once she does so, our agents in Japan will smuggle some of them back to the reich where we will begin printing counterfeit copies en masse. 

However, we will not be shipping this false currency back to the Japanese mainland until after the war has already started. With the war underway, Itami will be far too busy to notice the counterfeited banknotes flooding her economy until after it is already too late."

Hemma nodded her head in understanding before leaving one final comment.

"I\'ve got to say, Linde, your cunning knows no bounds. Is the Kaiser even aware of your scheme to undermine the Japanese economy?"

A proud smile emerged on Linde\'s flawless face as she laid back into her chair and rested her dainty chin on the palm of her hand. After doing so she responded with utter confidence to her subordinate.

"No, not yet. However, I don\'t need his personal approval when it comes to matters of intrigue. When he finally learns of what I have done, I am sure my reward will be... excessive..." 

The excited expression in Linde\'s sky-blue eyes immediately alerted Hemma to the woman\'s amorous thoughts. Causing her to blush and look away. When Linde saw this cute reaction, she giggled before dismissing the deputy director.

"If that is all, then you are dismissed, Hemma. If you desire, you can take the rest of the day off. I have things covered from here."

A day off? Hemma did not remember the last time she had one of those. Thus, all she could do was bow her hand and thank her boss for her generosity.

"Thank you Linde, I promise to make good use of it!"

After saying this, the woman departed from the room, leaving Linde to her work. 


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