
Chapter 978 Ready When You Are

Berengar awoke the next morning in the arms of his wife, Yasmin, and his concubine, Priya. Though Yasmin had always struggled to embrace the idea of sharing her man in bed. She had taken charge as a motherly figure of the young Indian Princess, and by extension had guided her through the art of lovemaking. 

As a result, whenever he shared his bed with Yasmin, Priya was insistent on joining in. There was a wide smile on Berengar\'s face, and for the first morning in over a decade, he had woken up without pitching a tent in bed.

This fact surprised Yasmin, who was well accustomed to relieving her husband\'s condition every morning that they woke up together. With a mocking expression on her pretty face, Yasmin made a joke at Berengar\'s expense.

"You\'re getting old..."

At first Berengar did not know what the woman was talking about, but when he looked down beneath his covers and realized that he was completely flaccid, he felt the need to explain that he had just endured a hundred lifetimes of rough sex with a literal goddess in his dreams. However, after thinking about this for several moments, he realized how insane this sounded and thus did not disclose the reason behind his morning impotence. 

When Priya finally awoke a few seconds later, there was a look of excitement on her face, as she was prepared for the morning ritual that happened every time she woke up by the Kaiser\'s side. However, upon gazing at the man\'s current state for a few seconds in confusion, she began to pout as she questioned whether Berengar was alright.

"Why is it so soft? Are you alright? Do I need to fetch a physician?"

Berengar had never felt so compelled to slap a woman in his life until this moment. However, he restrained the urge to do so, and forced a smile before responding to the woman\'s question by turning her against her mentor.

"Yasmin already took care of it while you slept. You snooze you lose, my sweet Priya!" 

A look of offense appeared on Priya\'s young and naïve face as she glowered at Yasmin for stealing her morning\'s fun. Yasmin merely smirked in response. She did not deny her husband\'s statement despite it being patently false, and instead remained silent on the subject. However, her amused expression caused the young Indian Princess to misunderstand, and as a result, the girl simply pouted. 

Upon witnessing all this, Berengar merely chuckled before climbing out of bed and getting himself dressed for the day. After taking a bath and eating his breakfast, the Kaiser returned to his office, where he undertook his daily burdens of paperwork, wondering the entire time whether Freyja would actually visit his dreams again, now that he had taught her a lesson. 


The War in India Progressed smoothly. As the days passed, the German Armored Division, along with the Anangpur Army, strolled through the Indian subcontinent as liberators, placing the Anangpur Banner across every town and city they passed through. 

After the cruelty of the Bengal Army and their occupation. Much of the local inhabitants were happy to see the Anangpur troops replace their previous rulers. Unlike their Bengal counterparts, the Anangpur Army, along with a German engineering brigade attached to the division, helped reconstruct many of the towns that had suffered in the fighting against the Bengal invasion. 

At the very least, they repaired critical structures like roads, wells, irrigation systems, etc. Though the pale-skinned foreigners initially frightened many of the villagers, their acts of kindness in support of the reconstruction effort gained them a reputation of kindness and generosity. One which would spread far beyond the borders of India. 

The 12th Panzer Division continued to steamroll through the continent, splitting up into smaller combat brigades to cover more ground as swiftly as possible. Fighting was virtually non-existent after the Battle of Devagiri, as the overwhelming majority of Bengal soldiers had stripped out of their uniforms and abandoned their equipment, before fleeing to the borders of the Bengal Empire disguised as civilians. 

Those who were intelligent enough merged in with the villages of Central India, knowing that their homeland was doomed. With Emperor Asha\'s disgraceful defeat, and the complete and total collapse of the Bengal Army, there was not a slightest chance that what little troops remained in the homeland could defend against the overwhelming power of the German Army. 

Currently, within the Anangpur Empire\'s capital. Emperor Dharya Tomara stood beside General Arnwald Gerwig as the two men discussed their absolute victory. Dharya\'s youthful face was no longer filled with the creases of unecessary worries.

In fact, after smashing through the enemy\'s lines and crushing their entire army in a single battle, he felt as if a giant weight had been lifted from his heart. So much so that he looked as if he had lost five years of age on his face. For the first time since he had become Emperor, Dharya felt truly thankful to Berengar, and after having one too many imported beers, he said something that he probably shouldn\'t have.

"When you finally return to Kufstein, inform the Kaiser of my thanks, and tell him he can have my sister if he really wants..."

Arnwald chuckled when he heard this. Even though he had been outside of the fatherland for the past year. If the Priya truly desired to be intimate with Berengar, then they were already likely involved in a relationship. Thus, he could not help but make a joke at Dharya\'s expense.

"You want me to tell the most powerful man in the world, a man who sent a single division of his armed forces to crush your enemies, that he has your permission to fuck your sister? Since when did he need your permission to do anything? I\'ll convey your message, but don\'t be surprised if it offends him." 

It was as if a bucket of cold water had washed over Dharya\'s head as he heard these words. He now felt foolish for suggesting such a thing. With a bitter smile on his face which exemplified his embarassment the Anangpur Emperor muttered under his breath just loud enough for Arnwald to hear him.

"On second thought, you can forget I said anything...\'

Though Dharya did not know how many armored divisions the German Army had available, he knew it was more than one, and one was all that was needed to end his reign. After a bit of curiosity, Dharya could not help but inquire about the exact number of troops the German Army had in its service.

"So, how many Panzer divisions do you guys actually have at your disposal?"

Arnwald did not mind sharing such details with Dharya. It was not like this was classified information. After taking a sip from his beer, he smirked with arrogance before responding to the man\'s question.

"We have roughly two dozen Panzer and Panzergrenadier divisions at the moment. Each with about 12,000 men and roughly 561 armored vehicles. The tanks that were used in this campaign are of an older design. The newest models that are being released have improved main guns, superior turrets, and infrared optical systems, allowing our tank crews to see in the dead of night. 

In fact, once this war is over, the tanks that have taken part in this conflict will be shipped back to the Fatherland to be retrofitted with the newest improvements. As you may already be aware, the Kaiser is preparing for war with the Japanese, and he wants the best equipment he can field in the hands of our soldiers. 

In case Berengar hasn\'t already told you, we expect your support in the war. Maybe not fighting on the front lines, but in terms of logistics, we will call upon you when the appointed hour arrives. You can consider it a down payment on the debt you owe us..."

Dharya remained silent as he took another swig of his beer, while gazing off into the setting sun through the windows of his palace. He knew sooner or later Berengar would call upon him for his upcoming war with Japan, and had been doing everything he could to prepare for it.

After witnessing the results of a single Panzer division in action. The Anangpur Emperor couldn\'t help but feel sorry for the Japanese. They had foolishly provoked a truly fearsome opponent. With a single sentence, Dharya responded to Arnwald\'s claims. 

"I am ready when you are..." 


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