
Chapter 964 A City On The Verge Of CollapsePart L

With a bullhorn in one hand, the man spoke with a stern tone, giving his orders to the rioting populace, who had momentarily ceased their criminal activities to gaze with awe upon the futuristic-looking soldiers. As a Marine attached to the German Embassy, the captain naturally spoke the local language which he made use of to convey his commands.

"By order of the Imperial Prince Alexandros Palaiologos, heir to the Byzantine Throne, you are to cease your criminal activities and return to your homes. I will detain any man still present in the streets after this message as an enemy of the state!"

The rioters wielded makeshift weapons like pitchforks, blacksmith hammers, and torches. They were far from an organized militia. However, when facing down a hundred grenade launchers filled with tear gas, they felt no fear.

Perhaps because of the powerful nobles backing them or maybe due to sheer ignorance of the threat which they faced. Either way, a ringleader of this armed revolt stepped forward and made a suggestive gesture to the Captain before screaming at him in his native tongue.

"Fuck you! The Palaiologos dynasty has failed us long enough. Now is the time to take power into our own hands!"

A simple sigh escaped through the gas mask of the German captain, who pointed his grenade launcher at an elevated height, and launched a 40mm tear gas grenade into the crowd. He was not the only one to do so, as the rest of the German marines fired a volley along with him. 

Tear gas filled the streets of constantinople, which caused the rioters to gag and cry as they struggled to breathe. With a single volley of the chemical agent, many of the rioters began to disperse and flee to their homes in search of safety.

However, those who remained were quickly rounded up by the German marines and bound with zipties. Any resistance was met with a savage beating from the expandable batons, which the marines carried as a tertiary weapon. After being gassed and beaten, the rioters were taken to the local dungeon to await a criminal trial which would only occur after law and order had been restored to the city. 

The riots were not just in this one section of the city, and because of this, the German marines had a lot more work cut out for them. Yet they succeeded in clearing a path between the royal palace and the German Embassy. where the young Prince Alexandros stepped forward, guarded by a squad of Kampfschwimmers who escorted him into his grandfather\'s estate. 

When the young boy entered the Palace he did so not as a visitor, but as the man who had taken charge of the city\'s defense. He was quickly greeted by his grandmother and two uncles, who had watched from the safety of their home as the German marines interfered in their current crisis. 

Quintus, in his ignorance, approached the boy with a wide smile on his face. He did not think that this young child was actually the one to be giving the orders, and was quick to voice his thanks to the boy\'s mother.

"Your mother has my praise. Thank her on my behalf for using Germany\'s forces within the city to quell these ungrateful plebeians\' unrest."

Despite his uncle\'s gentle gesture, Alexandros did not smile, rather the boy had a stern appearance, as if he was above the elder who stood before him. Thus, he was quick to rebuke his uncle for his repeated failures.

"Shut it! I don\'t want to hear your nonsense in this time of crisis! We are in this situation entirely because of your cowardly tendencies. My mother has nothing to do with this, as of this moment, I Prince Alexandros of the Byzantine Emperor, and sole heir to the throne hereby declare that until the moment my royal grandfather returns from his campaign in the Levant, that I will be taking over the defense of this city. As you and Aurelius have clearly displayed, a complete and utter incompetence in this regard. 

You there, guardsmen by royal decree, I order you to gather the remainder of your unit and report to my Lieutenant Colonel! He will outfit you and your men with proper riot gear. You are to follow the commands of the German Marines, and restore law and order to this city!" 

It shocked everyone in the room to see such a young child speak to them with such an utter disregard for their positions. However, the Byzantine Royal Guards did not question the boy\'s orders, and instead immediately saluted him in their primitive fashion, before responding in the affirmative to his commands.

"It will be done, your highness!"

After saying this, the guards scurried off to relay their orders, where Alexandros shifted his attention to his grandmother. He had a much warmer expression when he gazed upon the aging beauty, and his tone was much kinder. 

"Grandma, I suggest you gather your family and servants and allow my soldiers to escort you to the German Embassy. You will be safe there, and I can not expend the limited manpower at my disposal to protect the Palace. Your royal estate is too sizeable and has too many vulnerabilities for my troops to ensure your protection."

Olympia nodded her head and smiled before she curtseyed in the fashion that was common among the German peerage. She had nothing but the utmost respect for her grandson, especially now that he was proving himself a worthy successor of her husband. Her only regret was that her own sons were too useless to do anything in this dire situation that they now faced. 

"I thank you for your hospitality. Follow me boys, and don\'t you dare speak back to me!"

It was at this moment that an exhausted Palladius entered the scene, and witnessed the progeny of Berengar, the boy he had placed all his faith in for the survival of his homeland, taking command over the grim situation the Empire\'s capital now found itself in. The aging Strategos of the Balkans could not help but kneel before his prince, and offer the boy his service.

"My Prince, my soldiers are at your command. Just let me know what we need to do, and I will give the order!"

Alexandros gazed upon the elderly general and was quick to inquire about his forces. 

"Tell me, Palladius, how many men do you have left over from your retreat?"

A look of shame appeared on the elderly man\'s face as he bowed his head in regret before informing the prince of his request.

"Roughly three thousand, your highness..."

An intelligent glint appeared in Alexandros\' eyes as he remained silent for several moments while thinking about how best to deploy the soldiers. After a while, he sighed heavily before giving out his commands.

"I do not wish to spill any unecessary blood, even if these criminals are running rampant in our city. Your men are armed with lethal weapons and are best deployed in the city\'s defense. Secure strategic locations across the city. I\'m talking about warehouses where weapons are stored, guard posts, gatehouses, the ramparts, etc. The last thing we need is for these rioters to turn into well-armed revolutionaries. 

The barbarians will soon be at our gates, and we need to hold out long enough for my father\'s reinforcements to arrive. It is your solemn duty to ensure that no man escapes or enters the city. Especially not any nobles.

I have a sneaking suspicion that one, if not both, of the political factions in the Byzantine Court is backing these rioters. You can rest easy and leave the quelling of the riots and the arrests of ringleaders up to my father\'s marines."

Palladius did not rise from his kneeling position before he was given the command to do so, and merely nodded his head in acceptance of his orders before responding in the affirmative.

"As you command, your Highness!"

After saying this, Alexandros dispatched Palladius and his men to do as they were instructed, while he personally took charge of the Byzantine Royal Guard, and the German Forces as they attempted to quell the riots through less than lethal means. 

Whether or not the City of Constantinople, let alone the Palaiologos dynasty, would survive the current chaos had yet to be seen. However, Alexandros had faith in both the men beneath his command, and his father. One way or another, law and order would be restored, and the Golden Horde would be defeated. There was no other option for the Byzantine Prince. 


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