
Chapter 958 One Last Goodbye

Despite her concerns, she had not yet had the ability to speak with her father alone, as the man was too enthralled with his grandchildren to bother speaking with her. Currently, the man was ignoring his daughter and instead showing off the ancient records which the Byzantine Palace held within its personal library to his young grandson. 

There was a look of excitement on Alexandros' face. Even though he knew much of this knowledge was obsolete, it was an archive of the ancient world, and he deeply respected the historical value of everything within. The boy carefully sifted through scrolls and books, reading everything he could, perhaps to gain a new perspective on his mother's homeland. 

After a while, Alexandros closed the tome he was currently occupied with, and spoke up to his grandfather with a pleasant smile on his youthful face.

"Grandpa, thank you for letting me read these books! I will remember this kindness forever!"

Upon hearing his grandson being so pleased with a few dusty tomes, Vetranis could only smile. Perhaps Honoria was just seeing things, but the way her father looked at his grandson made it appear as if he had regained some of his long-lost youth. The man's next response stunned Honoria, as she was not aware of the inner workings of the Byzantine court.

"I'm glad you're happy, Alexandros. If you enjoy these ancient texts, then you can read them to your heart's content. The more you learn about your people's history, the more I am sure you will make a great emperor when you finally succeed me."

Both Alexandros and Honoria looked up at Vetranis with surprise in their eyes. Though the boy knew he was being groomed to succeed his grandfather, he was also aware that this was one of his father's schemes, and had not been decided upon by the Byzantine Emperor himself.

Or so he thought. After all, Berengar had concealed the fact from both Honoria and his son that Vetranis had already announced his successor to the world. But before the young boy could ask for clarification on the matter, his mother had beaten him to it.

"Father, you don't mean to tell me that you have chosen Alexandros to be your successor?"

Vetranis merely smiled with pride as he heard these words. He rustled the boy's hair before responding to his daughter with a haughty tone in his voice.

"Oh? Your husband did not inform you? By now, it is common knowledge in Constantinople that I have stripped your brothers of their rights to inheritance, and have declared that my eldest grandson shall succeed me. 

I thought for sure Berengar would have told you. Perhaps he does not want to spoil Alexandros' development. Maybe I should not have said anything after all."

After saying this, Vetranis wrapped his arm around his grandson's shoulder before lecturing the boy on his responsibilities.

"Now that you know the truth, you must work hard to become the best emperor you can be. Your people will depend on you to restore the glory which we have lost these last few years. I'm afraid I won't be around long enough to advise you, nor am I truly worthy of such a position. If you ever need help, you can always ask your father or your siblings. I am sure they will come rushing to your aid at the first opportunity."

For the first time in his life, Alexandros felt the weight of the world crushing down upon his shoulder. Yet he did not falter, and despite his young age, there was a hint of resolve in his eyes as he nodded his head in acceptance before responding to his grandfather's claims.

"You can count on me, grandpa! I will restore the glory of Rome!"

There was a hint of worry in Honoria's eyes after hearing the last part of her father's speech. She could tell something was going on with him, and she was quick to send her children off so she can have some privacy with the man who raised her.

"Alexandros, Helena, why don't you take your little brother to the kitchen and get some sweets? There's something I wish to ask your grandfather."

Alexandros and Helena gave their mother a concerned look, but ultimately did as they were instructed. They had become much more obedient to their mother ever since she returned to their lives, and made a significant effort to be a part of them. 

After grabbing the infant Constantinus, Alexandros and Helena departed from the library, leaving Honoria alone with her father. Once they were out of earshot, the Byzantine Princess posed a question to her father, with a hint of worry in her tone.

"Father, what's going on? You're not ill, are you?"

The old man sighed heavily and collapsed into his seat before resting his forehead on the palm of his hand. He was visibly exhausted, and he quickly gave voice to his thoughts.

"I won't hide it from you, Honoria. I'm tired, so very tired. The Golden Horde is ravaging Anatolia, while the Jalayirid and Mamluk sultanates invade Egypt and the Levant. I have tasked Palladius with driving the mongols from our lands. However, I have personally decided to take upon the task of defeating the Saracens.

The war with the Catholic Church has left us bankrupt. We can barely afford to maintain what little troops we have left. Nor do our soldiers have the will to fight that they once had. I expect that I will die in battle with our enemies. 

I have left behind strict orders that your son is to be named emperor upon my death, and that his father will be made regent of Byzantium until the boy comes of age to rule properly. The reason I asked you to visit me this time was twofold.

Firstly, I wanted to meet my grandchildren before my death, but more importantly, I wanted to apologize to you for everything that I put you through during your youth. Despite everything, you turned out to become a wonderful young woman, who I am proud to call my daughter..."

Tears formed in Honoria's mint green eyes as she hugged her father tightly. It took the woman a few moments to come back to her senses, where she was quick to ask the man about a rather serious matter.

"Father, you know as well as I that the alliance between Byzantium and Germany still exists. If you would just call upon Berengar to honor this allegiance, he will surely send troops to settle your disputes. Why do you not do so?"

A tinge of guilt appeared on the Byzantine Emperor's face as he turned his back to his daughter and contemplated carefully on how he should choose his next words. In the end, he simply sighed before revealing the truth. 

"I betrayed your husband's trust the moment I sold the rights to the Kaiser's pass to his enemies in a vain attempt to save my own hide. Now that I am in peril once more, how could I have the face to beg the man for his help? No, this is a matter I must solve on my own, even if I must die trying.

I hope that you and your children enjoy your stay here in Constantinople. However, I suggest you return to the Reich as soon as possible. It won't be long before it is no longer safe for you all here. 

As for me, I march to war at dawn. I am glad that you answered my summons, so that I could rid myself of some of my guilt before the Lord condemns me to hell for eternity. Goodbye Honoria, and remember the words which I have spoken. Your son is the future of this Empire."

After saying this, Vetranis left the room, leaving his daughter to weep by herself. She, too, felt a deep sense of guilt towards her family, and her father's death would only add to that. After several moments of sobbing, a fierce resolve replaced the woman's depression as she wiped the tears from her eyes and curled her fists. 

"Just because you refuse to ask Berengar for his help doesn't mean I have to. I won't let you die, father, not until you have a chance to see with your eyes the miracle my son will create for our people!"

After saying this, Honoria too departed from the library. She was headed to the German Embassy located in the city of Constantinople. It was the only place in the city with a means to instantaneously communicate with the Reich. 


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