
Chapter 921 Getting Old

Neither the German Embassy nor the Ming Emperor spoke about this incident after it had occurred. What was done was done, and there was no turning back in time. Though the Ming Emperor mourned for the death of his errant son, he did not blame the Reich for their cruelty. He knew that if he were given the same circumstances, he would have reacted the same.

Because no hostilities emerged between the two powers, business continued to boom between the Reich and the Ming Dynasty. Goods flowed from west to east, and vice versa, creating a new silk road, one that was traversed by sea. With the might of the German Navy protecting international trade, there was not the slightest risk in sailing from East Asia to Europe.

Both the German and Ming Empires prospered during this time of peace. Though both Berengar and Wudi knew that these days would not last forever, they did their best to make the most of the peace while it still lasted.

While Berengar used this time to advance his society at a rapid rate. Itami had other plans in mind. The war for the Philippines continued as a month went by without issue. In the end, the island of Mindanao was conquered within this short time frame. The land was fully annexed by Empress Itami, and she immediately began construction of oil wells and refinement facilities.

This, when combined with the fact that Japan had already constructed its first power plant, meant that the Japanese Empire would soon enter the era of mechanized warfare. However, for the time being, they still had many hurdles to pass through before they could truly manufacture armored vehicles.

Meanwhile, in Australia, Honoria found herself increasingly isolated from her crew. They had yet to begin their Island-Hopping campaign as they still awaited for the supply lines to catch up to the new colony. And it was during this time that the Pirate Queen realized that she no longer found joy in exploration.

Since Honoria and her crew made first contact with the Aboriginal tribes of Australia. Conflict was a regular part of life within the small outpost that had been established. Patrols were regularly ambushed, and though the German Marines and Privateers were equipped with modern weapons, that did not mean they were invincible.

After suffering their first casualty, the German Marines responded with a series of punitive raids. Located and attacking the Aboriginal villages without a hint of mercy in their hearts.The only reason the conflict did not spread further inland was simply because the German marines lacked the resources to make a proper campaign.

While the Marines conducted their raids, Honoria\'s crew were left to support roles. They did everything they could to pass the time before they set out on their next adventure. During this time Honoria spent nearly every waking hour on the beach staring off into the distance as she drank from her rum.

Perhaps it was due to her age, but she no longer found joy in exploring, privateering, and fighting with natives. In fact, the whole thing seemed rather silly when she considered how advanced the German Military was. Was there truly a need for privateers like herself in this day and age?

In the Past Berengar had legalized privateering simply because the German navy was lacking in ships to effectively fight against their enemies. Though Honoria\'s crew was the most famous of these sea dogs, they were not the only one out there. However, with the advancements in the German Navy, and the overwhelming reach of the Reich, privateering was dying out, and with good reason.

Currently, Honoria was in a state of contemplation. Thinking about her lot in life. Out of the entire crew, Honoria only recognized Elfrun and Malissa. Malissa was often busy overseeing the more critical tasks that were required of her, and Elfrun spent most of her free time fraternizing with the new recruits.

As for the rest of the crew, they were a bunch of wide-eyed eighteen-year-old girls, who looked up to Honoria as if she was a living legend, but at the same time they viewed their mighty captain as a relic of the ancient past.

Honoria merely sipped from her drink as she sighed in depression before muttering her thoughts aloud.

"Perhaps I really am too old to be sailing around the world with a bunch of young women..."

It was at this moment, while she was reflecting on why she had even bothered coming on this journey, that Elfrun approached her. The woman had a bottle of rum in one hand, while the other was wrapped firmly around the waist of one of her girls. When Elfrun saw the depressed expression on Honoria\'s face, she could not help but speak up.

"Captain, is everything all right?"

Honoria looked over and saw the girl she had once saved from a life of slavery. Only she was no longer a young and defenseless girl, but rather a fully grown woman. One who knew how to take charge and kick ass. Perhaps this was the final nail in the coffin, but upon seeing such a drastic change Honoria could not help but sigh and express her true thoughts.

"I want to go home..."

Elfrun was taken aback when she heard these words. In all her years of pirating and exploring, she had always seen Honoria as the most adventurous spirit she had ever laid eyes on. Currently, the crew was exploring uncharted lands and conquering them for their homeland. Yet, there was no sense of wonder in Honoria\'s mint green eyes, only a deep longing for her family.

If she was being honest, Elfrun had never seen Honoria in such a homesick state. In fact, in years past, the byzantine Princess would always complain about having to go home when the voyage was nearing its end. Yet they had only been gone for a few months, and the woman was already wanting to call it quits.

This was behavior that was common among new recruits, but was definitely not something the Captain should be expressing. Before Elfrun could even try to convince Honoria to cheer up. The woman spoke with a stern tone in her voice.

"When the ships arrive, I will be sailing back to Singapore... For the first time in my life, I think I have had enough of fleeing from my responsibilities. I should have put an end to this youthful indiscretion of mine a long time ago.

Elfrun, the ship and the crew are yours to command. You can do with them as you please. Just remember that you fly the colors of the Reich, and should do nothing that would bring dishonor to your homeland or your Kaiser... I think it is about time that I return to my home."

Elfrun always knew this day would come, but she did not think that Honoria would call it quits before they even reached the half-way point of their journey. She was struggling to find the words to respond to this decree. Tears formed in the woman\'s eyes as she gritted her teeth and lashed out emotionally.

"It\'s that bastard\'s fault, isn\'t it? Every chance you get, you always abandon us and go running back to his arms! Did you know that out of the original members of our crew, half of them are dead? They died for you! Most of them met their deaths in the Andes, but others passed away on voyages where you weren\'t even present! The rest of those girls retired with enough gold to live in luxury for the rest of their lives!

There\'s only the three of us, and I know for a fact once you go, Malissa will follow. After everything I have done for you, you are just going to give up halfway through your retirement journey? Do I mean nothing to you?"

Honoria had always known that Elfrun had strong feelings for her, but she had chosen to ignore them. Rather than break the girl\'s heart. Today, however, it would appear that the landmine she had been avoiding had finally been stepped upon. Thus Honoria took a deep breath before responding coldly towards Elfrun\'s statements.

"I have a family waiting for me back home, one which I have neglected for too long. Over the years I have tried my best to mend the rift between us, but they always feared that I would go on another journey and get myself killed. Because of this, they still treat me as if I am a stranger. I have come here, an entire world away from my home, sitting in the burning son, and for what? One last chance at a youthful hurrah? I should have known better. I should have rejected Berengar\'s kind offer.

I will always be thankful for what you and all the girls have done for me. I will also always mourn those who have passed away in pursuit of fame, fortune, and adventure. Lord knows I have done everything I can to compensate their loved ones for their loss. However, Elfrun, since the day I first took you in, I made you aware that my heart belongs to Berengar. You will always be my most precious friend, but nothing more than that.

I gift you this crew, and this vessel, because I know you can still do many great things for the Reich. You can lead these girls on the adventures we had all shared together in the past. Perhaps even more exciting ones, now that you don\'t need to fear death as we once did. However, you will have to do these things without me..."

After saying this Honoria did not wait for a response, and merely hugged Elfrun as the girl cried in her arms. The two of them would not speak again, until the day that the supply ships arrived, and Honoria set sail for Singapore. Where she would take the first flight back to the Reich.

As for the crew of the Queen Honoria\'s Revenge, they still had a role to play in Berengar\'s expansion, and he would not forsake them even though his wife was no longer their captain. For now, they would continue on their voyages across Australasia, claiming all the land they could for the German Empire.


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