
Chapter 904 Setting Sail for the Last Time

"You\'re going to do fine... Once this is over, there is a new life ahead of you. You would be surprised how much you will enjoy spending time with your kids."

A bitter smile appeared on Honoria\'s lips as she heard this. Her youthful days would finally be behind her once she returned from this journey, after all, by now she was in her late twenties, and she knew no matter how much she wanted to continue her carefree lifestyle, she had responsibilities that she needed to fulfill. Responsibilities that she had run away from for long enough.

However, what happened next shocked the woman as a servant rushed down the stairs of the palace with an extra set of luggage before handing them off to the Kaiser and bowing deeply with respect.

"As per your orders, I have packed your luggage, your majesty..."

Confusion existed within Honoria\'s mint green eyes as she glanced over towards Berengar with a wry expression on her pretty face before posing the question that she felt the need to ask.

"You\'re coming with me?"

With a slight nod of his head, Berengar confirmed the woman\'s suspicions, however his next words acted as clarification over the matter.

"Just until we reach Singapore. I have business with the Majapahit Empire that I need to undertake. I will fly back to the Reich afterward. It will be up to you to reach your destination from there."

Honoria was surprised to hear this, as her husband had not communicated his plans to her in advance. She did not know what was so important in south-east Asia that the Kaiser personally needed to attend to matters, but she chose not to say a word and merely bit her lower lip as she nodded her head in agreement.

It was at this moment that Honoria\'s children appeared in the hallway. Alexandros and his sister Helena were present. The young girl was holding the infant Constantinus in her arms with a worried expression on her face. She had seen her mother go on many perilous journeys within her short lifespan, and every time Honoria left her behind, she could not help but feel anxious within the depths of her heart.

"Mother, are you leaving again?"

Honoria\'s smile faded as she heard the concern in her young daughter\'s voice. In the next moment, she kneeled down and hugged the girl before answering her question.

"I promise. This will be the last time I leave you three behind."

Upon saying this, Honoria kissed the infant boy\'s forehead before repeating her action to Helena. As for Alexandros, he was pouting, as he held his arms together stubbornly. His mother had seldom been in his life growing up, leaving his raising to Linde. Even after years of effort, he found it difficult to fully forgive Honoria for her selfishness. After kissing Helena on the forehead, Honoria approached her eldest son and wrapped her arms around him, bringing the boy into her substantial bosom.

"Alex, my son, I know I haven\'t been the best of mothers, but upon my return, I promise to shower you and your siblings with all the love and affection that you deserve..."

The young boy remained silent as his mother said farewell before approaching her husband. Berengar gazed upon his children and activated the eye of Horus. In doing so, he was able to see not only their affection for him, which was through the roof, but their feelings towards their mother. Upon seeing Alexandros\' aura, Berengar could only frown. Judging by the color of his aura, there seemed to be some deep-seated resentment towards Honoria within the boy\'s heart.

However, dispelling such negative emotion was easier said than done, and Berengar would leave that job to Honoria herself, for only she could make up for her past mistakes. After seeing that the woman was ready to depart, Berengar sighed once more before addressing his three children.

"I will be joining your mother for the first half of her journey. So while I\'m away, listen to what Linde has to say, and behave yourselves. Upon my return, I will take you both out for a special meal, just the three of us. There are some matters which I need to discuss with you."

Obviously, Berengar was leaving Constantinus out of this family meal, as the boy was too young to be taken to a restaurant. Alexandros and Helena reacted with a silent nod of the head, not willing to speak any further. Upon seeing that they were agreeable, Berengar smiled faintly before departing from the palace.

He and Honoria entered a car which took them to the closest rail station where the royal train was waiting for them. After nearly three and a half hours they arrived at their destination, which was the city of Trieste where Honoria\'s corvette was awaiting her.

The crew of privateers were dressed and equipped for combat. The majority of which were wielding Mp-27 submachine guns. When Berengar gazed upon them, he could only recognize the two women. One was the vice-captain Malissa, who had been instrumental in Honoria\'s escape from her homeland all those years ago, and the other was the explosives expert Elfrun.

However, Berengar almost didn\'t recognize the woman, as she had long since matured into an astounding beauty. Elfrun had a bottle of rum in one hand, while wrapping her other around a teenage girl\'s shoulder, who appeared to be a recent recruit. Her firm, yet dainty hands were squeezing the girl\'s breast, clearly marking her territory in front of the Kaiser.

Upon seeing Honoria enter the scene Malissa, and Elfrun stopped what they were doing and greeted their captain. They knew that this was her last journey with them, and they had decided to make the trip a memorable occasion.

Elfrun quickly approached Honoria and wrapped her arms around the woman\'s neck, hugging her tightly as she whispered in her ears the words she had wanted to say since she first learned of this retirement voyage.

"I\'m going to miss you cap\'n... If not for you, I would have taken my life long ago..."

Honoria returned Elfrun\'s hug and embraced the woman for some time before letting go. She had a bitter smile on her face as she responded to Elfrun\'s affections.

"I know... But I have responsibilities to fulfill, and I have run from them for long enough. This will be my last voyage, and after that you can all elect your next captain. The ship is a gift to you all, so let\'s enjoy ourselves this one last time..."

Elfrun glared at Berengar upon hearing this, it was clear that he was the primary reason that Honoria was hanging up piracy. She had never liked Berengar, most likely because he was Honoria\'s most beloved person, and she was envious of him for that. However, she did not dare act disrespectful in front of the man and quickly bowed her head before speaking.

"My kaiser, may I ask if you will be granting us the honor of sharing this voyage with your esteemed presence?"

Berengar chuckled when he heard this. Upon a brief activation of his Eye of Horus, he could see just how bitter Elfrun felt towards him. However, he really didn\'t need a divine artifact to know this. The woman wore her emotions on her sleeve; it was clear as day that she despised him. Thus, he responded in a casual manner to the woman\'s question.

"You can relax Elfrun. I will only be sharing your journey for the first half. Once I\'m in Singapore, I will depart so that you can enjoy your expedition in peace."

Elfrun felt slightly better about the whole ordeal as she took another swig from her bottle of rum, before giving orders to the crew of young women who all sought adventure and fortune.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Time to set sail!"

With this said, the ship was boarded, where it quickly departed from the harbor in Trieste. Honoria stood upon the bow and gazed upon the city with a solemn gaze. Over the years, she had set sail from Trieste time and again. However, she knew this was likely to be the last time she gazed upon such a scene, and thus she engrained it into her memory.


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