
Chapter 850 Saving the Stranded Agents Part l

​ "I must thank you for the latest weapons that you have sold to us, or should I thank your Kaiser? The introduction of these so called G-25 bolt action rifles, Mg-25 Machine Guns, and 10cm K 25 Field Guns have made an enormous difference in the deterrence of the Japanese Empire.

Though their weapons seem to be a bit better in design, we are now fully capable of defending our borders against them. Who knows, in time, when I have a large enough army trained and equipped with these new weapons, I might just make a push to reclaim my lost territory."

Andreas smiled as he took a sip from the tea and complimented the man before advising against his thoughts.

"I must say, we don\'t have much of a culture of drinking tea in the reich, but this is truly excellent. I thank you for the hospitality you have shown me during my stay here in Pyongyang. However, I would advise against an assault on the South.

The liberation of your people will come, but it might take a few years. I will have you know that the Reich is currently preparing for a long-term conflict with the Japanese. We eventually intend to invade the South in an attempt to wrest its control from the Japanese and return it to its rightful owner.

When the time comes, you will be able to push in from the North, while we strike in the heart of the South. However, in the meantime, I would advise you to be patient and to continue supplying the old weapons we gave you to the southern Guerillas. The more pressure we put on the IJA, the better."

After saying this, Andreas advanced one of his pieces at the expense of the Joseon King, causing him to scrunch his face in displeasure. After making a counterattack, he responded to the Colonel\'s words.

"I do not wish to wait here in Pyongyang while my people suffer in the south. However, I understand your perspective on the matter. Tell me something if you are permitted to do so. Why have you sold us such exquisite weapons? Surely, if we turned on your army, it could pose a threat?"

In response to this, Andreas made one fell swoop on the board, and emerged victorious in their little board game, shocking the Joseon King, who immediately harrumphed in defeat. After winning their match, Andreas explained the exact reason Berengar sold them such advanced hardware.

"The Kaiser has a vast stockpile of weapons we consider being obsolete, and while it is true that he would never sell such advanced hardware to the Kingdoms of Europe, the Kaiser has no ambitions for Northeast Asia, and therefore does not see you as a potential threat.

Since he has no plans to conquer your lands, he would rather sell you the most expensive weapons he has available so that he can profit off your war with Japan. Besides, with each bullet fired, you need to purchase another from the Reich, making your military entirely dependent on us. If you were to turn hostile against us for whatever reason, we could easily cut off the supply of munitions, essentially neutering your army."

In response to this, the Joseon King chuckled and shook his head before commenting on Berengar\'s personality.

"Your Kaiser is very forward thinking. It would appear I have played right into his hands, much like I have done yours in this game of Janggi. However, I can rest easy knowing he has no ambitions for my lands or that of my neighbors.

Incidentally, there is a bit of a situation that I need you and your fellow Jagdkommandos to deal with. Unfortunately, at the moment, I do not have any soldiers who could possibly fulfill the task, and therefore, I must become indebted to you."

Andreas raised his brow when he heard this, before interrogating the Joseon King on just what he wanted from Germany.

"What exactly do you require of us?"

The Joseon King quickly downed his tea before pouring himself another. After doing so, he sighed heavily while responding to Andreas\'s question.

"Unfortunately, several of my intelligence agents who have infiltrated the Japanese Military and recorded their crimes have been identified by the Kempeitai, and are being searched for as we speak.

Though they have been able to throw their pursuers off thus far, I\'m afraid the south is no longer safe for them. I need someone to go deep behind enemy lines, and ex filtrate them back up to my territory. So that I can replace them with other agents.

I would send my own men, but none of them are quite well suited to the task. Since I know how capable your men are, I am afraid you are my only hope. After all, the intelligence they carry is just as valuable to you as it is to us. I promise you that you and your men will be handsomely rewarded upon your return."

Andreas thought about the prospect for some time. It was a dangerous operation that could easily cause the deaths of the men he sent down south. However, the intelligence that was in the hands of the Joseon agents was invaluable and thus, he could only sigh in defeat before agreeing to the request.

"I will dispatch a team to ex filtrate your agents. However, the payment better be worth it. I don\'t want my men dying for nothing."

The Joseon King smiled as he heard this before clapping his hands. In a matter of moments, a young woman, no older than eighteen, rushed into the room and bowed respectfully to the Joseon King and his guest. She was dressed in a traditional hanbok, and had a face that appeared as if it were sculpted from white jade.

Andreas did not show his astonishment on his face, but this young woman was by far the most beautiful he had ever come across. Perhaps, the Kaiser\'s wives were better looking, but there was a certain appeal to the petite jade skinned beauty that a proper German woman did not have. Or at least from his perspective.

The veteran special operations soldier was already married to two women, a German girl from Thuringia, and a Nordic woman. Until now, he had felt satisfied with his current family. However, when the Joseon King introduced the Korean beauty, he felt utterly lacking.

"This is my niece, Tae Su-Min. She is currently in need of a husband. If your soldiers complete their task, she is yours, and I will provide a beauty of equal caliber to all of your men who return. I will also pay you each with ten taels of gold. What do you say? Is your reward satisfactory enough?"

Andreas slowly nodded his head as he gazed at the foreign beauty, who smiled and bowed towards him. He slowly finished his tea in silence before responding to the Joseon King\'s offer.

"I will inform my soldiers to deploy at once. One way or another, your agents are coming home."

With this said, Andreas had made a decision to deploy his Jagdkommandos deep behind enemy lines in an attempt to rescue the exposed Joseon agents from General Shiba and his Kempeitai, who were ruthlessly hunting down the rats who had recorded their empire\'s crimes.

As for Berengar, when he found out that the man he had tasked with leading his Special Operations in Korea had come home with such a beautiful Korean wife, he would become quite envious. If there was one type of woman lacking from the Kaiser\'s Imperial Harem, it was a jade skinned northeast Asian beauty. Something he would seek to rectify in the near future.

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