
Chapter 809 Planning the Victory DayCelebration

She was rarely called to Berengar\'s office, and when she was, it was usually because the man was upset with her. His stoic expression did no favors in this regard. She held her head low while Berengar gazed at her with curiosity.

"Is something the matter, Adela? Are you perhaps unwell? If so, we can have this conversation when you are feeling better."

Adela\'s eyes widened in disbelief when she heard this. Was she not about to be scolded? Berengar could see the confusion in her eyes and quickly clarified his reason for asking for her attendance.

"I don\'t know what you had in mind, but I asked you here to help me organize a massive celebration for the victory we achieved over the Catholic World. Though we have defeated our enemies, and they have all agreed to submit to our demands. There is more than one Kingdom who has yet to sign an actual treaty with the Reich.

It is my hopes to invite all the national heroes and cultural icons of Germany to witness the signing of the treaties, and to celebrate the end of the Papacy\'s tyranny. As my minister of cultural affairs, I figured I would get your input on this matter."

Adela sighed in relief when she heard she was not in trouble with her husband and wore a pretty smile as she nodded her head in agreement to his terms.

"Oh, if that\'s the case, I\'d be more than happy to help. What exactly did you have in mind?"

Berengar grabbed a few beers from his ice chest and popped open their caps before handing one to his wife. After the young woman had taken a sip, he leaned back in his chair and followed suit, where he then expressed the ideas he had in mind for the celebration.

"For starters, I want a military parade to show off the might and valor of our nation\'s soldiers. I think that we can display some of our newest weapons in this parade. To show the future of warfare is closer than people think. I have recently designed some shocking new weapons since my return, and I want to see at least a few functional prototypes on the streets for this massive event.

After the parade is over, I will personally accept the surrender of the European monarchs in front of the German people on a grand stage. Though most of the old Kings died in the war, they have heirs who have yet to formally abdicate their thrones in favor of our puppets.

I will use this event as a way to show the people of the Reich that the old powers have all capitulated to me and will be replaced with new monarchs, who will ensure the power and prestige of the Reich will never wane.

After the signing of the treaties is over, I want there to be a massive feast in each city for the German people to participate in. Much like the local Oktoberfest celebrations we have thrown in previous years. I expect all of our cultural delicacies to be served to the people at the expense of the Crown, and plenty of beer to be provided.

Ultimately, I intend for this monumental occasion to become known as Victory Day, which I plan to establish as a National Holiday to be celebrated annually within the borders of the Reich. This is what I had in mind, but I am open to suggestions from my lovely wife."

Adela blushed slightly when she heard her husband\'s shameless remarks before thinking about it the general situation for several seconds. After a few moments of silence, she came up with a few ideas of her own, which she was quick to express.

"How about we host a major sporting event, like a special tournament for kickboxing, or Kampf? The victor receives a special championship belt and a monetary prize of significant value. We can call it the Victory Day Tournament, and it will be an annual event where our nation\'s best fighters compete for eternal glory!"

Berengar nodded his head when he heard this suggestion and smiled warmly before taking a sip of his beer. After doing so, he was quick to compliment his wife for her expertise in this area.

"That\'s an excellent idea. I did not even think about that. We can host a large tournament, larger than anything we have ever done before, and make it open weight so that we don\'t limit high level fighters based upon their weight class.

I think we should aim for at least thirty-two fighters in a single elimination bracket, all fighting one another on a single night! Hell, we can even air it out to the public via radio, so that people in beer halls across the country can listen to the fight live! You are a genius, Adela!"

Adela blushed with embarrassment when she heard her husband\'s kind words. She had worked hard over the years to be the ideal wife to him, however, her petty jealousy had always gotten in her way of pleasing him. Now that she had put those issues behind her and embraced her role as one of his many partners, she was quickly gaining points. Thus, she was unafraid to voice her next idea.

"I was thinking we could have a special theme to this tournament, something truly epic that is played before the event, something that embodies the pride of the German people and its warriors!"

The words pride and theme song immediately played a very specific tune in Berengar\'s mind. He knew exactly what theme he should recreate for the purpose of this event, and was quick to agree to Adela\'s suggestion.

"I like this idea more and more. I have just the song in mind! Now that we have settled for a military parade, a series of nationwide feasts, and a large scale tournament to show off the prowess of our fighters. Is there anything else we should do?"

Adela thought about this question for a few moments before coming up with one final idea, which she expressed with a pretty smile on her face.

"We can get a photo of the European Kings capitulating to you and print it in our newspapers, which we can then distribute across the territory of the Reich. We can also take photos of the other events, so that people who are not fortunate enough to be in Kufstein at the time can understand the grand scale of the celebration!"

Berengar quickly nodded his head in agreement with this suggestion. The more he thought about the event, the more eager he was to be a part of it. Though he did not have the means to produce functional aircraft for at least another year, he could get some functional prototypes of the Panther Tanks and his so called Lynx IFVs onto the streets for the parade. Along with trucks towing his artillery pieces, Berengar was certain that this was shaping up to be a monumental occasion for the Reich.

After exhausting all possibilities with Adela, Berengar sat back and sighed in relief. It was good to know that his wife was extremely capable at her job. Now that their business was concluded, Berengar figured he would dismiss his wife, that is, until she approached him for a favor.

"Berengar, my love..."

Upon hearing this, Berengar raised his brow in curiosity before responding with a stoic tone in his voice.


Adela instantly began fidgeting with her fingers, as if she was too embarrassed to ask the question on her mind. After several moments, she ultimately spitted out the thoughts that plagued her.

"I want another baby!"

Berengar chuckled when he heard this before responding with a coy tone in his voice.

"Oh really? Is there any particular reason for this?"

Adela could hardly look her man in the eyes as he forced her to explain just why she wanted another child after practicing safe sex for some time. However, she was determined and quickly voiced her reasons for desiring yet another child.

"I\'m your first wife, and yet you only have three children with me. Meanwhile, you have four with Linde. It isn\'t fair! I want another child!"

Berengar savored the girl\'s appearance as he forced her to admit her petty jealousy still had some sway over her heart. Her face was beat red, and she averted her gaze, too embarrassed to look upon his reaction. In the end, he sighed heavily before responding to the woman with what she wanted to hear.

"Fine, I have no problems with that. Shall we start now?"

Before Adela could even react, Berengar had stooped up from his seat and approached her. She did not even have time to register what was going on before her lips were assailed by her husband\'s. However, she did not fight it, and instead enjoyed every second of her the man\'s loving embrace. Thus, after concluding his business with his wife Adela, Berengar spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get her pregnant.

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