
Chapter 777 Meeting with the Bengal EmperorPart ll

After all, Asha had heard the rumors that Itami was after a man capable of defeating her in battle, and if anyone in the world could achieve that, it was surely Berengar. The last thing he needed in his attempts to woo the woman was her falling for another man. Thus, with a grim expression on his face, he prefaced his long-winded rant about the Kaiser with a disclaimer, just in case anything he said turned out to be false later.

"While it is true that I have begun to open trade with the Reich, especially after they blacklisted the Anangpur Empire as a major trading partner. It simply hasn\'t been long since the Germans opened the Kaiser\'s Pass, and so what I know is mostly hearsay."

Before the man could continue, Itami was quick to question him about what he meant by this statement.

"Wait a second, what is this Kaiser\'s pass?"

Asha looked at Itami with a bit of a shock in his eyes. The opening of the Kaiser\'s pass was an enormous deal to India, and he expected the fabled War-Goddess of Japan to already know about it. He quickly explained in great detail what the canal was before continuing his attempts to warp Itami\'s perspective about Berengar.

"The Kaiser\'s pass is the name for a giant canal recently built in the land known as Egypt. It allows for trade between the East and West via the sea. Because of this, German shipping has recently made its way to the Indian Subcontinent, and vice versa. However, it was only finished recently, and because of that, my knowledge of this Empire in the west is limited."

Itami was stunned when she heard this. Just how did Berengar manage to build the Suez Canal in 1426 AD? There was no mistaking it. If Germany was capable of doing such a thing, then they likely had surpassed her country\'s level of technology by several decades. This naturally only made her more interested in the man responsible for the Construction of the Kaiser\'s pass. Thus, she quickly inquired about him.

"I understand. So what were you saying about the Kaiser before I interrupted you?"

Asha took a sip from his tea before regaining his previous train of thought. After doing so, he was quick to inform the Japanese beauty about everything negative he had heard about Berengar.

"What I can tell you about the Kaiser is that the neighbors of the German Empire consider the man to be a bloodthirsty tyrant, a warmonger, and a heretic who has risen to his position through a series of bloody campaigns and political assassinations that have caused endless suffering and death. They are quick to speak of the man\'s disregard for human life, and his willingness to butcher entire cities if it means achieving victory in warfare.

Apparently, he has mastered the use of terror as a weapon, using it to force those who rebel against his reign into submission. I have heard that the Kaiser treats his allies as slaves, and has even gone so far as to place one of his sons on the throne of an allied kingdom, effectively turning it into his puppet. There are other rumors about the Kaiser that I have heard, but can\'t verify.

Supposedly, he has legalized polygamy in his country and has taken four heavenly beauties as his wives who tend to his every need. Rumor has it he has over a dozen children with them. He has also allegedly forced his own younger sister to be his concubine and has compelled the girl to carry his child. She is apparently every bit as beautiful as his wives."

Itami could not help but drop her jaw when she heard all of this. Her immediate view of Berengar had gone from a potential threat to a global menace. His blatant disregard for human life was definitely not in line with 21st century moral values. Was he from a more distant future than herself where human rights meant nothing?

Or perhaps he was from an earlier point in history with a similar set of values, like the Second World War? That would explain his lack of care towards collateral damage in the pursuit of victory. Whoever this man was, he clearly was a bloodthirsty psychopath who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

However, what bothered Itami the most about this shadowy rival of her was the part about him having four beautiful wives and a concubine. How could this bastard have five gorgeous women by his side, when she herself couldn\'t even find one capable man to marry? Five women? Seriously? It was just too cruel!

There was also the part about Berengar forcing his sister to be his concubine. That was simply disgusting. Though incest may be a common trope in things like Anime, and Light Novels, the idea that this man would actually go through with it in this world, while most likely fully being aware of the genetic problems inbreeding causes, was truly despicable. She had never had as much contempt for a man as she did right now.

The only way that Itami could even rationalize how such a bastard could get away with such madness was the prospect that he must be extremely handsome. After all, in her past life, she had witnessed plenty of women reject their dignity for the sake of being with a handsome and successful man.

Asha could tell that this news about Berengar troubled Itami, and that his personality disgusted her. It was a good thing he had not mentioned how the German people viewed their Kaiser. Because from what limited contact his people had with the Germans, all evidence pointed to them practically worshipping the man. Not only as the father of their nation, but as the man responsible for their way of life. He was practically a living god by the standards of the German people.

The Bengal Emperor decided now would be a good time to make his move, and he quickly reached his hand out to comfort the beautiful Japanese Empress, who was sitting across from him.

"Do not fret. The Germans are on the other side of the world. It is not like they will come to Asia to look for trouble."

Itami had barely noticed that the man had grabbed onto her hand, or even heard what he said. She was deeply distressed about everything she had heard regarding Berengar\'s character. If what Asha said was true, then she knew with certainty the Reich would eventually send their forces into the eastern part of the world for one reason or another, and when the Kaiser found out there was another reincarnator, he would stop at nothing until that threat was entirely neutralized.

Because of this, Itami was more determined than ever to make trouble for Berengar in India. If she could buy enough time, she might be able to catch up to him in terms of military technology. Then she could defeat him. Or so she believed.

After coming back to reality, Itami saw that the man sitting across from her was shamelessly holding her hand with a suave grin on his face. She immediately reacted in disgust and withdrew her dainty hand from the man\'s grip before condemning him for his actions.

"I don\'t remember giving you permission to touch me. We are not so close that you can do such a thing. Because you have given me such valuable information free of charge, I will forget this little mishap of yours ever happened. But try to touch me again, and I will have your hands removed!"

Asha\'s brow twitched when he heard this. What was wrong with this woman? She was in the middle of his Palace and she dared to threaten him? He had heard rumors that Itami had a seriously cold personality towards the opposite sex, but he had never realized that the woman was this rude. Despite her harsh reaction, he could only lower his head and apologize. To win this woman\'s heart, he would need to play the long game. After all, the prize for his patience would definitely be worth the effort.

"I apologize if I offended you your highness, I only sought to comfort you since you appeared so distressed. I swear on all the gods of my ancestors that I will not touch you without your permission ever again..."

Itami merely glared at the man. She knew his type; she had met plenty of men like him in both her lives. He only cared about one thing, getting into her pants, and like hell, she would ever allow that to happen. It was a good thing that at this moment; the servants arrived with the food they had prepared for their esteemed guest.

Itami said a quick prayer to the gods of her homeland before taking a bite. As for what came next, she would have to negotiate with this perverted emperor about the sale of weapons and munitions to his army, while still avoiding his attempts to sleep with her.

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