
Chapter 773 lnventing the Two-Way Radio

For some time now this young man who went by the name of Reichart Banwartz had been working with his department to improve upon the radiotelegraph that Berengar had invented which was currently employed by the German Government, and was the primary means of communication within the borders of the Reich.

While the Radiotelegraph was a useful invention, and helped relay information across the vast territory of the Empire, it had several disadvantages, among them was the length of time it took to convey information.

Recently Reichart helped develop the portable radio-telegraph which was used in limited capacity among Jaegers and Jagdkommandos. However, this method of communication between units embedded in the field and the Command HQs had proven troublesome.

The lack of instant communication between Jaegers and HQ was becoming a problem in the field. Specifically regarding artillery strikes and relaying intelligence. It took some time to type out the information necessary to report an enemy's position. Because of this artillery was not as effective as it could be.

Reichart sought to remedy this by devising a way to use verbal communication across radio waves. He had been hard at work on this project along with his friend and fellow researcher in his spare time, and together the two scientists made use of different technologies that were still being researched by other departments. However, after concluding his research into the portable radiotelegraph, Reichart was now working full time on this project.

Today, the young scientist would finally have a breakthrough in his efforts. In order to create the two-way radio, Reichart had first needed to make use of telephones. Luckily for him, such technology was already being researched and developed by another department. At least in the form of wired communications.

Which thanks to the way the Reich handled its research and development, all he needed to do was submit a request to that department, as well as a detailed reason on why he needed their research, and they were forced to hand it over to him.

Berengar had established a system of research and development across his Empire that put the collective goals of the Reich ahead of the individual rights of intellectual property. Because of this, all information was shared freely between any scientist employed by the Reich.

Theoretically, if Reichart could prove a need for information from the Chemistry department, then he could request access to their classified research and, assuming it was approved, the research would be in his hands within a few days. Which is exactly what he had done to receive the current battery technology that he made use of for this project.

After much experimentation with radiocommunications, Reichart had stumbled upon the VHF FM spectrum, and had even created a prototype two way radio which he was currently experimenting with. This was one of two prototypes that existed, with the other being in the hands of another researcher who sat in a different laboratory within the building.

A two-way radio made use of an FM transmitter, receiver, and antenna. His current prototype was powered by a five volt nickel cadmium battery, and made use of the VHF spectrum. After agreeing upon a single frequency to communicate with, Reichart pressed the push to talk button he had created and spoke into the microphone that lie on his experimental headset.

"Testing... Testing... One, two, three... This is Reichart Banwartz. Can you hear me, Curt?"

For several moments, there was nothing but static on the other end, which immediately caused Reichart to sigh in defeat, however just when he was about to take off his headset and go back to the drawing board, he heard a familiar voice call out to him.

"I hear you loud and clear, Reichart. Congratulations, your invention is a success. I don't mean to flatter you too much, but this technology of yours has the potential to change the world!"

Reichart could not contain his excitement, and immediately jumped out of his chair and pumped his fist in the air. After all his hard work, he finally had a working prototype. After taking a moment to calm himself, he sat back down and pressed the push to talk button once more.

"Understood. I look forward to working with you on perfecting this technology!"

After saying this, he sat back in his chair and exhaled heavily. The adrenaline in his veins did not allow his heart to calm itself. Instead, he was filled with energy as he thought about all the different practical uses for this technology.

Instant communication among military units was just the beginning. He knew that the sky was the limit with radiocommunications. Of course, he did not understand just how many fields this technology could be applied to, but he had a strong desire to find out.

After a few moments, his fellow researcher Curt barged into the room. There was an excited smile on his face as he held two beers in his hands. He handed one off to Reichart and clanked their bottles together before hugging the man.

"When the Kaiser learns of what we have done here today, you can bet your ass we are going to be rewarded for our efforts! I can imagine it now, a title of nobility, an order of merit perhaps! Ours names will go down in history for this!"

Reichart was equally excited. This project of his was something he and curt had been working on in their spare times until relatively recently. With the budget allocated to research and development, many scientists were allowed to pursue their intellectual curiosities freely, and with the sharing of research, many new inventions were popping up left and right.

This was something Reichart was thinking of when he remembered hearing details about another project in the material sciences department. After taking a sip from his beer, he quickly spoke about what he had heard to Curt.

"I hear the boys in material science found out how to make a new metal! It's called Aluminum I think? Apparently, there's this mineral called bauxite that they found in New Swabia. Our scientists have found a way to process the bauxite into this so-called aluminum, which apparently has many applications.

I'm telling you, it's the dawn of a new era, and none of this would have been possible without the Kaiser and his public education system. It's been ten years, and now there's an entire generation of young minds nurtured in science and mathematics that the Kaiser has provided us with. It is truly amazing when you think about it."

Curt smiled when he heard about material science's exploits, however he leaned in and whispered something to Reichart, which immediately caused the man to feel like he was defeated in some way.

"Don't tell anyone about this. After all, it is so classified that I can't even get my hands on the research behind it. But from what I hear, Engineering is developing a new flying device, they're calling it an air ship.

I don't know too many details, but you know how we have just started drilling for oil and natural gas, right? Well, apparently under the kaiser's instruction, the boys in engineering have discovered a gas called helium which they intend to use as the lifting gas for these airships. Aside from that, I know nothing about the project."

Upon hearing this, Reichart was astonished. He could hardly believe his ears when he heard the word airship. The eternal dream of mankind, to fly in the air, would soon be a reality. The young scientist instantly shook his head as he took another sip of his beer and laughed. This immediately caused Curt's brow to furrow as he questioned the man's sanity.

"What's so funny?"

Reichart quickly motioned around him and commented on the state of the Reich.

"To think that ten years ago our families were toiling in the fields with our bare hands, and now we will be sending men into the air? It's unbelievable isn't it? I mean, there's literally only one man who we can thank for how far we have come in such a short period.

As much as people revere the Kaiser, the overwhelming majority of them truly underestimate just how much he has done for us. If not for him, we would all still be a punch of filthy peasants, breaking our backs in the mud without the slightest inclination about science and mathematics. Hell, I doubt we would even be able to read and write.

No wonder the Papacy and the foreign powers hate him so much, he single-handedly overthrew the balance of power. In a world without the Kaiser, the Pope would still be the most influential person in the west. Now he's nothing but the figurehead of an ancient and dying religion."

Upon hearing this, Curt chuckled before raising his beer in the air for a toast.

"To the Kaiser! Without him, we would be nothing!"

Reichart smiled and repeated the toast before swallowing down the rest of his beer. After a brief celebration, the two men quickly got back to work, where they intended to expand upon their prototypes and make functioning devices for military and civil applications.

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