
Chapter 713 Vengeance is a Dish Best ServedChilly

During this time, Wolfgang was sentenced by Berengar to serve in a labor camp until a time where his fate could be properly decided. While he endured his tenure in the labor camp, he had witnessed the justice of Germany first hand.

No prisoner was exempt from the backbreaking labor they would be forced to endure day in and day out, and it was because of this that especially pampered noblemen like Wolfgang typically died from attrition long before their sentence was compete. Luckily Wolfgang had survived his treatment, though he had lost much of his youthful vigor.

Though he was fed three meals a day, in sufficient quantity to keep him in proper physical shape for the labor he must perform. He struggled to meet the demands that were given to him by the guards of the Labor Camp. Because of this, he was punished further. If he had to explain his life at this very moment, it was a single word. Hell...

Thus, it was a surprise when he was called off from his normal routine and brought in chains to a secure location. He honestly believed he was about to be executed. However, when he saw the stoic face of the Kaiser standing before him, he could not help but fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness. He was willing to do anything to get himself out of his current predicament.

"My Kaiser, please forgive my transgressions. I was blind, but now I can see. My sins are grave, but I beg of you, as a fellow father and husband, to release me and I will give to you whatever you desire..."

Berengar did not have the slightest emotion on his handsome face. Instead, he calmly reached into his jacket and pulled out a packet of hemp cigarettes. He placed one of such devices in his mouth before lighting it aflame with his pocket lighter.

After doing so, he inhaled the smoke heavily before exhaling it into the surrounding air. It was only after he had done this gesture that he flick the lit cigarette onto the face of the bounded prisoner and chuckled at his comments.

"You strike my son, and now you wish to bargain with me? What kind of moron are you? Did you honestly expect that I would be lenient with you after abusing my child? Tsk tsk tsk... I regret to inform you, Wolfgang, but I have already taken possession of the sole thing you possess which I desire. Your wife has been excellent company these past few weeks, and perhaps she will soon be with child."

It took a few moments for Berengar\'s comments to register in the dullard\'s brain, but when he did, he immediately rose to his feet, infuriated by both the Emperor and his wife\'s scandalous actions. Since his wife was not here to admit to her infidelity in person, he could only take out his wrath on her partner.

"The fucking slut! I can\'t fuck believe she would betray me like this! First, she summons the guards after I taught your little brat a lesson in humility, and then she cheats on me at the first opportunity she is given. If I ever get out of here, that bitch is a dead woman!"

Berengar scowled when he heard this statement. The man was utterly unrepentant for his sins. All of that pleading for forgiveness a few moments prior was clearly nothing but an act. Naturally, the Kaiser would not tolerate this insult and responded to Wolfgang\'s aggression by grabbing hold of his head and head butting him in the soft points of his face three times before repeatedly kneeing him in the groin.

Wolfgang instantly dropped to his knees in agony as vomited his breakfast all over the floor. His nose was broken from the impact of the Kaiser\'s forehead, and he had spat out several teeth into a mixture of vomit and blood. Despite the prisoner\'s condition, Berengar did not end his cruelty. He quickly stepped on the man\'s head and forced it into the vomit in an act of total humiliation.

"You dare speak to me, your Kaiser, with such hatred? Who gave you permission to rise? You fucking imbecile, you still don\'t get it. How stupid can you be? I always promised you I would get my vengeance for the shit you pulled back in Graz so many years ago. You think I had forgiven you? In truth, I just forgotten about the incident considering what a pathetic waste you are. That is until you had the nerve to strike my son.

Whether you live or die is up to your brother. I have too much respect for the man to execute his eldest brother without consulting him. However, you may want to know what your brother told me when I informed him about your crimes. He said and I quote:

Let the man rot. I have more important matters to attend to. When I have concluded my business in Iberia, I will consult with you on the punishment for his crimes.

Your own brother sees you as a fucking disgrace, unworthy of his immediate attention. It\'s a shame a woman as fine as Ava was married to your incompetent ass. Hopefully, her children aren\'t infected with the stupidity of their father. However, if they are, then I will simply grace her with new children, born from my superior seed.

So sit back and enjoy your time in this labor camp. The only thing you have to look forward to is death, or exile. There is no other alternative. You are an utter disgrace to your family, your race, and your nation."

After saying this, Berengar spat on the man who lie underneath his boot, where he removed his foot and give an order to the guards.

"Make sure this idiot eats that mess there! Because he\'s not getting another portion to replace it!"

The labor camp guards forced Wolfgang\'s face further into the pile of vomit and issued their demands while raising their clubs to prepare for his refusal.

"You heard the kaiser, clean up your mess!"

Wolfgang glared in hatred towards the sinister grin on Berengar\'s face. In the next second, he felt his back struck by a club, and the vomit shoveled into his mouth by the other guards. They continued this process until Wolfgang had devoured all the vomit and his dislodged teeth from the snow on the ground.

He wanted to throw up once more, but choked in down in fear that he would be forced to endure the same treatment. After Wolfgang had done as he was ordered, Berengar gave one more order to the guards before departing.

"Alright, I\'ve seen enough. Get this fool back to work!"

After saying that, Berengar departed from the labor camp with his Imperial Guard in tow. He did not look back on the fate of Wolfgang, because, in all honesty, he did not care. His brother would decide his fate. Either way, Wolfgang would either be dead, or wish that he was.

Interestingly enough, the moment Berengar entered the carriage that he had taken to the Labor Camp, a busty blonde woman latched to his side and kissed his cheek. This woman was none other than Ava. She could not help but question what had become of her husband.

"How did he take it?"

In response to this, Berengar scoffed before petting the woman\'s golden hair while answering her question.

"As about as well as you would expect. The man has learned his fate, and knows that he is being cucked constantly with nothing he can do about it. I wouldn\'t be surprised if he took his own life..."

It was not Ava\'s turn to scoff as she shook her head with a determined look on her face.

"Wolfgang isn\'t brave enough to end his own life. He would rather live in misery than face the uncertainty of death. He\'s a coward through and through, and is willing to do anything to keep on living a little longer. I\'m glad to be rid of him!"

Berengar chuckled when he heard the woman\'s vile statement about her own husband and kissed her passionately in the back seat of the carriage. He had plenty of time to kill on his journey back to Kufstein and would make use of it by using Ava\'s body to pleasure himself.

Obviously, now that Adela had approved of her relationship with Berengar, Ava did not resist in the slightest. She knew she was only a mistress, and because of this she let Berengar let out his pent up energy with her body in any way he pleased.

The idea of making love with the Emperor while her husband rotted away in a prison camp turned the sultry minx on, which only caused her to be more enthusiastic about her actions. Thus, the rest of the duo\'s journey back to Capital was spent in pleasure.

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