
Chapter 702 - Treating the Poisoned Princess

This included a variety of medical practices, from surgeries to antidotes. Speaking of antidotes, there were several of such things stored up in the Palace infirmary for a variety of common poisons, but unfortunately, the means that had been used to affect the Anangpur Princess were much more vicious.

By now, the middle-aged physician was well accustomed to most known poisons in the world and how to treat them. It would appear that the girl was poisoned with small doses of arsenic over an extended period of time. The purpose was simple: to feign a death due to illness.

Though it had been months since the girl consumed the poison, and her condition was slowly improving, she was still severely ill. After identifying the agent used to poison Priya, Ewald quickly administered an IV of chelation therapy. Which was the use of a chemical designed to seek out and stick to metals and minerals in the bloodstream, creating a compound that the body removes when urinating.

It was the most efficient means to clean the girl\'s bloodstream of the poison that existed within. After thirty minutes of the treatment, the girl felt immensely better. Which Ewald took notice of. The girl did not speak weakly, like she had done when explaining what she knew about her condition. Instead, there was a wide smile on her face as she used what little German she had learned on her journey to thank the man..

"Thank you, kind sir! I feel so much better now!"

Ewald smiled when he saw that his patient was recovering before speaking further about the girl\'s condition.

"It\'s a good thing you escaped your assassination attempt. Had you stayed in the Anangpur Empire, you would already be long dead. Even though you may be feeling better, it is best that you stay in the infirmary for a few weeks. I will give you weekly treatments of the drug I have given you. With your current state, I\'m sure you will make a full recovery by the time the treatment had ended.

In the meantime, you should be able to eat solid foods and drink most forms of liquid. Though I highly suggest purified water as the only liquid to consume. Your meals will be arranged by the Palace staff. I am certain you will enjoy our Empire\'s cuisine, most foreign guests do."

The girl smiled as she bowed her head slightly before thanking the man once more. Her complexion had already recovered substantially, bringing back the healthy glow of her skin.

"Thank you Ewald. I will use this precious time you have given me to perfect my German. It appears I will be staying here for a while."

The physician merely smiled before departing from the room. He figured he would inform the Kaiser and the Emperor of Anangpur about the girl\'s current status. As such, he followed the corridors of the Royal Palace to the Dining hall where Berengar, his family, and his guest were enjoying a nice meal.

Berengar had a habit of introducing his guests to German cuisine by giving them his favorite meal. This time, there was a slight spin on it. The meat of the jaeger schnitzel was actually the venison that Berengar had personally hunted. It was slathered in a fresh mushroom paste, and served with a side of potato pancakes and Käsespätzle. Since the boy was young, Berengar did not serve him a liter of his favorite beer, instead he gave the boy some fresh milk.

The food that was being served was not heavily seasoned at least when compared with indian cuisine, instead it was very hearty, something that Dharya was not accustomed to, but found pleasure in nonetheless. When Berengar saw this, he smiled before asking the boy emperor his opinion of the food.

"Do you enjoy what I have prepared? The schnitzel is made from a buck that I hunted myself."

Dharya gazed in shock when he heard the meat was hunted personally by the Kaiser, he was surprised that the man had such a dangerous hobby.

"You hunted this yourself?"

Berengar smiled as he nodded his head.

"Indeed, hunting is an ancestral pastime of the German people. Hunting is legal in the Reich, though it is regulated by the Department of Game and wildlife for the purpose of conservation. The most common tool that German hunters use is a bow, but I grant some people special permission to use rifles. Though the licensing required to own a firearm is extensive."

As far as Gun Laws were concerned, Berengar based them on those enacted by Switzerland from his past life. With so many old rifles in storage that were rapidly becoming obsolete to the point that even the National Militia no longer use them, Berengar needed an outlet to sell them to, and he could only sell so many of the old guns to his allies.

Thus, he had enacted comprehensive gun legislation so that hunters and shooting clubs would have the tools needed to be efficient. While minimizing the risk of the weapons ending up in the hands of rebels, criminals, and those mentally unfit to possess them.

While Berengar was talking about his most recent hunting trip, Ewald walked into the room, which immediately caught the Kaiser\'s notice. There were only two reasons this man would be walking into the room right now. Either Priya\'s condition was curable, or it wasn\'t. He held his breath as he waited for an answer. Ewald cleared his throat before giving the people at the table the answer they were hoping for.

"The Princess will make a full recovery, though it will take some time. Right now, she is resting. I expect that in a few weeks she will be up and about. I just thought I would take the time to inform you of all of her current condition."

Berengar and Dharya both sighed in relief when they heard this. After which Dharya asked for more of the venison Knockwurst, which sat on the table.

"More of the deer sausage, please!"

Berengar grabbed hold of the plate and handed it over to Dharya, who only took the sausage, but not the sauerkraut. Apparently, the boy disliked the taste of the sauerkraut. Berengar did not blame him. Sauerkraut was not for everyone, but he himself loved the stuff. Upon seeing Ewald standing there awkwardly, Berengar congratulated his physician on his efforts.

"Ewald, you\'re a miracle worker. If you\'re not too busy, join us for a meal. You have more than earned a treat after all your hard work."

Ewald was about to refuse when he saw Dharya munching on a piece of sausage.

"Eh, I\'m busy. Maybe some other- Is that knockwurst?"

Berengar smiled as he heard this before handing the plate over to Ewald before boldly declaring that it was indeed what he thought.

"Venison knockwurst, I made it myself from my most recent hunt. You want some?"

Ewald sighed before sitting down at the table at an empty spot. He thanked Berengar for his kindness as he prepared for his meal.

"Thank you, my Kaiser. I will take you up on your offer!"

After saying this, Berengar whistled towards one of the kitchen staff, and motioned for them to bring out more of the meal so that Ewald could have a proper fill of the feast. Afterward, the feast continued, with a much lighter atmosphere now that everyone knew the Princess would make a full recovery.

Berengar and Dharya discussed trivial matters as they enjoyed the food that was prepared for them. As far as the Kaiser was concerned, talking about politics over a meal was tiresome. He may have entertained such things for the purpose of expediency in his younger years, but now that he was only a couple years away from being thirty, he no longer spoke of such matters at his table. This was a moment for celebration and he would not allow politics to spoil that.

Instead, Berengar planned to have an official meeting with Dharya the following day. There was a time and a place for everything. The matters that pertained to the Anangpur Empire were not so dire that Berengar needed to discuss them at this very moment. Instead, he enjoyed the time given to him with his family and his guests.

After the meal was over, Dharya was escorted to the infirmary, where he had a chat with his little sister. They mostly discussed the meal and the cuisine of the German Empire before he retired to his quarters for the evening. Now that he was in the Royal Palace of Germany, the boy could finally relax. He and his sister were truly safe and sound for the foreseeable future.

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