
Chapter 700 Arrival of the lndian Exiles Part ll

"If you follow this road, you will enter the Palace District. You should be able to tell which building the Kaiser lives in because of its overwhelming size and grandeur. When you approach the gates, hand this letter to the guards. Your Cousin Ishwar has already scheduled a diplomatic visit with the Kaiser.

This letter contains the approval by the Crown of Germany for your visit. They should allow you access to the Palace. However, don\'t be surprised if they treat you with some suspicion. After all, you there are only the two of you, and they should be expecting a more grand delegation.

I\'m afraid this is where we part ways. It has been an honor to serve you, your highness. Rest assured, so long as I draw breath, I will not say a word about your journey to anyone."

Dharya gazed up at the man with a bitter smile on his face and nodded his head before grabbing hold of his sister\'s hand. He would act as her support as the two of them travelled to the Royal Palace. He thanked the man for the assistance he had provided them during these past few months.

"Thank you Ranjan, I will remember the help you have given me and my sister. When I return to the Empire and reclaim my rightful throne, I will ensure that you are well rewarded for your efforts!"

The Merchant smiled as he heard these words and bowed his head before departing.

"It has been the honor of a lifetime..."

After saying this, he disappeared into the crowd of people gathered outside the station. Since the man was in Kufstein; he intended to take advantage of the lucrative market to bring back some wares to the Anangpur Empire. There were many things that could only be purchased in Germany\'s capital. Things that would fetch an enormous price back home.

As for the two siblings, they walked together while holding hands towards the Palace district. Due to the fact that they were obviously foreigners, there were plenty of people who gazed in astonishment at their bronze complexions. Kufstein usually only had merchants from foreign countries. It was rare to see children from the east in the Capital.

Dharya paid no mind and instead led his sister carefully through the streets. The girl gazed in wonder at the myriad of stores that existed across the trade district. This was no open bazaar, but an outdoor shopping mall filled with shops that contained every item money could buy.

She gazed at the lavish fashion designs that adorned mannequins in the windows of shops and desired to wear such pretty dresses. The girl pointed towards them with an ecstatic expression and spoke to her brother with an energetic tone.

"Dharya, look! Aren\'t they pretty?"

The boy emperor was too focused on ensuring their safety to bother with the girl\'s statement and merely nodded his head in silence. His lack of care for the girl\'s interests made her pout in discontent. Eventually, after making their way through the massive trade district, the two siblings found their way into the palace district, and in front of the gates of the Kaiser\'s residence.

By now, Priya had lost the energy in her legs and was being carried on her elder brother\'s back. When the Imperial Guards saw the approach of the two children, they were cautious while they issued their orders.

"Halt! This is the residence of the Kaiser. None shall pass without an invitation!"

Luckily, the boy had spent the months of his journey learning the German language, and thus he was able to understand what these guards were saying. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the letter, and handed it over to the men who read it carefully.

The letter was from the Office of the Crown and approved the Indian Delegation for a visit. It contained the Kaiser\'s signature and seal. The only surprising thing was that this was no standard delegation, but two small children. This baffled the guards, causing the non-commissioned officer to take the letter into his hands and carefully study it. After some deliberation, he issued orders to the guards.

"Detain them, and search them for any weapons or contraband. I will verify the authenticity of this document. If it is legitimate, they can proceed to the Palace under an armed escort. If not, they will face the justice of the crown for falsifying documents."

After saying this, the sergeant rushed towards the Palace with the document in hand. As for the other guards, they did as they were instructed and thoroughly inspected the two children for smuggled weapons or other means of contraband.

Dharya did not resist, instead he was impressed with the level of security the Kaiser had at his disposal. There was an entire battalion of the Imperial Guard whose sole duty was to protect the royal palace. The gates to the Palace complex were fortified, with heavy walls in the form of a star fortress. Atop these walls were all the armaments that would come with such fortifications.

One could say that the Royal Palace of Germany was actually a stronghold in its own right. It took some time, but eventually the Sergeant returned to the gates, having ascertained the validity of the document he personally led the two children inside.

"Apologies for the wait, however, it is not every day that children visit the Kaiser. We had to ensure that everything was legitimate before allowing you entry. Please follow me. The Kaiser is waiting for you in the Great Hall."

Dharya nodded his head and carried Priya with him. Though the soldiers offered to get her a stroller, the boy was adamant about looking after his own sister. The two children gazed in wonder at the baroque architecture of the Austrian Palace, and the elaborate cobblestone road that led to its entrance. They could hardly believe such grand feats of architecture had been achieved. However, when they thought about everything they had witnessed, since coming to Germany, it was not too surprising.

Eventually they reached the Great Hall where Berengar was seated on his throne, with his wife Linde by his side. Dharya gazed upon the beautiful figure of the redheaded women with a sense of wonder in his eyes. He had never seen such a gorgeous woman before in his life.

As for Priya, she blushed when she saw the handsome visage of the golden-haired man seated on the throne. His imperial regalia and all the honors he had won in warfare adorned his body. He was the truest definition of a monarch. Berengar gazed upon the two guests with a stoic expression. Before Dharya could introduce himself, he spoke up and shocked the boy..

"So you are the boy emperor of the Anangpur empire, and you must be its Princess. I have been expecting you for some time. I also know about your sister\'s condition. If you don\'t mind, I would like to have my physician attend to her immediately.

Poison is some nasty business, and the fact that your uncle would force such cruelty on a young girl is beyond despicable. Rest assured, so long as you are within my domain you will be safe from that fiend\'s plots."

Dharya was hesitant to be parted from Priya, and upon seeing this, Berengar reassured the boy as he boasted about the capabilities of his doctors.

"Believe me when I say you will find no greater practitioners of medicine in this world, then here in Kufstein. I promise you that my doctors will do their best to treat her. Please, if she is this ill after having been several months without the poison, then time is of the essence."

Priya silently nodded to Dharya, giving him permission to send her off to the German physician. With this, Berengar silently motioned for his guards to carry the girl to the infirmary. Dharya immediately bowed his head and thanked the German Kaiser for his kindness.

"Thank you..."

Berengar acted humbly as he motioned for the boy to rise before speaking his piece.

"No need to thank me. I am merely doing what I can to save an innocent life. It is my physicians that you should be the thanking. The discoveries they have made this past decade put the rest of the world to shame. Without their diligent work in improving the field of medicine, I would have lost someone very dear to me.

We have a lot to discuss, however I am certain that you must be weary from your journey. My maids will bring you towards your quarters. They will take care of you during your stay in Kufstein. After you have bathed and dressed, we will meet up in the dining hall where I will treat you to my Empire\'s cuisine. I am sure you will enjoy it."

After saying this, Dharya bowed his head and thanked Berengar once more before departing to his allotted quarters.

"I thank you for your benevolence."

With this, the first interaction between the Kaiser of Germany and the boy emperor of northwestern India was complete. As for how Priya\'s condition faired, only time would tell.

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