
Chapter 691 Digging Your Own Grave

Chapter 691 Digging Your Own Grave

Two weeks had passed since Ava and her family first arrived in Kufstein. During this time the woman had spent her days looking after her own children, and making sure that her husband didn\'t do anything foolish, like offend somebody more prominent than him. Ava kept her distance from Berengar as per the man\'s request and ensured that Wolfgang did not even come in contact with him. 

If it weren\'t for her own children, and the fact that Hans was so attached to her, Ava probably would have become overwhelmed with despair, as even her own sister had become rather callous with her. Initially, she thought they were starting to get along, but for whatever reason, Adela had turned cold to her after that first day. 

Hans spent a significant amount of time around his aunt. Whenever the two of them were together, he would preach of his father\'s accomplishments. Unknowingly, Ava soon found herself fantasizing about what life would have been like had she actually married Berengar.

As the days passed, Wolfgang and Ava fought more frequently, usually over petty things revolving around the man\'s own inability. For whatever reason, his wife was now comparing him to the Kaiser, which got on his nerves. He knew it was the doing of the little redheaded brat, but he could not even scold the boy without his wife threatening him. 

Linde had become more busy with work, as tensions rose between the Papacy and the German Empire following the assassination of the College of Cardinals. As a result, Ava had taken over her motherly role for all of Berengar\'s children, at least temporarily. Currently, Ava and Hans were having a conversation as she prepared some sandwiches for all the children who were now running around the Palace. 

"Aunty Ava... Have you heard of the Battle of Oberstdorf?" 

Ava raised her brow slightly as she mixed the canned tuna with the mayonnaise. She recalled hearing the term before, but was not fully familiar with the events that led to Berengar\'s rise to power.

"It sounds familiar Hans, why don\'t you tell your aunt all about it over lunch!"

Hans smiled as he helped the woman prepare the sandwiches for his siblings and cousins. Before long, the table was set, and tuna melts were sitting at every spot. Berengar\'s kids loved Linde\'s Tuna Melts, and Hans had given the recipe to Ava, thus she could prepare the kids\' favorite meal, while tasting it for the first time herself. 

After setting the table, Ava rang a bell, signalling that it was lunchtime, and before long the entire table was filled up with Berengar\'s and Ava\'s children. At least those who were old enough to eat such a meal, the younger ones had already been fed by Ava earlier in the day. 

. ᴄ`ᴏ`m Hans and Ava took a bite out of the meal, where they both exclaimed in pleasure. As for Hans, he complimented the woman\'s efforts in an attempt to gain her favor..

"Mmm, just like how mommy makes it!\'

Ava was flattered by the boy\'s words and quickly remembered that he was talking about some battle earlier. Thus, she did not hesitate, and inquired further about it.

"So, Hans, you mentioned the battle of Oberstdorf?"

Hans immediately smiled when the woman brought up his prior topic and went on a rant about his father\'s accomplishments in battle. 

"Oh right! Aunty Ava, the battle of Oberstdorf, happened a few years ago, between my father and his brother Lambert. Apparently Lambert tried to kill father, and because of that he was exiled from our family. He ended up returning some time later with an army of crusaders. However mommy, and father outsmarted him and set up an ambush. In the battle, father lost not only his favorite horse but also the use of his right eye, hence why he wears an eyepatch. In the end, father won the battle, and killed uncle Lambert in single combat."

Ava found herself instinctively fantasizing about Berengar charging on horseback into the enemy army. She began to blush as she imagined his bravery. Completely unaware that her husband was nearby scowling at her. Wolfgang could no longer hold his tongue and interpreted the woman\'s fantasies with his own thoughts on the matter. 

"Your father was a fool. He charged the enemy lines despite having a clear advantage on the hills above. He should have held his position and eliminated the enemy. I heard the crusaders surrounded him, and he used some underhanded tactics to kill his brother after getting his ass kicked. The battle of Oberstdorf was your father\'s biggest humiliation, and yet you speak about it as if it was some grand victory." 

Ava\'s mouth dropped when she heard her husband insult the Kaiser in his own home. Was this fool tired of living? Before she could rebuke him for his comments, Hans spoke up. Though the boy could verbally shred his uncle in a war of words, he decided the best way to defeat the man was to continue his cute act, and innocently ask a question he could not proudly answer.

"Have you won many battles, uncle Wolfgang?"

Upon hearing the boy ask him such a question, Wolfgang looked like he had eaten a bowl of shit. Ava ultimately broke out into laughter as she pet her nephew\'s strawberry blonde hair while complimenting him.

"Hans, you\'re so cute!"

Wolfgang was visibly enraged at this point. The fact that his wife was laughing at him and his lack of courage was the last straw. Before Ava had realized it, Wolfgang had reached across the table and slapped the Prince across the cheek. With a vicious glare on his face, he yelled at the boy.  ,c`o`m

"You dare humiliate me in front of my wife!?!"

Ava stared at her husband in disbelief. Did he really just slap the young Prince of Germany? She regretted every marrying the man. Now her life, and that of her children, were in danger. She had but one choice and did not hesitate as she quickly screamed at the top of her lungs.


Wolfgang reacted in shock when he heard his wife call out for the guards.

"Honey, what are you doing?"

Ava did not respond, and instead was trying to calm down Hans, who was crying after having been slapped by his uncle.

"Shhh... Hans, it\'s okay. Aunty will make sure he never hurts you again!"

The woman held her nephew up to her substantial bosom, where the boy smirked at his uncle, without Ava realizing. The man felt enraged at the sight, that is until the Guards approached. Ava was quick to inform them of what had happened.

"Arrest this man. He has dared to lay his hands on the Prince!"

Wolfgang realized he was in trouble and tried to escape. The guards immediately reacted by chasing after him.

"Stop right there, criminal scum!"

The guards eventually surrounded Wolfgang and apprehended him with little effort. The man could only glare at his wife, as she coddled the Prince cursing out to her while she did so.

"You fucking bitch! You would turn on your own husband!"

Ava merely sneered at the man in disdain as her children gazed in horror at their father\'s arrest. She spat out venomous words as the man was taken away.

"You have dug your own grave, Wolfgang. Even I can\'t save you from your own stupidity... Don\'t worry, I will take good care of the children!"

The moment Wolfgang was out of sight, Hans stopped crying, where Ava smiled at him. She was concerned for her own safety, and that of her children more so than her husband\'s. After all, she had heard rumors of Berengar\'s ruthlessness against those who harmed his family, and she did not want to become another victim. She kissed Hans on his reddened cheek while trying to gain his aid. 

"Hans, you must protect your Aunty Ava. I know how furious your father can be. You must speak up on my behalf! I had no part in this!"

Hans pretended to cry the entire time. He had even summoned his tears of his own accord, thus he was quick to seal Wolfgang\'s fate. 

"Okay, Aunty... but I need you to speak to father with me... I won\'t be enough to convince him..."

Ava was terrified at the prospect of pleading with Berengar for mercy. She remembered the cruelty in his eyes the last time she had upset him. She wanted no part in it. However, the gaze Hans was giving her was reassuring, and thus, she calmed her heart before nodding her head in response to the boy\'s request. 

"Very well... If that is what it takes, I will speak to your father with you..."

Hans smiled as he hugged his aunt. The woman was completely unaware that she was playing into the boy\'s hands. However, it was too late. Wolfgang had acted rashly and had struck the Prince. His life was forfeited. However, perhaps Berengar could be convinced to spare him for a price. Thus, Hans grabbed hold of his aunt\'s hand and led her to his father\'s office. 

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