
Chapter 631: An Unwanted Mercy

“What have I ever done to deserve such animosity from you? Why do you make me sit here in this cell and witness the death of my people?”

Berengar scoffed as he heard this, before giving the young woman a blunt answer.

“You killed three of my men. You think I had forgotten such a thing? These are men I personally knew, whose families I have to explain their deaths to. You want to act like you’re some dainty and harmless princess, but the reality is you are a savage and a killer. The only reason I haven’t put you to death is because I need you as a bargaining chip in the negotiations with your father.

Your first instinct when coming into contact with my people was murder. Think of this from our perspective. We come to your lands in pursuit of land and resources to sustain the growth of our Empire. Completely unaware that there is a native civilization here, and the first contact we have with your people is witnessing a murder take place right in front of our very eyes. Then, after dealing with one of the murderers, the other flees into the woods. Naturally, this poses a security threat to us, so we pursue the absconding criminal.

When we finally catch up with you, you act with further hostility, killing three of my bodyguards, and even attempt to murder me in cold blood. Sure, we used each other to survive in the wilderness, but that does not mean I have pardoned you for your crimes. So I have decided that your sentence is to act as a witness to my conquest of your people.

I will restrain you, then I will force you to follow me into every battle I wage, every village I slaughter, and eventually I will force you to bear witness as I march into your capital as a conquering hero. After you have done this, I will use you as a bargaining chip to force your Empire into submission.

Then, after you have served your sentence, you will be free to do as you please with your life. Because I have decided to be merciful, even though you are undeserving of it. Frankly, your ungrateful attitude towards my benevolence has been emotionally taxing, to say the least.”

Tlexictli stared at Berengar in disbelief. Did this man seriously just call her ungrateful? This was hardly a mercy. It was more akin to spiritual torture. She had never before in her life considered suicide, but at this very moment, it seemed like a viable alternative. Berengar immediately noticed what she was thinking and countered this thought with an even greater threat.

“I know what you are thinking, and I can promise you that if you decide to take your own life, I will burn your civilization to the ground. Every stone that has been used to build your temples will be dismantled and crushed to dust. Every field will be lit ablaze, and every last man, woman, and child will be slaughtered like common pigs. History will have no record of your mighty Empire’s existence. So how you choose to proceed will determine the fate of your people…”

The Aztec Princess was filled with despair as she heard these words, either suffer through the conquest of her Empire and servitude of her people, or condemn her entire civilization to extinction. These were hardly reasonable outcomes. Yet, these were the only two choices presented to her, as such, she nodded her head and wiped the tears from her eyes as she announced her decision.

“I understand, for the crimes I have committed against your people, I will bear witness to the conquest of my civilization.”

Upon hearing this answer, Berengar smiled and nodded his head before taking another sip of his coffee. After doing so, he gave the woman her instructions.

“I am glad to see you have come to a reasonable conclusion. Prepare yourself. In the coming days, I will march my army further into your lands. You will wear the animal skins that you wore during your capture, as well as the war paint. I want the people of the Aztec Empire to witness what I have reduced their mighty warrior princess to.”

Tlexictli nodded her head in silence. She had no choice but to agree to the German Emperor’s demands. Though she hated herself for doing it, as she would essentially slander the reputation of the mighty Jaguar warriors, ultimately she did not have the power to resist. She could only accept whatever Berengar commanded her to do with a heavy heart. It was at this moment that a knock resounded on the door, which caused Berengar to call out in response.

“Come in.”

After saying that, Honoria opened the door and appeared through the entrance, gazing upon the unseemly attire of the Aztec Princess with a frown on her lips. Is this how Berengar dressed his prisoners? The pirate queen could not help but express her discontent with the situation.

“Berengar, my love?”

When Berengar heard these words, he immediately felt a shiver down his spine. He knew Honoria would never call him anything but daddy, unless he was really pissed off. Thus, he gazed over with a forced smile as he went along with the woman’s inquiry.

“Yes, dear?”

Honoria glared at Tlexictli once more, which made the Aztec Princess feel as if the temperature had dropped by twenty degrees. She had thought she was a fearsome woman, but the purple-haired beauty in front of her was far more frightening. Honoria did not hesitate but express her dissatisfaction with the woman’s wardrobe.

“Why is this woman half naked? Surely you could have given her some more civilized attire.”

Berengar returned his gaze to the chiseled figure of the Aztec princess before taking a sip from his coffee in silence. He would allow her to answer why she was so underdressed. When the Aztec Princess saw the German Emperor’s gaze, she immediately understood what was going on and responded in a way she knew would get Berengar in trouble.

“What? Are you saying I’m not supposed to be dressed like this? I knew it was strange that this man constantly fondles my breasts, but he assured me it was part of his culture, so I relented…”

Berengar nearly spat out his coffee when he heard this response. He could practically hear the clicking of Honoria’s revolver, as if she had pulled back the hammer and prepared to execute him for his infidelity. However, in the next moment, when he gazed over at the woman, he realized it was just his imagination. Instead, she wore a murderous glare on her otherwise pretty face.

When Berengar saw this, he knew he needed to establish his dominance in the situation or else Tlexictli would continue to act in such an errant manner, thus he stood up from his seat and backhanded the Aztec Princess across the face before yelling at her for her misdeeds.

“You slanderous whore! Speak the truth, or I will make sure that your words come true!’

Tlexictli realized that she had messed up by trying to get Berengar in trouble with his wife. She could taste the blood from her lip as she struggled to fight the urge to pounce on Berengar. Ultimately, she sighed before revealing the truth of the matter.

“That was a lie. I just wanted to get some payback for the cruelty he has put me through…”

After hearing this Honoria sighed, it appeared for a moment that she had accepted Tlexictli’s apology, but in the next moment she grabbed the girl’s short hair and pushed her into the wall, while punching her in the gut. Tlexictli nearly spat out her lunch as she felt the fist collide with her solar plexus. After attacking the native woman, Honoria grabbed hold of her pretty face and whispered something in her ear.

“Lie about my husband again, and I will cut off one of your pretty little fingers! I promise you that you are not the first native whore I have sent to the afterlife!”

Tlexictli struggled to gain control of herself as she fell to her knees and gazed upon the demonic expression that had etched itself on Honoria’s stunning visage. She instantly realized that Berengar was not the person she should fear in her heart, rather it was his crazy wife that she needed to stay clear of. All she could do was nod her head and submit to Honoria’s will.

“I promise, I won’t make such a mistake again…”

After hearing this, the frightening look on Honoria’s face vanished and was replaced with an otherwise kind expression.

“Good girl… Behave yourself, or I will be back!”

After saying this, she gave a terrifying glance to Berengar, uttering a single phrase before leaving the room.

“Get this bitch some proper clothes. I don’t want to see her naked around you again…”

With that said, the Byzantine Princess departed from her Aztec counterpart’s quarters, leaving Berengar alone with the girl in a state of utter confusion. Just when had Honoria become so vicious?

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