
Chapter 614: The Quest for Gold Begins

Yet, despite this, Berengar was not satisfied with his current achievements. There was more that needed to be done, and not enough time to accomplish it in his lifetime. Only by investing further into colonization could he achieve 1/10th of what he had planned for his dynasty’s Empire. Thus, he set his eyes on a new territory that he had yet to explore.

With Honoria by his side, and his new Grand Admiral, a man by the name of Fridrich von Wülflingen, Berengar, laid out his plans for his next colony. His finger shifted from the Fatherland all the way to a blank portion of the map, settled in between the two colonies in the New World.

If he were to be looking at a modern map of the world, his finger would surely hover over the region known as Mexico. An excited smile was on his face as he boldly declared his plans to his wife and Admiral.

“With the current capabilities of our navy, and the first Dominion-Class Ocean Liners set to be finished in the coming weeks, we will soon have the ability to project such force to the new world, that no kingdom we may come across can possibly challenge our rule. It is because of this newfound military might that I intend to go all out with colonization and connect our two territories with a third in between them.

Honoria immediately scoffed when she heard this goal. In her eyes, this was a foolish endeavor. After all, the existing colonies were still not fully independent, and yet Berengar so desperately wanted to charge into the unknown and conquer a third. Despite this feeling, something pulled at her heartstrings. Telling her in the back of her mind that her husband knew something of worth that was located exactly where he pointed.

How the man knew this info was beyond her, and despite her best efforts, she had not gained a single clue as to where the German Emperor’s hidden knowledge originated from. While she could easily ask, she figured her husband would reveal his secrets when he finally felt like doing so.

As Honoria was scrutinizing Berengar’s actions, Fridrich had a satisfied smile on his face. Truth be told, the German Navy was so powerful that no Kingdom in this world could compete with it. Because of this, he had been dreadfully bored ever since he first joined his specific branch of the German Military.

While he acted as a glorified coast guard, securing Berengar’s theaters of operation with an ironclad blockade. Berengar’s army claimed all the glory on land, in combat, fighting for the unification of the German Empire. It was partly for this reason that recruits to the Naval branch were lagging behind the Army and the Border Guard. As the majority of its sailors, felt a lack of importance in their role.

However, times were changing, and Berengar was paying a vast fortune to begin his colonization efforts. Naturally, only those most trusted were privy to such classified information, leaving the Navy as the primary driving force in these operations. Since they had first set sail for the new world over a year ago, the German Navy and those fortunate personnel deemed trustworthy enough to see its bountiful lands had begun to play a pivotal role in the development of the Empire.

Now Berengar had turned his attention to a new colony in the center of this strange and foreign land. The prospect of maintaining the relationship between the German fatherland and its colonies was exciting to Fridrich, who had been so dreadfully bored since he had assumed control over Emmerich’s old position. Perhaps if he worked hard enough, then one day, he too could be a Colonial Governor. Thus, while Honoria scoffed at the notion, Fridrich was excited and voiced his support for the endeavor.

“With the construction of the ocean liners nearing completion, we will soon be able to transport far more resources and troops throughout our Empire. Thanks to his majesty’s efforts, radiotelegraphs are being constructed onboard our vessels, and within our colonies, allowing for ease of communication overseas.

Currently, our existing colonies are secure, and with the influx in population we have received since unifying the fatherland, it is only a matter of years before we have enough people to properly settle the new world. In the meantime, I highly recommend scouting out further territory in this New World and search for resource-rich areas to claim as our own. Only by seizing this world’s assets can we truly hope to establish a global hegemony. Tell me what you want from me, and I will move the oceans to make it so!”

Berengar smiled when he heard such enthusiasm about his colonization efforts from his newest Grand Admiral. This man had a promising future in his role, and thus Berengar did not hide his intents.

“First and foremost, I need you to assemble a sizeable fleet enough to ferry 1,000 men to the New World. Though our ocean liners are equipped with enough firepower to successfully eliminate any threat that approaches them, it is never inappropriate to prepare for whatever the world may throw at us.

Your second task will be to vet enough marines to fill aboard these vessels to act as the security for our colonization efforts. I need these marines equipped with the latest weapons and armor. That means they will wear our new nylon plate carriers beneath their tunics.

Thirdly, I will need you to go over a list of civilians to transport to all of our colonies for future settlement. As it stands, our colonies are currently military strongholds. I wish to change that and allow thriving settlements to exist within their borders. We can’t rely on the military to act as farmers, miners, and any other necessary roles needed to sustain a long-term colony.”

Fridrich nodded his head after hearing these requirements. He wore a confident expression as he responded in the affirmative to his emperor’s orders.

“I will have everything prepared by the time our first ocean liner rolls off the assembly line. The colonization of the New World is of the utmost importance to our realm, and I will not fail you, my Kaiser!”

Berengar smiled when he heard such certainty and patted the man on the shoulder before complimenting his efforts.

“Good. I look forward to your career. See that you are prepared to depart within a fortnight. If you do not have anymore questions, then you are dismissed.”

After saying this, the Grand Admiral saluted his Emperor before departing, leaving Honoria alone with Berengar. She had an inquisitive gaze on her face. Berengar was bringing far more troops to this new colony than he had done in the past, and such a level of precaution was unordinary for his personality. That is, unless he was already aware of a great threat that existed in the region they were going to land in. Thus, she could not help but ask just what it was that he knew.

“I know that look on your face. You’re worried about this new colony. I don’t know how you know, and I also know that you are not yet prepared to inform me, but there is a serious power in this new location, isn’t there? Something the likes we have not yet encountered?”

Berengar gazed at Honoria with a curious expression. He was not aware how much of his past this woman knew of, but since she was not deliberately asking about it, he would not tell her for the time being. However, he also would not lie to her about the dangers he was about to face and thus sighed heavily before revealing his thoughts.

“If my information is correct, there is a mighty Empire in the region I seek to conquer. They are sitting on a vast reserve of gold, the likes we have never seen before. I need that gold to stimulate my economy, and I fear this unknown civilization will be far more hostile to our first contact than the natives you found in South Vinland.”

Honoria scoffed when she heard this response. It was as she had suspected. Berengar knew more than he let on. She instantly pouted as she realized the reason he wasn’t allowing her to join in on the fun.

“So you’re sending me on a quest to explore less hostile areas while you take on this mighty empire by yourself? Typical…”

Berengar chuckled when he saw the look on the girl’s face, as if he had just killed her pet. To think she was so bloodthirsty that she wanted to take on the Aztecs. Thus, with a heavy sigh, Berengar relented and allowed for his Pirate Queen to play her role in this conquest.

“Alright, if you really want to, I will allow you to come with me on this perilous journey. Just make sure you and your girls stay out of needless trouble.”

Honoria smiled, before wrapping her arms around her husband’s neck and kissing him passionately. After releasing herself from his embrace, she thanked him for his concession.

“Thank you daddy, I promise we will behave.”

After saying this, Berengar sighed and revealed some of the information that he was aware of regarding the Aztec Empire, and the control they had over the region of meso-America. With this, Berengar had made his plans to claim the most precious of resources the new world offered. The quest for Gold had begun.

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