
Chapter 579 Delving into Ancient Records

Chapter 579 Delving into Ancient Records

Honoria sat in her personal quarters, gazing at the scene before her. There were a total of three eagle eggs lying in a nest that Heraclius and his mate had formed. The Byzantine Princess gazed at her pet with the fury of a woman scorned as she pouted in silence.

Since when did this feathery bastard get a mate of his own?

Noticing that his master was not happy with him, Heraclius flapped his wings and squawked. If Honoria could understand what he was saying, she definitely would have been offended. While she did not know exactly Heraclius meant by his actions, she could understand the general gist of it.

Just before Honoria could scold the bird for his remarks, the door to her room flew open, revealing a deeply intoxicated Linde. Judging from her appearance, she had one too many bottles of wine with her lunch, and was now in the mood to have some fun with her plaything.

Honoria quickly pouted as she turned away from the redheaded beauty who sat down beside her. Without notice, Linde grabbed ahold of the Princess's snow white hair and dragged her pretty face over to her own.

She then immediately made out with Honoria. The byzantine Princess knew better to resist against Linde's advances when she was in this mood and simply enjoyed the experience before ultimately breaking away. With a satisfied expression on her face, Honoria made a joke at Linde's expense.

"You must be drunk, if you've come to my quarters in the middle of the day looking for some fun..."

When Heraclius gazed upon the intimate moment between the two women, he immediately rolled his eyes and squawked once more, as if emphasizing whatever he had previously said to his master. When Honoria heard this, she immediately turned over to the bird and flipped him off before shouting at him.

"Shut up!"

Heraclius didn't seem to mind, and instead turned his own attention back to the eggs he and his mate had made together. As for Linde, she immediately sobbed as she latched onto Honoria and cried into her substantial bosom.

"That bitch, Berengar, told us to get along as sister-wives and the three of us even spent the night together. Yet the moment he disappears, on another one of his adventures, Adela doesn't want to spend any time with me!"

It shocked Honoria to hear this; she did not know that Berengar had forced these two bitches to get along, and to service him at the same time. Of course, in the very next moment, she realized what Linde was saying and immediately glared at the woman before chastising her.

"Oh, now that you have fucked the Empress, I'm suddenly not good enough for you! I see how it is! It seems like I'm not good enough for anybody these days..."

Honoria's response immediately surprised Linde, which caused her to smile wickedly as she pushed the girl down on the bed. After doing so, she comforted her with the words Honoria was longing for.

"What, do you seriously think that bitch can replace you? I'm merely asserting my dominance. Adela and I were equal in our last outing, and I intend to rectify that. Nobody can replace you, my little slave!"

The strawberry blonde haired vixen then began to gently kiss Honoria's graceful neck before working her way down to the princess' bountiful breasts. However, before the two women could get to the fun part, a knock resounded on the door to reveal Henrietta standing in the doorway.

The Princess of Germany was covering her eyes with her hands. Evidently, she was more interested in lesbian sex than it grossed her out, because one could easily see her azure eyes between the gaps in her fingers.

When Linde saw this, she sighed heavily and sat up, completely disengaging from her actions. Now that she had been interrupted, she had no plans to go through with her efforts. While Berengar may permit her to play with his other wives during his absence, he would not be so forgiving if she dared to lay a finger on Henrietta.

When Honoria noticed Henrietta's presence, she quickly rose to a seating position and covered her breasts with her bedsheets. It took Henrietta a moment to get her thoughts out loud. After all, she had just witnessed something unimaginable to her na?ve young mind. After a few moments of awkward silence, she said the words that all three of them wanted to hear:

"Berengar is home from the border... I thought you should know..."

It did not take long before Henrietta was sprinting down the hallway to regroup with her precious big brother. Or perhaps it was to escape the awkward atmosphere that existed in Honoria's room? Either way, her running echoed throughout the corridors and Linde merely laughed.

"That girl is too cute, too bad my master won't let me devour her... Well, what are you waiting for? Our husband is home. It is our duty to greet him!"

After saying this, Linde rose from the bed and left Honoria by her lonesome, who was now pouting profusely, just when they were getting to the good part, too. She immediately sighed before letting her thoughts escape her mind.

"Berengar, better make up for this tonight!"

After saying this, Honoria followed the others towards the great hall, where Heraclius remained within the room. He immediately lowered his wing, revealing the eggs. If one were to observe this curious action, they would think for sure he was shielding his unborn children from the unholy sight that was taking place before them.

Within the Great Hall of the Imperial German Palace, Berengar stood, dressed in his service uniform. He gazed lovingly at his wives, who, one at a time, revealed themselves to him. However, despite their excitement, Berengar only briefly greeted his wives and gave them each a welcoming kiss before entering the library. There were many questions on the Emperor's mind, especially about what he had encountered in those mysterious woods.

Thus, while he read about any piece of information that he could find about the gods of Germania, and the theory of reincarnation from the east; his wives got together and ate their meal without him. Berengar was too enthralled with what he had witnessed to bother eating during the night.

Instead, he burnt the midnight oil within his library. Over the years, he had spent a significant amount of wealth gaining as much material as possible that he could on the history of Germany. If not, simply for propaganda.

Of course, he intended to one day create a Great Library of Kufstein, but for now, most ancient works that were translated into the German language existed within his personal collection. Thus, he prowled through his Palace's library for hours, looking through various documents.

Eventually after searching through the greatest collection of German history on the entire planet for countless hours, Berengar concluded that any piece of information related to the ancient deity Baduhenna was either hidden away in some corner of the world, or destroyed by the Christians when their religion came to dominate Europe.

If there was one major complaint that Berengar had about Christianity, it was their propensity to deny and destroy all evidence that pointed out the flaws in their religion. To some extent, this radical rejection of truth, in favor of faith in God, had remained engrained in the hearts and minds of Christians well into the modern era. There was no greater example of this than the idea of Creationism that was popular among a minority of American Christians in his past life.

When Berengar realized that any answer to the truth of this matter was likely burned by Christians centuries ago, he sighed in defeat. There was only one way to confirm his suspicions. He had to investigate the matter himself. He supposed now was as good as a time as any to create a dedicated department of archeology. One whose sole purpose was to uncover the hidden secrets of ancient Germania. Thus, Berengar quickly returned to his office, where, with a stroke of the pen, he founded the German Archeological Department for National Heritage.

He still did not know whether what he saw on that day was actual reality, but he would not rest until he discovered the truth behind his vision. If the ancient gods of Germania truly existed in this world, then perhaps they could provide him with an explanation on why he was reincarnated. Even better, perhaps they could finally settle the argument as to whether or not an afterlife truly existed.

If a place such as Valhalla really existed, Berengar would not be against adopting heathenry as his unofficial religion. Perhaps he could even inspire a return to the old ways among a minority of his people. Then again, he was getting ahead of himself. Even if the ancient deities actually existed in this world, Berengar had no plans to alter his course in life. His ambitions were paramount, and he would not stop until he had achieved his goals.

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