
Chapter 556 - One Day Soon you will be a King

Currently, Yasmin was in labor, and while that was occurring, two of the Austrian king\'s other wives had gathered in another room of the Palace where, for the first time in a long time, the two of them had united in a cause, as they discussed their differences in great length.

It was no secret that Berengar had been paying an extra amount of attention to Yasmin since their marriage. This was in part because of the mature, and supportive personality that the Princess of Granada exhibited, especially when in comparison with his other younger brides who were quite the opposite.

Because of this, both Adela and Linde felt a sense of fear of losing their husband to the Moorish Princess, who had only recently entered their lives. This was especially true for the High Queen, who had seen her husband becoming increasingly distant as of late. Thus, with a heavy sigh, the young woman drank from her coffee before expressing her innermost feelings to her oldest rival.

"I am feeling like I am losing Berengar\'s love. He has been emotionally distant to me lately, as if he simply does not want to be near me. Since Yasmin first arrived, I have had barely any time with him. I fear she is stealing my husband away from me!"

When Linde heard this, she simply scoffed before responding to Adela\'s claims with an enticing bit of gossip.

"Sure, Yasmin has been pulling Berengar\'s heartstrings as of late, but she is not the one you need to worry about. If you knew what I know about what Berengar and Henrietta have been getting up to since she recovered from her injury, then you would realize that cunning little brat is your greatest rival."

Adela gazed over at her rival in shock. She could hardly believe her ears.

"You don\'t mean?"

Linde remained silent as she merely nodded her head while supping her coffee. She did not wish to speak openly about what exactly went on between the two siblings, and though she learned the truth of Henrietta\'s lineage, the relationship that her husband had with his sister-aunt was rather taboo in her eyes. After hearing such news, Adela could hardly believe her ears and immediately questioned the validity of this information.

"How did you come by this? I refuse to believe it!"

In response, Linde merely sighed before revealing the extent of the information she knew.

"It is my job to uncover secrets, and despite what Berengar might think, he is rather poor at keeping things from me. However, if you must know, I have been especially attentive to the affairs of the Royal Family ever since that fateful night where Henrietta was harmed under my watch. Unfortunately, things haven\'t been the same for me and Berengar since, and I believe he has partially blamed me for the incident.

Because of this, I have kept a close eye on the two of them, and have discovered some rather shocking details. For starters, you may not be aware, but Henrietta is not Berengar\'s blood related sister. She is actually his aunt, and a bastard at that. However, they grew up like siblings, and Lord Knows that my family has its own problems with such a taboo; even then, it still makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.

So if you think Yasmin is the greatest of your worries, guess again. That close relationship between Berengar and Henrietta is something we all need to be worried about. However, I must inform you that even though Berengar has surrounded himself with multiple beautiful women, the reasoning for his distance from you is entirely your fault..."

Adela practically shattered the porcelain cup in her hand from the sheer rage she felt when she heard Linde\'s last remark. Did this woman seriously just say she was at fault for her husband\'s distance? Just when Adela was about to scold her rival, Linde smirked and thoroughly rebuked her.

"See, that right there, the way you are acting as if you are better than me, and everyone else around you, is exactly what is turning Berengar away from you. I get it, you\'re the high queen, but you know the only reason you still have that position is because he desires to honor his family\'s wishes, right?

At one point, you were a sweet, kind, innocent young girl who pledged her heart to the man she loved. Hell, you were willing to do anything to make him happy. However, over the years, you have let your faith get to your head, and now you act as if you are a living saint with everyone else, including your husband, being beneath you.

You walk around as if you are incapable of sin and condemn everyone around you for not being a monk. Such religious superiority is something that our husband despises. Yet, despite all evidence, you dig yourself deeper into your faith, with your attempts to convert Berengar into your views. Your excuse is laughable. You say you wish to save Berengar\'s soul from damnation, but all you really care about is forcing your beliefs on him.

He knows this to be true; I know it, Honoria knows it. Hell, even Yasmin knows it. Your self righteous attitude is your undoing. If you truly care about Berengar and want to rekindle your love with him, then I suggest you stop being such a prudish bitch and tolerate his actions. After all, he is the most powerful man in the world, and plenty of young women would be more than willing to take your place."

The High Queen was stunned after hearing Linde\'s analysis of her relationship with her husband. Had she really been so rude to everyone? Was it really her overzealous nature that was driving a wedge between herself and the man she loved? Just when she was about to retort to her rival\'s cruel words, the Court Physician walked into the room, and made a declaration to the two Queens of Austria.

"The Queen Yasmin has successfully given birth to a healthy baby boy, she is resting as we speak, and is expected to make a full recovery. I figured since the father is currently at war, that perhaps the two of you would like to comfort her in his stead."

With this said, Linde stood up, and followed Ewald towards Yasmin\'s corridors, leaving Adela sitting by her lonesome to reflect on the words that her oldest rival had given her. When Linde finally arrived in the bedroom, she witnessed the Princess of Granada lying naked in the bed with her newborn child clutched to her breast. By a single glance, Linde could tell that the woman was exhausted. Yet she still cared for the child as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Upon witnessing this scene, Linde smirked before gazing at the newborn son of her husband. Interestingly enough, the boy appeared to be a blend of his two parents having the tanned skin, and amber eyes of his mother, but a full head of golden blonde hair like his father. He was truly a unique existence within the Kingdom of Austria.

"Congratulations, it is good to see that you survived the ordeal. I know Berengar would be heartbroken if he returned from the carnage of war, only to find his wife had died in childbirth."

Yasmin merely sighed as she gazed into the eyes of her baby boy. She was well aware of the plans her husband had for their son, and simply smiled as she said the words.

"The Prince of Granada is born. One day, I hope to see him rule my homeland the same way his father rules over the Kingdom of Austria."

This statement shocked Linde, who gazed at the woman and the child with suspicion. Though she knew about Berengar\'s plans to unite the Triple Alliance through blood ties via his children, she was unaware that Yasmin knew of such plans, let alone supported them. Thus, the redheaded beauty voiced her curiosity with a hint of concern in her tone.

"What about Hasan? You realize that if you go through with Berengar\'s plans, you will remove your brother\'s offspring from a position of power."

In response to this obvious statement, Yasmin merely scoffed before retorting.

"I love my brother, but he has always been, and always will be, a fool. When he finally gets himself killed, Granada will need a powerful ruler, and it most certainly won\'t be his sons to take that position. No, only a child raised here in Austria, under the tutelage of his mighty father, is worthy of such a position, and I will do everything in my power to make it so."

After saying this to Linde, Yasmin shifted her gaze to her first-born son and made him a solemn vow.

"Mark my words, my precious baby boy, one day soon, you will be a King!"

With this said, Linde left the room and returned to the waiting room to find that Adela was absent. The High Queen had many thoughts to reflect upon after receiving such a verbal lashing from her oldest rival. For a while, Adela would seclude herself with some much needed introspection. By the time her husband returned from the war, she would have the answers she needed for her path in life.

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