
Chapter 506 - Retirement Ceremony

However, that was a discussion to be had later. The Austrian Field Marshal and his returning soldiers were heralded as war heroes, and given a grand ceremony upon entering the city of Kufstein. Berengar was always one for pageantry, and though Eckhard could not care less about such endeavors, he was forced to endure them for the sake of the Austria\'s propaganda efforts.

With the Golden Horde in a state of Civil War, and the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth crushed beneath the heel of the Austrian Royal Army, as well as the ongoing conflict from the various Rus states attempting to overthrow the yoke of their Golden Horde masters, Austria\'s newfound eastern borders were now secure.

For all intents and purposes the war with the Eastern Coalition was over, and though the other two factions had not officially surrendered, it would be a long time before they managed to get their affairs in order to a point where they could pose a threat to Austria\'s newly conquered territory.

Thus, this return celebration was more like a victory parade, as young unmarried women gathered on the sides of the streets and flew flowers at the feet of their conquering heroes. The Austrian soldiers had a gaze of prize as they marched down the main street of Kufstein towards the central plaza where their King waited to congratulate them on their overwhelming victory.

Eventually, Eckhard ordered his trusty steed to a halt, and the army behind him followed suit. Standing on a podium above their position, the King in all his glory, stood with a smile on his face. He cleared his throat before beginning his speech.

"I would like to thank all of you brave men for your contributions to the war against the Eastern Coalition, and though peace has been established between us and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, we must be wary of our enemies further east. The Golden Horde and their Rus slaves are still at war with us, and though they currently have their troubles, they will surely return in the future in an attempt to wrestle control of the regions you have conquered for themselves.

For now, rest well, lick your wounds, and prepare yourselves for the future of our mighty Kingdom. For the time being, those divisions who are fresh will take your place on the Eastern Borders, to ensure its safety as the region goes through a great transition under our annexation.

Before you all return to your homes, and loved ones, I want to make one last announcement. After years of service, and his many achievements in battle, Field Marshal Eckhard von Hallstatt will retire from his position. In his spare time, he will take up a position as a professor at the Kufstein Military Academy where he will help instruct the next generation of officers with his vast knowledge of strategy, tactics, and logistics.

For all the citizens of Austria, now is the time to give your thanks to this man and his years of service to our kingdom. Without him, I surely would not have been able to establish the mighty Kingdom you all know and love today."

Upon saying this, the tens of thousands of gathered citizens broke out into cheers and applause as they thanked Eckhard for his service. After silence prevailed, he walked towards the podium where Berengar stood. Allowing the King to present his greatest general with one final award.

"For your years of service, and the endless support you have given your King, and fatherland, I present you with two final honors. I King Berengar von Kufstein, first of my name hereby, award you Eckhard von Hallstatt the position of Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order, which through your efforts has recently been established as a Chivalric Order of our realm. I also Award you and your descendents with the title of Grand Duke of Prussia, to rule over the lands you have conquered in this campaign from now until the end of time!"

Eckhard could hardly believe his ears. He had never desired, nor expected Berengar to give him a higher rank of nobility, or a leadership position in a Chivalric Order, and yet, here he stood the Grand Duke of Prussia, and the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. It was truly a fitting end to the lengthy military career of the Field Marshal. The middle-aged knight struggled to contain the tears in his eyes as he kneeled before his King.

"From the day I swore service to you, I have seen your infinite potential become reality. I swear on the honor of my name, and house, that my loyalty towards you and your dynasty shall never waver. This humble servant thanks you for your kindness, and presents you with one final gift."

After saying this, Eckhard stood up and whistled where his soldiers brought forth the young Princess of Poland, and handed her off to Eckhard. The girl was pouting as she gazed upon the King of Austria.

"This is Princess Natalia Jagiellon of the Kingdom of Poland. I have seized her to act as your ward, until the day she comes of age, in order to ensure that her father behaves himself."

Berengar was surprised to see this, but put on a friendly smile as he kneeled down and petted the girl\'s auburn hair.

"Hello, Natalia, I am King Berengar, I promise you, so long as you are under my protection, no harm shall come to you. I know things must be difficult for you right now, but I look forward to looking after you."

The girl remained silent as she walked over to Berengar\'s side and hid behind him, peeking out over at Eckhard. In her mind, Berengar seemed far more friendly than the old man who ripped her from her home. Berengar chuckled when he saw this timid gesture and rested his hand on her head before making a joke to his now retired field marshal.

"What did you do to the poor girl to make her act so coldly to you?"

Eckhard, never one to engage in childish humor, had a straight face before answering his King honestly.

"I killed her brother."

Berengar\'s smile sank as he heard this, before nodding his head in silence. After a few moments, he picked the girl up and held her in his arms before giving Eckhard one final order.

"Go now and rest, my friend. You have earned it. Whatever funds you need to establish your palace in your new territory, I will happily provide it to you. If you wish to take up a new surname on behalf of where you settle, you are more than welcome to..."

Eckhard smiled bitterly as he reflected on his past before nodding his head in agreement.

"Very well, since you have said these words, I won\'t be stingy..."

Berengar chuckled as he placed his hand on his friend\'s shoulder before sending him off.

"Don\'t be a stranger. You are always welcome in my palace whenever you feel the need to visit."

With that said, the King of Austria and the Grand Duke of Prussia parted ways. Whether they would ever meet again remained to be seen. One thing was certain: Eckhard\'s dynasty would become the most ardent supporters of the von Kufstein Dynasty.. In doing so, Berengar had once more forever changed the timeline of this world from that of his previous life.

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