
Chapter 501 - A Necessary Demonstration

Berengar had not only begun to outfit the entire Byzantine and Granadan Armies with their weapons and armor. But, he had also supplied foreign kingdoms that were non-hostile, such as Wallachia, and the Kalmar union with large quantities of arkebuses and falconets. The value of the international arms trade that Austria handled had grown significantly.

When Ishwar gazed upon the thousands of stockpiled firearms, and the hundreds of cannons, he could hardly believe his eyes. This small Kingdom in the west had such substantial manufacturing ability to make so many weapons, and keep them stockpiled. He wondered why they did not employ them in their own armed forces. Curiosity got the better of him, and he uttered his thoughts unknowingly.

"With so many firearms, why have you not employed them in your armed forces?"

When Berengar and Liutbert heard this they both broke out into laughter, it was only after a few moments where the two men were able to calm themselves and explain their reasoning for not employing these more primitive weapons.

"You see, these weapons are obsolete compared to the ones employed by our armed forces, by several generations of technological advancements. We would never sell our advanced weapons to foreign kingdoms even if they\'re allies.

Look at this for example..."

Upon saying this Berengar grabbed an Arkebuse, and a Flintlock Musket from their two opposing racks, and inspected them to make sure they were clear before properly handling the firearms. The difference in size, and weight between the two guns was quite substantial, and thus he handed them over one at a time to the Ambassador from the east.

"I suppose you are familiar with the Arkebuse by now. It is a primitive firearm which uses a slow burning match to ignite the powder in the pan, and send a iron, stone, or lead ball down range. This weapon takes anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute to reload in the hands of a skilled individual and has an effective range of at best a hundred feet.

This is the weapon can penetrate through most forms of armor at close range, and your average levy can be appropriately trained in its use in a matter of weeks. Thus, greatly enhancing the capabilities of most feudal armies. However, when compared to the weapons we provide to our allies, it is severely lacking."

Ishwar inspected the weapon and was surprised when he heard it was a primitive model supplied to neutral nations. In his eyes, it was the most advanced handheld firearm he had ever laid eyes on. Thus, when Berengar handed him the rifled musket, he was even more astounded. With a proud smile on his face, the Austrian king explained this weapon\'s capabilities.

"This is a more advanced firearm. We call it the flintlock. Because of certain classified manufacturing techniques, this weapon has superior range and rate of fire when compared to the matchlock arkebuse. A soldier armed with this weapon, who is trained efficiently in its use, can hit a man-sized target out to roughly three hundred yards. Perhaps even further, if he is a marksman. A skilled operator can reload it in about 20 seconds.

This is the standard arm of our allies, impressive enough in its own right, but two generations behind what we are currently supplying our armed forces with. Come, let us show you how effective the weapons you will purchase really are."

Ishwar could hardly believe what he was being told. Was Austria really so far ahead militarily than the rest of the world? When he remembered the trains he had taken, the ironclad vessels, he considered perhaps Berengar was not bluffing.

Berengar and Liutbert quickly led the man to the testing field, where all weapons were test fired, before being given a proof mark certifying that they were up to spec for combat use. In the hands of a platoon of soldiers from the garrison, many arkebuses were loaded. The men poured the black powder down the muzzle before placing a lead ball in its bore and packing it down with a ramrod.

After doing this, they placed some black powder from their flasks onto the pans, before lighting a slow burning match and placing it on the device which held it in place, the men then cocked the action back, took aim at a series of straw targets set up 25 feet away which wore a steel breastplate in the style commonly worn by Knights of the era, and squeezed the lever that acted as a primitive trigger.

The match landed on the powdered pan and ignited its contents, sending a coordinated volley down range and into the targets, punching many holes straight through the steel plates, and into the straw targets behind it. Ishwar was amazed; just like the old general had said, it truly could defeat western armor.

When Berengar saw the excited look in the man\'s eyes, a proud smile spread across his lips as he spoke of the grandeur of such weapons on the battlefield.

"Imagine this. You have an army of 5,000 men, each one of them equipped with this weapon. Your enemies are charging at your lines, and your soldiers fire a volley of these weapons down range and into their enemies. At what point do the survivors break ranks and flee for their lives?"

Ishwar was thoroughly convinced that his father\'s armies needed these weapons if they wished to maintain control over their dying Empire, however a thought occurred in his mind as he was imagining the future conflicts they would engage in. Thus, he asked the question on his mind, hoping for an appropriate response.

"You say these weapons take thirty seconds to a minute to reload? Then what happens when the enemy realizes this and attacks our ranks before our soldiers can fire another volley?"

Berengar did not hesitate to answer this question, instead a smile formed on his face as he whistled to the soldiers of the garrison. In doing so, the men pulled out their bayonets, which looked more like medieval daggers, and plugged them into the bore of their arkebuses. Where they lunged forward in standard drills.

"These are plug bayonets, after you have fired your shot, you withdraw it from your belt, and place that handle of the weapon into your arkebuse\'s bore, in doing so, you have effectively turned your firearm into a spear for melee combat.

A fair bit of advice: ensure that your troops are well trained not to equip their bayonet with a loaded weapon. If you were to accidentally fire your arkebuse while the bayonet is in place, it could end poorly..."

The Ambassador from the east had a wide smile on his face. Despite the downsides to such a weapon, it was still superior to standard infantry use than anything he had come across. Truly, the Austrians had thought of everything when designing this weapon.

With this in mind, Ishwar was eager to set an order for the purchase and delivery of these excellent weapons.

"Tell me, how much does one of these arkebuses cost?"

Berengar grinned when he heard this before responding by raising three fingers.

"My standard rate for the arkebuses is three Austrian guldens per arkebuse, while the rate for falconets is twenty guldens per falconet. If you buy in bulk, so let\'s say a thousand arkebuses, or 10 falconets, I\'ll give you a 10% discount on your overall price.

I only accept Austrian Guldens for trade, so if you have brought your local currency then you will have to conduct a currency exchange with the National Bank of Austria, since I am unfamiliar with the value of the currency you use in your Empire, I won\'t be able to give you an estimate of the exchange rate. However, you should know there is no debasement in my currency, thus it is extremely pure, and of high value."

The Anangpur ambassador nodded his head in silence. If he truly wanted to gain sufficient arms for his father\'s army, he would have to consult with the man himself, and explain just how effective these weapons were in person. Otherwise, he could never receive the approval for such an expense. After careful consideration, Ishwar finally conveyed these thoughts to Berengar.

"I will have to return to my homeland and consult with the Emperor about the expense. I am certain it is well worth the price, but I simply do not have the authority to negotiate such a large sum of money. I will convey your asking price to my father and inform him of the effectiveness of these weapons. I thank you for the hospitality you have shown me."

Berengar struggled to maintain a smile as he heard this. The simple thought in his mind was too rude to speak aloud.

Next time, send a delegate who has the authority to complete the transaction, you fucking amateurs.

Ultimately, he forced a cordial smile and nodded his head before responding.

"Very well. I look forward to your return. When we return to Kufstein, I will give you a parting gift for your emperor, make sure to give him my regards."

After saying this, Berengar and Ishwar depart from the city of Innsbruck, leaving Liutbert behind to govern the city.

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