
Chapter 496 - Formation Of The South German Confederation

Among these men, none had a more striking appearance than Berengar. If these men\'s daughters were present to witness this occasion, it was most certain that they would fawn over the Austrian King. Berengar, however, was interested in who sported the greatest fashion, rather he was more interested in the serious political ramifications that this meeting would have on the western world as a whole.

Thus, as he Dukes bickered among themselves, he stood back and drank from his chalice. Listening to each one of their concerns.

"This is your fault, Dietger, you bowing before Berengar has made a mockery of our alliance. If it weren\'t for the fact that we were permanently on Hartman\'s shit list for siding with you, we would not even be here!"

Berengar merely scoffed when he heard these words being spoken by the Duke of Saxony, these were bold words for a man who shared a border with Austria. The moment the man saw the displeasure on Berengar\'s face he felt a chill go down his spine, and tried to backpedal on his statement.

"That is not to say that the King of Austria is not worthy of serving, but your actions have spit in the face of the sacrifice that thousands of our men have made on the field of battle over these past few years!"

The young king of Austria did not bother to respond to this comment, instead, he allowed his newest pet to do so. Dietger was more than willing to stand up for his actions and he quickly informed his former allies of just why he had knelt before the Austrian crown.

"Look around you, Sivert, you old fool. While we have fought for a meaningless title, King Berengar has elevated his status to that beyond any ordinary King. You saw the technological marvels that are commonplace in this land. You have seen the weapons the Austrian Army wield, and the ships that comprise their navy. Do you honestly think we stand a chance of defeating this mighty Kingdom?

There is only one solution to this petty war for a nonexistent crown. Kneel before Berengar and proclaim him the true king of Germany! What does lineage matter when faced with overwhelming power? If you stubborn fools do not submit to the Crown of Austria as I have, I assure you, only blood and death await your lands!"

Berengar raised his brow when he heard this last point, while he had gained the reputation as an utterly ruthless conqueror, his plans for Germany, should it be required to be unified via force, was actually to be quite lenient on not only their armies, but especially its people. To Berengar, the German people were his people, and he had no desire to shed any more blood than was necessary to unite them under one banner.

Despite his true intentions, he did not make it clear, as Dietger\'s speech was swaying the men who had gathered in Kufstein. The three Dukes here who had not already submitted to Berengar realized just what the future entailed. With this in mind, the Duke of Baden finally broke his silence before addressing a question to Berengar.

"Apologies if I am out of place, your Majesty, however I can no longer keep my curiosity to myself. If you would permit me to ask a simple question, I would be most honored."

The other Dukes gazed at the proud Duke of Baden with awe. Was this man really the Duke they all knew? Never once in the past had he responded so respectfully in the face of authority, and yet here and now he was practically grovelling at Berengar\'s feet.

The Austrian king was amused by the over-polite nature of the Duke of Baden\'s request, and simply responded with a silent nod, signifying his approval to ask the question which was plaguing his mind. The Duke of Baden took a deep breath before doing so.

"Just what are the extents of your ambitions, Berengar von Kufstein?"

Upon hearing this, Berengar smiled gracefully, before responding to the question with much enthusiasm.

"My ambitions are simple, Duke Cuert von Z?hringen, I plan to unify the German people of this world into a single Empire, and not some confederation which pretends to be the successor of the ancient Romans. No, I plan to create a German Empire, one whose power and influence will extend to every corner of this world.

Make no mistake, gentlemen, I have the ability to accomplish this, and I will stop at nothing to achieve my goals. I am well aware that the bastard of Luxembourg plans to fight against me until his last dying breath, and if that is his desire, then so be it. I understand that I have gained a reputation for being ruthless to my enemies.

Of course, that does not mean I lack any form of generosity to those who support me from the bottom of their hearts. The time has come for every leader of the German world to make their decision. Do you kneel before the power of the Austrian Crown and recognize me and my dynasty as sovereign over all Germans? Or will you choose death? Those are the only two options available to you all.

Do not feel pressured to bend the knee to me if you do not desire to. As guests in my Kingdom you will be allowed safe passage back to your realms. However, if you leave here on this day without bowing before me, I will assume that you have made your choice, and the next time we meet, I will not be so merciful."

Despite him saying otherwise, there was a heavy pressure in the atmosphere. The murderous glint in Berengar\'s one good eye had practically caused the three dukes to suffocate under the yoke of his tyranny. Dietger had made a valid point earlier. After witnessing a display of Austria\'s weapons earlier in the day, not a single man in this room was confident of beating Berengar.

In fact, they had seriously begun to doubt the capacity of Christendom as a whole to defeat the Austrian Royal Army. Now they were told to make a choice, kneel before another man, or die. Though Berengar had guaranteed them safe passage back to their homes, they knew it was only a matter of time before Austria\'s armies swarmed their lands like a ravenous horde of locusts.

When presented with such options, only a fool would choose death. Thus, the three Dukes of Southern and Eastern Germany, who had not yet sworn service to Berengar, knelt before the Austrian King as if it were the most natural thing to do. Not only them, but even the others who had sworn fealty to Berengar once more knelt and repeated the vow of vassalage.

Being surrounded by so many powerful noblemen, swearing fealty unto him, brought a sense of Euphoria to Berengar, when they were finished a cruel smile spread across Berengar\'s lips as he uttered the words that would change the status of these men and their families for the rest of history.

"All of you here today, except for one, have knelt before me as a Duke. Under the power afforded to me as King of Austria, I hereby grant you permission to rise as Grand Dukes of your respective realms."

The various men gazed at each other in shock, though it was just a change in title, to become known as Grand Dukes elevated their position to that of monarchs rather than just mere high nobility. However, Berengar\'s next statement after they had risen to their feet surprised them even further.

"Today marks a grand occasion that is sure to be remembered until the ends of time. Today, I King Berengar von Kufstein, in the presence of my Greatest Vassals, announce the formation of the South German Confederation, to be presided over in perpetuity by the Kingdom of Austria, and the von Kufstein Dynasty.

As members of this confederation, I grant you the privilege of the introducing the technological innovations that have made Austria the greatest Kingdom in the world. The more you prove your loyalty to me and my house, the more you will be rewarded in this regard. Serve me well, and you will see your wealth and power soar to new heights.

Betray me, and the men next to you, and you should expect the most fierce of retaliation. I can consider only the death of you and your house an appropriate price for such betrayal. Remember this well gentlemen, you have chosen to join me on a lifelong journey to see the establishment of a Great German Empire, and now that you have sworn your allegiance to me, and my house, I expect you to fulfill your obligations.

Now I am sure that you all have your affairs, which you must put in order now that you have sworn service to me. You are free to return to your homes as Grand Dukes, with all the prestige that follows such a lofty title. I expect to see major reforms being instituted in your realms over the coming months. If you have any questions, you know where to find me. Until we meet again, gentlemen."

After saying this, Berengar lifted his chalice in the air and took a swig of wine before departing from the Great Hall of his Palace, leaving the newly established Grand Dukes of the South German Confederation alone in a state of both excitement and despair. Though they had risen in the noble hierarchy and gained access to some of Austria\'s secrets.. Ultimately, they had sworn themselves, their family, and their people to the service of a Tyrant.

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