
Chapter 478 - A New Labor Force

Unlike what Berengar had expected, the young woman did not blame him or his people for her suffering. Instead, she saw it as a test of her loyalty to her gods. One thing was sure; she was just happy to be alive.

With this in mind, the young native woman rose from beneath the flannel sheets and fur covers that provided her warmth during these troubling times and slowly got dressed in her tribal deerskin clothing. Berengar entered the room as she did so, causing a slightly chilly breeze to enter the otherwise comfy lodging.

Upon seeing the woman climbing out of bed, Berengar smiled; she appeared to be in a much better state than she was previously in. With this in mind, he quickly got to work as he prepared a nice meal for him and his translator to share.

There was much work ahead for the King of Austria, and he intended to use this woman to communicate with the other tribes the moment she was fluent in the German Tongue. However, such a thing could not be rushed; for the time being, he would make sure that Kahwihta was in peak shape before he began using her as a diplomat.

As Berengar continued to cook a healthy meal, the Chieftain\'s daughter worked on her German; she slowly looked over the educational materials that Berengar had provided; these were copies of the texts in use by the Austrian Education System. They were designed for use by first-time learners of the German language.

Berengar had brought a series of language books with him from the Fatherland to train translators from among the local population effectively. They had proven to be quite effective, as Kahwihta\'s understanding of the German tongue was increasing by the day.

Eventually, he finished the meal and brought it over to the young woman, where he forced her to take a break from her studies so that she could eat with him. The moment she tasted the dish prepared from a mix of rations, she moaned in pleasure before commenting on it.

"This is superb!"

Berengar chuckled when he heard this before rejecting the compliment.

"This is nothing, just something I threw together from our rations; you should see the delicacies I eat back in the Fatherland!"

Kahwihta failed to understand the entirety of Berengar\'s comment and immediately looked through her study book while eating to ensure that she could effectively learn what he said. After a few minutes, her eyes widened in shock, and she put down her book, where she pronounced the following phrase in broken German.

"Will you take me to your homeland?"

Berengar had an awkward expression on his face as he heard this; he couldn\'t very well take the girl with him back to Austria. There were still many dangerous diseases there that she was lacking immunity to. However, he could see that she desperately wanted to see what his homeland looked like, and thus he sighed before making a statement that effectively kicked the can down the road.

"Maybe one day..."

Though he had not answered in the definitive, it was enough to bring a smile to the Native girl\'s face. As for Berengar, he thought that if she witnessed the splendors of Austria, she might have a heart attack. After all, the pathetic timber fortress they had constructed and the measly rations his soldiers ate already impressed her enough.

How excited would she be when she witnessed the extensive railways that were being constructed across Austria or its grand architecture that existed throughout every city? Perhaps in due time, she would get a taste of what the fatherland offered right here in her own home.

Things were progressing smoothly in this military colony, and as Berengar had expected, there was currently a crisis underway among the Native Tribes of what was once referred to as New York in his past life.

In fact, at this very moment, there was a crowd of Natives sitting outside his fortress\'s gates, seeking shelter from the elements and their enemies alike. The flu had ravaged their populations, and these survivors could only turn to the people who seemed entirely unphased by the strange illness.

It was because of these circumstances that Berengar found himself in need of a translator, and though Kahwihta\'s training was not complete, she was the only person who could somewhat fill this role; with a heavy sigh, the young Austrian King made a request of his colonial concubine.

"Kahwihta, there is a gathering of natives outside our gates seeking shelter and aid. I intend to put them to work in the fields. Spring is around the corner, and I will need a proper labor force to make this fortress last. However, to make my generous intentions clear to these people, I need someone to translate my words. Could you do this small task for me?"

The young Chieftain\'s daughter gazed upon Berengar with a curious expression. It took her a few moments to translate his words within her mind, but ultimately, she understood his sentiment. A smile quickly spread upon her pretty face as she uttered the words that Berengar wanted to hear.

"Of course, I will help you in any way I can!"

Because of this warmhearted response, a kind smile spread upon the Austrian Monarch\'s face as he heard this before responding.

"I am sure you will."

Immediately, the girl\'s excitement when she heard these words of encouragement. However, the next moment, there was a knock on the door. The Captain in charge of the Marine Company was rather urgent as he continued to pound on the thick wooden door.

When Berengar finally pried the entrance to his lodging open, he gazed upon a frantic appearance on the face of the man he had tasked to lead his soldiers. Before he could ask what had caused the man to be in such a chaotic state, the Captain boldly announced what was transpiring.

"Sir, the Natives outside our gates have become agitated; if we don\'t get someone to calm them down, we might have a full-scale riot on our hands!"

Berengar\'s expression sank; such a thing was the worst-case scenario; there was no hesitation in his one good eye as he shifted his gaze upon the young woman next to him. With a stern order, he departed from his lodging towards the ramparts of the Fortress, with the native girl in tow.

"Come with me!"

Upon arriving at the ramparts, Berengar witnessed the scene of dozens of men, women, and children from a variety of tribes and cultures gathered outside the gates of his fortress. There were roughly a hundred people in total. Some of them had flu symptoms, while others appeared to be quite healthy.

Because different peoples gathered in the same space, it did not take long before conflict occurred. To the untrained eye of Austria\'s marines, these people were all the same, but Berengar and Kahwihta knew differently. The young Austrian King had a hint of urgency in his tone as he issued forth a decree, expecting his translator to convey his words effectively.

"Calm yourselves! As the leader of this settlement, I assure you will be taken care of if you behave yourselves and follow my orders appropriately. It just so happens that spring is around the corner, and we need farmers and laborers. If you agree to work for us, you will be provided with proper accommodations, such as housing, food, and medical treatment. If you disagree with these terms, then you may return whence you came!"

Kahwihta immediately translated these words into various tongues, which allowed these different tribes to comprehend what Berengar had stated. Upon hearing that they would be provided for in exchange for work, many of the people gathered immediately calmed themselves and ceased their hostilities.

While some refused to work for these pale-skinned foreigners, there were still dozens of people who had nowhere else to go, disease had ravaged their tribes and villages, and what remained were conquered by their neighbors. In the end, these people could only gracefully accept Berengar\'s terms.

Thus, Berengar had gained a small workforce for his small military colony that would provide the necessary labor to keep his settlement operational for the foreseeable future.. This would be the first group of natives incorporated into the German Colonies through peaceful means.

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