
Chapter 447 - Breakfast In The Royal Palace Of Austria

However, when Yasmin was sitting by his side while the others rested, she fed him a breakfast dish from her own culture that she had personally cooked. Something that Berengar he only recently became accustomed to. After all, when dealing with women from the backgrounds of royalty and nobility, it was not common for them to learn how to cook themselves.

Despite this, one of Yasmin\'s hobbies was cooking, and thus she was more than happy to prepare a meal for Berengar and his family. Berengar was pleased that the woman took the time and effort to cook her dishes; after all, he had always desired to eat a woman\'s home cooking in the previous life. Especially when one considered that he was primarily responsible for his own meals from a young age.

Thus he entertained the woman who spoonfed the dish into his mouth; after he had swallowed the food, the foreign beauty immediately grabbed a glass of fresh milk and pressed it to his lips allowing him to enjoy its cool sensation as it dripped down his throat. He was indeed in heaven at this moment. Truly, enjoying a hedonistic lifestyle at home was far better than living in the mud and blood of the trenches.

While this scene was underway, the sound of steps coming down the stairs could be heard before Berengar witnessed Adela entering the room with an excited expression on her face. She had smelled the food and greatly anticipated breakfast; however, when she gazed upon Berengar and his new bride, her expression sank.

As for Yasmin, she merely smiled politely as she continued to feed her husband. Not wanting to invoke Berengar\'s ire, Adela sat down at the opposite side of the table and crossed her arms in a fit of fury. She began to tap her foot on the floor as the Servant came over and gave her a cup of coffee and a portion of the food that had been prepared.

Before long, Linde and Honoria arrived and witnessed the scene. Unlike Adela, Linde had no intention of sitting by and pouting as she watched her new rival\'s actions; she immediately counterattacked as she began to defend her claim on her man.

Since the moment that Linde had first laid eyes on the Moorish beauty\'s mighty bosom, she had felt threatened. The second Queen refused to let a woman with a bigger bust steal her place as the favorite of the King\'s wives. Thus she began to give her husband a shoulder rub and a kiss on the lips as she greeted him.

"Good morning, master! Did you enjoy last night?"

Berengar had a smug smile on his face as he nodded his head before responding to his second wife.

"Of course I did. However, I am afraid I will be spent for a few days; you girls took all the life out of my body..."

Upon hearing this, Linde smirked at Yasmin as if she had accomplished some form of victory. However, Yasmin did not mind; instead, she noticed that Berengar\'s drink was close to being empty and immediately got up to pour him another glass. At this moment, Honoria had taken her chance to hop into Berengar\'s lap and make her demands.

"Daddy... Feed me!"

Upon seeing the cutesy expression on the Byzantine Princesses\' face, Berengar sighed before grabbing ahold of his fork and feeding the food upon it directly into his third wife\'s mouth. Before long, Yasmin returned and began doing the same for Berengar. Adela gazed upon the two women who were shamelessly mingling with the newest addition to Berengar\'s harem with a gawking expression.

Did they not already agree to treat her with hostility? Why were they not making Berengar suffer for bringing home yet another woman without notice? It was at this moment that it dawned upon her that she was sitting alone at the other edge of the table, along with the kids who were old enough to eat on their own while her husband enjoyed his time flirting with three other beauties.

However, despite suffering a loss and being betrayed by her sisters, Adela was ultimately a stubborn woman at heart. Since she had said she would treat Yasmin with hostility and make Berengar suffer for a few days, she would not abandon her principles and join the others to play with her man shamelessly.

At this moment, Henrietta came down the stairs with wet hair and wearing a silk robe that could barely contain her bust; it also showed off her long ivory legs perfectly. When Berengar noticed this, he was surprised; since when did his sister grow to such an extent?

Henrietta was seemingly unaware that her robe no longer fit her properly and sat down by her brother\'s side with a broad smile, showing off her substantial cleavage. During her brother\'s absence, the Austrian Princess had turned sixteen, and thus now that she was of age, she wanted to fulfill her promise to compete for her beloved big brother.

However, when she entered the scene to greet him, he was already surrounded by his wives, which inwardly frustrated her. Thus all she could manage to say as her brother stared at her inappropriate appearance with a complicated gaze was.

"Good morning, big brother!"

It took Berengar a few moments to break his gaze away from his own little sister\'s mature body; when he finally did, he was met with the stares of his women, who looked at him with angered expressions. Immediately a single thought came to his mind.

Oh, fuck! Did they notice me staring at Henrietta?

However, before he could finish this line of thought, Henrietta shifted her legs to a point where he could see her inner thighs; though her nether regions were not in full display, it was enough to force Berengar to avert his gaze.

Upon seeing that her seduction attempt had failed, Henrietta began to pout, though, after a few seconds, she began to smile once more; for now, it was enough knowing that her beloved big brother could look at her with such a lust-filled gaze. Adela was the first to speak about this absurd situation and immediately cleared her throat as she lectured Henrietta.

"My dear cousin, you are dressed in a rather unbecoming manner; why don\'t you go put on something more appropriate before you eat..."

Henrietta immediately wanted to protest this statement, but when she looked around, she immediately noticed the malevolent glares that were being cast her way from Berengar\'s wives. Thus she could not help but sigh as she got up from her seat and departed; she made sure to flaunt her plump ass as she walked up the stairs. Berengar looked for but a second before his chin was grabbed onto and forced into the sky blue eyes of Linde, who whispered something in his ear.

"Don\'t even think about tasting your flesh and blood, or we are all going to have a problem..."

Berengar\'s attention was immediately snapped back to reality as he realized the murderous glares he was receiving from all of his wives, including Yasmin. This was a point universally agreed upon by Berengar\'s harem; they would never allow him to taste the forbidden fruit that was his younger sister. Thus to ease tensions, Berengar began to break out into awkward laughter as he tried to deflect the issue.

"Me and Henrietta? It will never happen! You are all worrying too much! Do you think I\'m that kind of guy?"

All of his wives stared at him with deadpan expressions as they nodded their heads in unison when he said this. As if he could read all their minds, Berengar immediately knew they were thinking the same thing, and that was simply.

Do you even need to ask?

Shortly after that, Henrietta returned dressed in far more appropriate clothing, and the breakfast between the Royal Family of Austria continued as if that awkward display had never occurred in the first place. Berengar was certain that he needed to put an end to Henrietta\'s feelings quickly, or else he might fall prey to his darker instincts.


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