
Chapter 375: Fall of the Teutonic State

Chapter 375: Fall of the Teutonic State

Deep within the region known as Pomerania stood the last vestiges of the Teutonic State. For years they had given their all to hold out against the coalition forces of Poland-Lithuania, the various Rus states, and the Golden Horde.

In the Castle of Marienburg, also known as Malbork, the last surviving leaders of the Teutonic Order stood gathered around a table. Their expressions were grim as they came to a realization. The war was lost, and the tiny remaining territory they clutched to would soon fall to their enemies.

The armies of the German states were busily embroiled in a war with one another and could not assist the predominantly German Military Order. As such, they were left with one last option to ensure the survival of their Order, even if it went against every instinct they had as Catholics.

The current Grand Master was named Hennek von Rotenburg; he was a Count from lower Saxony who had dedicated his life to the Teutonic Order. If not for the crisis that the Order currently faced, he would have never risen to such a renowned position within it.

After the death of the previous Grand Master in defense of the easternmost portion of the Teutonic State, various men had risen to his position only to martyr themselves in the battle against the Order\'s enemies. Currently, the Teutonic Order was a Rump State holding on to a fraction of their former territory in the west.

One of his Commanders by the name of Ebert Reimers had just uttered the unthinkable, and as such, there was a stern expression on Hennek\'s face as he spoke the words on his mind.

"Can you repeat what you just said?"

The room was silent as the various heads of state glared at the man; despite this, he remained confident in his proposition and thus reuttered his plan without the slightest bit of hesitation in his voice.

"We should submit to the Kingdom of Austria and become reformists. King Berengar is the only one with the power and wealth to help us survive! If we were to be annexed by the Austrian Kingdom and convert to the German Reformation, our Order could very well survive!"

A year ago, if Ebert had suggested this, he would immediately be burned at stake. Yet, now circumstances were different. The Teutonic State was on the verge of collapse, and their enemies were at the gates. It was because of this that the various Heads of State entertained his proposition, even if none openly declared support.

To many of the members of the Teutonic Order, the Kingdom of Austria, and the German Reformation, which had spread like wildfire across the German States, was something that the Catholic Church could not prevail against. Its attempt to engage in a crusade against them was sure to end bloody.

As such, the room was in silence for several moments as every man present began to consider the option as a valid alternative; after all, if they continued as they were, the Teutonic Order would be annihilated. Despite this being their only chance to survive as a Chivalric Order, various council members were reluctant to accept such a proposition. Eventually, one man broke the silence.

"What you are saying is Heresy! If we submit ourselves to Austria and its so-called King, we will be forced to convert to the Berengar Heresy! As such, we will be full-fledged Heretics! I, for one, would rather die in battle against the enemies of the Church than convert to Heresy to save my skin!"

Three other men instantly nodded their heads in agreement with this assertion. It was becoming increasingly clear that the surviving leaders of the Teutonic Order were split on this issue. Other men immediately began to side with the Commander who had suggested the action.

"Our enemies are at the gates! If we do not submit to the Austrian Crown, we will be annihilated! This is the only way for our Order and centuries of tradition to survive!"

Instantly the chamber began to erupt in furious debate as the two sides began to bicker. The Grand Master watched with a wary expression as he saw what remained of his Order tearing itself apart. If things continued in such a manner, there would not be an order to preserve, for the members would have destroyed themselves in the face of extinction.? Ultimately the man sighed heavily as he came to a decision; after doing so, he yelled at the top of his lungs so that the foolish men around him would stop bickering.

"Silence! I have come to a decision!"

After saying this, the chamber became so quiet that not even a mouse could be heard scurrying in the background. All council members that made up the remaining leaders of the Order stared at Grand Master von Rotenburg with complicated expressions. What he said next would either save the Order or doom it to extinction. After gazing upon the men gathered before him, the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order made his decree.

"We will send word to King Berengar of Austria, informing him that we are willing to submit to his authority and be annexed by his Kingdom in exchange for protection against our enemies! Anything else can be left up to negotiations!"

The moment he said these words, the council was split in two. Many had a relieved expression, but others were scowling. Some even tore off their regalia and barged out of the room, signaling that they had abandoned the Order then and there. They would genuinely rather die than embrace any perceived heresy.

After making his declaration known to the surviving leaders of the Order, Hennek dismissed his council as they went about their business. Whether or not the Order would survive came down to the negotiations that he would personally make with King Berengar von Kufstein.

Eventually, only the Grand Master and the Commander who had suggested such a drastic course of action remained within the Council Chambers, where they began to speak in secrecy. Hennek proceeded to pour two chalices of wine before handing one over to the Ebert. As he did so, he began to thank the man.

"My friend, I thank you for presenting this argument to the Council on my behalf; if I had been the one to say it, then we would truly be doomed as a brotherhood..."

After saying this, he took a swig from his chalice while the Commander did the same. After wiping his mouth with his sleeve, Ebert began to question their next course of action.

"So what now? Surely half of the Order will defect because of this announcement!"

The Grand Master spat on the floor before expressing his discontent with the fanatics among their ranks.

"Let those Catholic Bastards run away to their deaths. The German Reformation is not just about the accurate representation of the word of Christ; it is about something far grander. The German Reformation is about unifying the German people under one religion and one Empire. Make no mistake, we are a German Order, and a new Empire is rising in Austria.

The days of the Holy Roman Empire and the dominance of the Catholic Church are coming to an end. In its place, a German Empire will rise that will dominate the politics of our world for centuries to come. This is not the end of our Order; instead, it is the dawn of a new golden era! Besides, I think you are underestimating how many of our brothers have been reading Ludolf\'s thesis in secret."

A grin appeared on the Ebert\'s face as he heard this; after a while, he broke his silence on the matter and asked the next question on his mind.

"So you will be going to Kufstein then?"

The Grand Master nodded in response to this. After doing so, he approached Ebert and laid a hand upon his shoulder before whispering to him.

"Indeed, while I am away, I am going to need you to oversee the transition here in Marienburg. Hold the line, and make sure the Catholics among our ranks don\'t do anything foolish that will jeopardize our annexation."

After hearing his orders, the Commander nodded his head before responding affirmatively.

"You can rest easy; the Order will be in good hands. I will make sure that we have a peaceful and stable transition while you are away!"

After hearing this, Hennek smiled before finishing the rest of his wine. After doing so, he departed from the council chambers, leaving behind one final phrase to his Commander Ebert, who would be in charge of the Teutonic Order while he was away.

"I have faith in your abilities, my friend, do not disappoint me!"

With this said, a letter was drafted and sent to Kufstein informing Berengar of the Teutonic Order\'s intentions. The Teutonic Order that had stood for centuries and was a symbol of German Nationalism in Berengar\'s previous life was at the precipice. It was now up to the young King of Austria\'s whim as to whether or not they would survive.


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