
Chapter 342: Aggressive Negotiations with the Byzantine Emperor

Chapter 342: Aggressive Negotiations with the Byzantine Emperor

Berengar stared down Vetranis with a gaze of utter confidence; the Byzantine Emperor was visibly shaking from the rage building up within himself. This minor nobleman from the west who had risen to the status of a King had won his only daughter\'s heart and most likely taken her virtue with it. This was a massive blow to the prestige of the Byzantine Imperial Family; after all, Berengar may be the most powerful man in Europe at the moment, but he was still of a lesser pedigree.

As such, those who had come from dynasties that had ruled over Kingdoms and Empires for centuries still tended to look down upon him as nothing more than an upstart. Vetranis was one of these men. Austria may be exceptionally wealthy and hold supreme martial power compared to its neighbors, but it was a rising star.

Meanwhile, Constantinople had been the gem of the east since the days of Rome. Such past glories blinded Vetranis with hubris when dealing with this upstart King of the West. Especially when considering this young monarch had just blatantly stated he wanted to take Honoria as his third wife.

Vetranis gazed at his errant daughter\'s flushed appearance as the girl heard Berengar\'s words, and noticed that Honoria was utterly entranced with the Austrian King. To think that his daughter would fall head over heels for a filthy German was an insult to the Emperor\'s allegedly pure Roman heritage.

The German States had come a long way in terms of advancement and civilization since the days of their barbarian ancestors. Despite this, the stigma surrounding the Germans as savage and brutal people never entirely faded from the perspective of the Byzantines.

After all, the Greco-Roman population of the Eastern Empire still claimed a lineage to the Ancient Romans, or at the very least, the nobility did so. With all of this in mind, the Emperor nearly erupted at Berengar and his claims; however, Vetranis choked back his anger and behaved with semi-civil conduct as he addressed Berengar\'s conditions.

"Bah, you think you can marry my daughter as your third wife? I know you may not be Catholic, but surely the German Reformation does not allow polygamy!?!"

In response to this, the smug grin on Berengar\'s face failed to vanish as he boldly addressed the Emperor\'s first point of contention.

"The German Reformation and its adherents believe what I tell them to believe. If you were to actually study the word of God, and go back to the Old Testament, then you would see proof of polygamy as a common practice among the Heavenly Father\'s most favored children. As for the new testament, only a few verses mention polygamy, and it is strictly regarding members of the clergy.

As for whether or not is it is culturally compatible with the German way of life, the ancestors of my people practiced polygamy in a limited capacity. Usually, it was only men of great status who took multiple wives, but we live in different times, and I see no reason a common man cannot take up more than one bride if he can provide for them and his children with them."

Vetranis did not know how to refute Berengar\'s claims when it came to his arguments; he was neither a biblical scholar nor a historian capable of presenting counter-evidence. As such, he merely resorted to childish insults in regards to Berengar\'s heritage.

"Your ancestors were nothing more than filthy barbarians!"

When Honoria heard this, she frowned before commenting on her father\'s rude remarks.

"Father! How-"

However, before she could finish her statement, Berengar smiled cruelly and responded with a witty retort.

"And your ancestors were a bunch of wicked degenerates, but I suppose both of our people have come a long way in terms of civilization. I would ask you to refrain from insulting my heritage. After all, soon enough, your grandchildren will share it."

Vetranis nearly snapped when he heard the last part of Berengar\'s remark. However, the mysterious nobleman nearby attempted to calm the Emperor\'s nerves as he whispered in his ear some words that only the two men could hear. After hearing the advice of his minister, Vetranis calmly responded to Berengar\'c claims with a forced smile on his face.

"You truly believe that, don\'t you?"

The smug grin spread across Berengar\'s face never faded, as it only increased in size every time he heard the Emperor speak, this did not go unnoticed by his guests, and it only acted as a means to stoke the fire in Vetranis\' heart.

Berengar did not respond to this question, at least not verbally; he merely nodded his head in silence, knowing that such an action would further provoke the Emperor. His assumptions proved correct as Vetranis practically had steam coming out of his ears as he continued to press Berengar on his claims.

"Tell me, King Berengar, why are you so positive that I will agree to allow you to marry my daughter?"

In response to this, Berengar raised four of his fingers before calmly responding to the Emperor\'s question.

"There are four reasons why I know for a fact that you will wed your daughter to me. Firstly, now that your alliance with France has faltered due to Honoria\'s disappearance, you need a powerful ally to the west. I can provide a far more stable alliance than my pathetic neighbor to the west.

Secondly, I have already taken your daughter\'s chastity, which means finding an alternative option for her to marry will be nigh impossible, especially when your other options hear that it is the mighty King Berengar who has taken the girl\'s first time.

Thirdly, you do not have the power to compel me to give her up, and I am more than willing to wage war for her hand in marriage, but of course, that would be my last option, and I would greatly prefer a peacefully alternative."

After saying this, silence prevailed in the room; the only sound that could be heard was the grinding of the Emperor\'s teeth as he struggled to come to terms with Berengar\'s words. It was only after a few moments where the minister who had accompanied Vetranis spoke up on the matter.

"You mention four reasons for why the Emperor will give in to your demands; what is the final one?"

In response to this, Berengar\'s smile finally disappeared as a grave expression appeared across his pristine face. As he did so, an oppressive aura filled the room as Berengar spoke with the authority of a Tyrant.

"Lastly, you owe me a substantial debt, one that would be difficult to pay even with your newly acquired territory. I would be more than happy to forgive a sizable portion of that account in return for the Princess\'s hand in marriage. You can consider it the bride price."

When the minister heard this last remark, he knew that Berengar had negotiated his terms masterfully; the young monarch had started with three solid, albeit harsh justifications for why he would get his way, only to end with an option that greatly favored the other party.

As such, the mysterious minister began to whisper his council into the Emperor\'s ear. A marriage with Honoria greatly favored the minister\'s faction and was one of their most important goals. He could consider it the fortune of heaven for himself being picked to accompany the Emperor on this journey to Kufstein.

As such, he did everything he could to convince the Emperor to accept Berengar\'s terms, especially since Berengar was using debt-trap diplomacy to seal the deal.? The Emperor and his minister conversed in hushed tones for several minutes until they finally returned to the negotiating table, where Berengar and Honoria sat in silence. The Emperor made one final demand before ending the negotiations.

"It would appear that you have made a convincing argument; my minister seems to support your decision. However, I have a single point of contention that I think needs to be addressed. My daughter is an Imperial Princess, while your other brides-to-be are far lower ranked in the noble hierarchy. Make my daughter your first wife and the lawful Queen of Austria, and I will accept your demands."

The Emperor saw this as a reasonable request and did not expect Berengar to refuse. However, as Berengar had stated, he held all the cards in this negotiation, and he would not relent on the issue.

"I refuse... Honoria will be my third wife, and that is final."

Vetranis nearly jumped out of his seat as he heard such a brash remark. However, he looked over at his minister\'s gaze before gritting his teeth and asking politely why Berengar would refuse such a demand.

"Why? It is a perfectly reasonable request!"

Berengar merely chuckled as he allowed Honoria to speak for the first time in the negotiation.

"Ask your daughter how she feels about ruling as the primary Queen of Austria..."

When Vetranis looked over at Honoria, he was surprised to see she was completely unphased by Berengar\'s remarks. As such, Honoria expressed her desires to her father openly and clearly.

"I have no intention to rule as the High Queen beside Berengar. It is a task I am not suited to; Adela is a far better candidate for such a position. Berengar has given me the freedom to live my life as I see fit, and the affairs of the court are dreadful, to say the least."

Before Vetranis could respond, Berengar opted to inform Vetranis of the format he had decided to make for his polygamous structure.

"Your daughter will have the official title of Queen, which means she is a secondary wife. There will only be one High Queen of Austria who rules by my side, and that is my fiancee Adela von Graz. In exchange for this, I offer a matrilineal marriage so that Honoria\'s children are members of your dynasty.

An alliance will be established between our two Realms, one that I am sure will last the test of time, and I am willing to absolve you and your Empire of 75% of its debt. As for the payment of the remainder 25%, it can be negotiated at a later date.

So what do you say? Do you agree to my terms?"

Vetranis asked Honoria one last question to his only daughter before coming to a decision.

"Is this really what you want, Honoria?"

In response to this, Honoria nodded her head with a beautiful smile on her face before answering her father\'s inquiry.

"More than anything!"

The Emperor sighed heavily before nodding his head.

"Very well. I agree to betrothed my daughter to you, King Berengar; you have truly left me with no other option. I must say, you truly know how to get what you want..."

Berengar responded to the Emperor\'s words with a genuine smile on his face.

"Thank you, Emperor Vetranis, or should I call you father-in-law?"

However, Vetranis shook his head and stood up when he heard this. He said one final word before departing the room.

"That wasn\'t meant to be a compliment..."

After saying this, Vetranis left his daughter and her new fiance alone in the room; he had a massive headache after the aggressive negotiations he had just dealt with. As for Berengar, he immediately began to make out with Honoria after her father left. What the two would get up two while alone in the Royal Palace\'s study only they would know.


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